2022年3月21日 星期一

What Taiwan Face Disaster

Below is one Business mail to

Australia today. Regarding

Taiwan Plant & Factory electricity Capability, and

Appreciate our friendship

within Australia & Taiwan

to hand in our risky case.

I'm very happy to advice you we did a good job in Taiwan whole island plant and factory issue. If not, we probably faced whole island in equipment fire that kinds of helpless cases.

We saved them all applicants in their 

equiptment parts. For our Tai Fire just catch up their usage of electricity quantity. And the Tai Power admitted their quality few days ago from 50% depressed to 30%. It's so risky. Without Australia Prime Minister Mr.Morrison so emergency shipment 300 Ton Coal for our Taiwan Urgent usage. Then we cannot have these kind of good records. Thank you. Our precious friendship in business field so lucky and happy. That's the point will catch up the time to save whole Taiwan island plant and factory electricity usage.  

Taiwan never so lucky before to have so urgent help can catch up the necessary needs. Please pass this message to say our appreciation to Prime Minister, his kind and concern about our situation. If not, we real hand up only. We do appreciate your good helper in this times good records building.

We don't know how to say our relationship how precious. Because your selling Coal price just US$1,000. and as we know, other Country price all had to pay US$100,000. Besides, this time real emergency. You kept asking how many? And did hear 300 Ton. And the shipment real arrival 300 Ton. That's a good relationship sign.

This times I real keep my good execution in introduction Australia Coal is correct.Big Cloud Buddha point of view is good. For. Big Cloud Buddha had a good eyes on Australia Coal quality. For. Big Cloud Buddha found its from natural form outsides of Coal. Not inner hell Coal. The quality basically already are different. No wonder there's No PM 2.5 problem at all. And Big Cloud Buddha insist to introduce to whole Earth. It's correct. All Fire Car family to say  "thank you" We all know without Yours Prime Minister big hands and urgent hands in, then we cannot catch up so prompt on time. Thank you, So precious concern and love . We don't know how to use our words to express our appreciation. So wish in the near future we will come in person whole family to express our Country appreciation. To give the Best Gift "Heart Sutra" as what Prime Minister like. We wish Manager you won't mind that whole mail all only written about Prime Minister appreciation only. 

That's it.  

Purchase Order

Order for: Australia Coal

Customer: Taiwan representative BCBF 

Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

President Big Cloud Buddha

Products: COAL

Quantity:  300 Ton

Price:       US$ 1,000

Total:    US$300,000

Payment will be prepaid by 

United Nation Georgia Bank

from BCBF Big Cloud Buddha 

Foundation sponsor done first.

And later, Taiwan Government will paid back to BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation in Taiwan Foreign Exchange Account.    


Arrival day: Mar 18,2022

In Kaoshiung port No.1

Stock house No.16

Total Q'ty: 300 Ton.

We wish this is A Citizen stand on concern of TAIWAN whole lsand situation .

We wish Government don't forget to appreciate we are a United Nation NGO Organization.

We decide to thank forAustralia Prime Minister Mr. Morrison to have special Gift "  Big Cloud Buddha translated "Heart Sutra'

That's why to make Big Cloud Buddha to do this job well. It"s naturally.

Execution result:

To pay US$1,000 only 100Ton

Other 200 Ton paid US$100,000 as others Country.

And the Government plan to steal Big Cloud Buddha gift 

in very strange way. Unsuccessful. Besides, spread her temper to the 6 wheels from Chan Lan hands. We don't know what we are. Why had to do so good job to Taiwan?

Unnecessary At All.

