2022年10月12日 星期三

Australia Wood Fire Case


Australia Wood Fire Case


date: 2022.10.12

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation 
President Big Cloud Buddha
Nationality: Taiwan.
Age: 63
Education: Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University, German Department graduated
Expert in:
1. Buddhism Religion Ceremony Host
2. New Buddhism Theory teaching.
3. Earth Climate changes 
4. Stop COVID-19 "Alfa' ' Delta' 'Omicron'  to hurt human, to find medicine to cure.
5. New Born Baby within 2021-2022 in Nursery Room case
6. Religion illness doctor
Connect method:
cell: 886-963-765-222
phone: 886-2-2394-1232
WHO Chairman
Dr.Tedros Adhanom.Ghebreyesus
Unitedp Nation
Mr. Scott Genorado


Please have those Station Fireman to find startfire places to each search 3 points & also related town . And Collect information to report to Australia University Language Department Dr.Goods

for him to organize all. And await BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Big Cloud Buddha to have the last decision.


  1. Molly

  2. Good Stuhe(\/)

  3. Ueste India

  4. Goods Style(\/)

  5. Jolly 


     1.Good Jolly(\/)

     2. Settle Jolly( Seattle Jolly)

     3. Good Sue

     4. Joly God.

(\/) place suggest to have Extinguish Smoke equipment. For I found those place happened 9 times Wood Fire, it did done by 3 Smoker people. They did not extinguished cigarette tails

And dropped it on Wood area that caused Wood Fire Cases. Total 11 times. Include 9 times all the same reason.And these 9 times simply becaus0e of human poor habit to caused, see how pity. So that Big Cloud Buddha suggest to order some Extinguish Smoke Equipmebt, to encourage those (\/) mark place to remind that people. To act the correct action. To forbid the Wood Fire.

Now , Big Cloud Buddha choose 3 kinds of Extinguish Equipment and suggest to put them in Australia Supermarket for Smoker to pick up one , their favorite one and style. To put in one Box to collect , which one they like. And after 2 weeks later, count those paper, figure biggest one style, it's what we choose. Do not forget this Activity is BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation to Forbid Wood Fire Action " to welcome Smoker to pick up one their Favorite Extinguisher Equipment. 

Please take one yellow paper to put into Specific Box. We also welcome Citizen joined to choose 

Then, when they got into Wood Area. Cannot help to smoke. At last they will remember to extinguish it. For they join this option already. They got that memory. Then, it would be natural reduce Wood Fire figure. 


This is the OPTION ONE Report.

For Australia is a Big Country, and seperate into 9 Wood Area. 

If according to our expectation,

I think Protectors information is to wish pile up through Station Fireman startfire point figure. To see how's the concentration figure fall on which places. Then, we can work on which Wood Area. To check what's wrong behind that. That's why we need Fireman pile up their figure within 2020-2022 from Jan to Dec. If we had research basis, then we can had correct direction to find to the correct reason. Even , caught the Wood Fire Habit Criminal. We wish he would show up by himself in a natural way. 

Attached original mail Professor information: 

Because of according to Report from Protectors: 

If later it match Professors your collect report, then it will be true


For they found 9 Place Wood Fire startfire reason all from manual poor habit.: to drop of the undistinguished fire to caused. That's the reason why, Big Cloud Buddha suggestion to set some extinguish smoke plate equiptment for them to use. It's best tool to use.

Here I found on website you may suggest Australia Government to choose: 

1.Type one 






2.Type 2




3. Type 3

See Professor collect information 


Extinguish power( white color)

No smell


1box/100 pc/NT$1,000


Extinguish power ( green color)

With no smell plus fragrant flower 



1box/100 pc/ NT$900

Australia Wood Fire Case


date: 2022.10.22

Reporter: BCBF Big Cloud. Buddha Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha 


Since we found that Australia Wood Fire caused reason 80% all from man left cigarette forgot to extinguish the last burn light on the cap. So that Big Cloud Buddha suggested 2 kinds of method that introduce to Australia

Prime Mr. Goodison to teach  your Citizen for them to forbid to make the same Errors again. 

  1. Ashtray

  1. Step on the feet to extinguish 

  2. In the Forest, to use bamboo made blasket with polybag to get the cigarette cap after extinguished it. easy to collect and clean it out from forest.

Ashtray, is to teach in the Elementary School for kids to encourage their parents 

to extinguish their smoke cigarette caps at home. That can make the kids know how to closer to parents have different habit. Help to accept each other. Including in outside of some place without any ashtray, if they not ready extinguish cigarette cap, then step on their feet to extinguish , also is another good method. That would less cause people keep breath in the 2nd hands Cigarette smoke environment. If somebody left forgot to extinguish it. That's why to know how to build up a good habit to extinguish Cigarette cap is a very useful method. Not only protect the environment forbid had dangous situation happen, also can forbid for other people to smoke66 in 2nd hands smoke cigarette.

Whenever you get used to extinguish your cigarette cap , then the Wood Fire can be reduced at least 50% down from the original. For Citizen already had taught to get rid of this kinds of poor habit. If not, it would cause Wood Fire in the Forest.  No matter what kind of citizen saw whoever had smoked not extinguished his cigarette caps and away. He would be blamed to came back to do it well. So that he can away. I believe if everyone all can had a good habit in smoking cigarette then Australia Country can away from Wood Fire any more.


To teach Citizen to have a good habit then can forbid Wood Fire, its. A very Cheap and Useful Method on the World.  Wish Mr. Goodison ,

You'll be successful in everyAspect.

