2022年12月12日 星期一



,在初果天居禮夫人的協助下找到用擋住 X光輻射用途的製造公司,在與大雲佛雙方合作下,共同研發出可以用於擋住核電周圍的幅射,大略的包圍住。此項發明申請專利。而且得到10位立委的協助共同為大雲佛出力協辦成功,真是感激。

Lyrical Structure Corporation And BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha 聯合申請專利apply for patent In Georgia States to pass every steps And to have Taiwan Legistative Yuan 
10 Legistatives cooperative to sign name to pass the application. It's an honor to say thank you for their cooperation for this application. That's why we agree to donate every year to donate each 10 Legistative 12,000 for their bouns from our appreciation. This last for 500 years as our Patent year.

And Big Cloud Buddha had a promise to provide 10 Legistative 100,000 the first year. And Yu Tien except each year 12,000. The first 3 years. Each year to add 200,000. That's it.

And also set one Appreciation Award to write down this process. Their name all from the First one Legistative Yu,Tien 余天,under his kind assistance with other 9 Legistatives sign in one Application to pass a very strict restriction from recent President Tasi. To restrict Jana Liao cannot use her ID number freely. Without their good and prompt help cannot open this restriction. That's why had this appreciation from.
Below is the other nine Legistatives name: 

Why had this Patent ?

It's from BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha concern about the Earth people Nuclear Electricity Plant usage to have some of radiant left behind in human body. To create in human body all kind off different diseases. That's why she invited 1st Fruit Heaven Madam Curis to down to find the solution. For she knew that Madam Curis

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