2023年8月7日 星期一



On  2023/08/07 18:56p.m.

Italy President Sergio Mattarella 塞爾焦·馬達雷拉 jump into one deep darkness place. We cannot see any light from that dark place. And he all of sudden jump in. And his last sentence was' I won't come back'.

What's wrong?

The scene was he plan to influence the Earth area because of this action. At that moment, he practiced with America businessman Musk and a group of Witch total figure 777. They plan to hurt the Earth to close into deepest darkness place. In order to make people knew Musk and President can work together for some action. But failed. Just few seconds then be closed by Big Cloud Buddha used buddhadharma CLOTH 

to close one the specific spot area. And written ' Done'.

And from then on Italy President Sergio Mattarella

塞爾焦·馬達雷拉 never came back and cannot speak any more. Because its was too far. As predict it was 55,555 meter deep. And after check the voice from Hell God was as


President Sergio Mattarella


You be sentensed to stay in 55,555 meter place over 630 years. And repeat 3 times.

And We heard President

Sergio Mattarella

 塞爾焦·馬達雷拉responsed  say ' YES'. And later printed in Hell God book. And everything just as what we saw. And happened. And closed. 

This is the announcement to all.

We cannot changed. Just accepted. That's it. 

We had to report to Italy Government the above News. 

Wish everything be accepted by Italy Citizen.

