2019年6月18日 星期二

Shakymuni “Empty” Stage II

On Sep 31, or Oct 01, 2018

After Big Cloud Buddha taught the whole earth so many good teaching, let the earth accept Big Cloud Buddha to be Buddha.

Shakymuni at this moment, through my teaching to talk about his idea to the human and floating in the air, reached the Fourth Stage Heaven, spoke with God Christ. All of sudden, God Christ became Air,and also Israel God Mohammed all the same. They all belonged to Shakymuni different Generation to be God.

Scholars at that moment discussed with Shakymuni what is 成,住。壞,空 ( Stay, Finish, Broken,
Empty) his theory. And in the meanwhile Yatsutolo spoke with the earth, after counting over 600
Generation of me, stayed in Eighth Stage Heaven. And spoke carefully to describe about Shakymuni
Part History. However, it’s useless. Shakymuni became Air cannot stop. All his Generation all cannot stop. All of sudden, one by one. From God Christ to God Mohammed in the Heaven, and God SungZenGenBu in the hell, all became Ghost Air so fast all the same. We cannot count how many of his Generation all fell to the ground became Air, originally, they stayed in different Heaven Stage to be Heaven God or Heaven People. This was what we said “Empty” Stage, it is true.

This was record by Big Cloud Buddha.

All Copy right reserved.

