2024年5月23日 星期四

宗教話題.大雲佛回應352封宗教相關問題 PLUS TRANSLATION


大雲佛回應 352 封信函詢問相關問題




藏傳佛教已經在 2015.6.30達賴喇嘛出車禍往生後,沒有留下一句再來與否的留言。仁波切及喇嘛也沒有一句就通通走了。現在台灣的78中心空盪盪沒有一人,因為徒弟都走了。



然後在2009年建立禪天西方極樂世界或稱天堂時刻。同時建立地獄。所以建立好旁生地獄。直到2011年才將所有聚集在 9億層地獄的大眾通通送往旁生地獄。那是永無出期的地方。




藏傳佛教已經在 2015.6.30達賴喇嘛出車禍往生後,沒有留下一句再來與否的留言。仁波切及喇嘛也沒有一句就通通走了。現在台灣的78中心空盪盪沒有一人,因為徒弟都走了。


。並意圖騙取在達蘭莎拉的大筆捐款,每年20億美金做私人用途。但幾乎都投入塑膠類工廠。共計3家,死了9 個都是消防員 。這些都是有憑有據,這是桃園市長張善政說的。每隔1年10個月必定發生火災。這是很恐怖的事件。請不要小看。






Re.回應大雲佛. 來自桃園市長 2024.05.22 大雲佛 我是桃園市長張善政, 你真的很厲害。 我沒看過這麼厲害的人,就三言兩語就打敗一個人,你就是,而且不只一個,很多個,包括達賴喇嘛,通通在內。你真的是武林高手,我佩服。 張善政
















BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION: 桃園連燒5天消防隊員住院探望及救急及買消防救火衣事宜 https://shakespate.blogspot.com/2022/12/5.html?spref=tw







董事長 廖嘉那




Please do not choose Tibet Religion. Only when I am worthy to have the body that I ever worked hard.

In Tibet Religion, after the Dalai Lama passed away in a car accident on June 30, 2015, he did not leave a message whether he would come back or not. Rinpoche and the Lama left without saying a word. Now the 78 Religion Center in Taiwan is empty because all the disciples have left.

The people in the Tibet Side hell are all the original disciples of Rinpoche and Lamas, and were sentenced to 900 million Hells after death. If they confess that they are Tibet Religion disciples then they would sentensed to that place.

In 2009 the Zen Heaven.West World was established moment. in the meanwhile building Hell. So that establish the Side Hell. It was not until 2011 that all the disciples gathered in the 900 million Hell were sent to the Side hells. That's a place that never return or come out.

Disciples of Tibet Religion either go to the 18th level of Hell or to the Side hell. Otherwise it's a Hell of Beast.

Please do not choose Tibet Religion. Only when I am worthy to have the body that I ever worked hard.

In Tibet Religion, after the Dalai Lama passed away in a car accident on June 30, 2015, he did not leave a message whether he would come back or not. Rinpoche and the Lama left without saying a word. Now the 78 Religion Center in Taiwan is empty because all the disciples have left.

So please don’t let the 78 Tibet religion Center be used to do anything

what you called Wang Xuehua, chairman of the Dalai Lama Foundation. 

Often use it to cheat Taiwan people who have no idea of religious background and join in any affairs they apply for.

And intends to wire big donations from Dharamshala, 2 billion U.S. dollars every year, for Foundation personal usage. But almost all of them are invested in Plastic Factories. There were 3 cases in total, and 9 people died, all of them were Firefighters. These are all truth, this is what Taoyuan City Mayor Chang Shan Cheng said. Fires are bound to occur every 1 year and 10 months. This is a terrible incident. Please don't underestimate it.

So please stop Wang Xuehua from using the name of religion to do anything as to wire money and gather Human

Resources.She intends to gather many people to calculate the number of Mazu believers, and seeks to pile up herself as a colleague of religious line of business.

There are attempts to apply for many Tibet religion Centers to be turned into Temples name. The intention is to overwhelm the OTHER Temple with a large number of Temples. What a ridiculous thing is whoever originally had nothing to do with religion field will become colleagues as fast as they step into Religion. This really makes people wonder how much fame and fortune they want to earn behind the scenes.

Please pay attention to Wang Xuehua’s motives and purposes.

Please protect the local cultural characteristics and don't let it get lost. That would be a pity. How many tourists come here every year to participate in the Mazu circumambulation. This is a unique local product of Taiwan. Only by not abandoning the cultural color of the Temple itself can we preserve Taiwan. If you love Taiwan, you must care about the affairs of our hometown in Taiwan. Don’t forget it.


Response after reading.


Big Cloud Buddha

I am Taoyuan City Mayor Chang Shan Cheng,

You are really awesome.

I have never seen such a powerful person defeat someone with just a few words. You are the one, and not just one, but many, including

Dalai Lama. You are really a martial arts Master, I admire you.

Chang Shan Cheng

