2019年6月3日 星期一


This morning around 6:00 a.m. , we heard NASA. yelled to us,

Our Oxgyen meter says”0”. It means we need O2 immediately,

if not, next second, we’re going to die.

And we hear Big Cloud Buddha take the second step is:

“To make all Heaven Scients all become wind scients, to

blow the whole earth wind, within one hour” 

After 3 minutes, NASA say the meters says”6”. After 50 minutes, NASA says Big Cloud Buddha request is correct. The meter is“60” it’s back. but request keep on.

The report from 33 Heaven even emergency, in the universe 

already out of O2 (Oxygen) two minutes. They need help urgent. And 33 Heaven find my separate body, she’s weak, cannot move. 

Sit in the center, Big Cloud Buddha true body find she got strength, ask one body to replace her seat however, she’s stick after a few days ago. After, she try to cancel the stick to move one body? It works.

Now, Big Cloud Buddha33 Heaven true body  try to take several 兆scient To help the universe. She flied into the Universe to help each galaxy, it took her several days to come back. She said it’s a different experience.

The same condition happened again, and Big Cloud Buddha took the record printed on Blog, to do it again. NASA do prove it works as predicted. It really a good helpful record. And we use it to apply a Certificate
for Big Cloud Buddha for her achievement.

