2022年1月21日 星期五

Russia & Ukraine Case Part ii

 Subject: Russia & Ukraine Case Part ii

Russia Arms Ukraine Case

               Newest sitiation

Report from

Honorable Master Big Cloud Buddha

BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President

& New Buddhism Founder

Age: 64 

Education: Fu Jen University 

   .                German Department

Nationality: Taiwan

In Jan 15,2022 After Russia Puti sign the. Agreement Contract with Ukraine New Politic party Chairman Dr. George Still. And The third party were NATO, Big Cloud Buddha And also NBC TV Reporter Mr.ZuSuShi Goods. We all sign our name in the Agreement Contract . This document we take it as Official Document. 

But Russia seemed not satisfied with some condition that's written in it. He would like to use his Tank to show his opinion instead of other action. This already 2 days. From Jan 16-17,2022

He like to combined with Two Country Lands within 1 year 12 months, instead 4 years written suggested in Agreement Contract.

That's why Big Cloud Buddha through one Poll Research Report to know how's Ukraine Citizen opinion. And also written NATO thinking.

Below is these Poll question:

1.To be with Russia is safe or not?

     40% safe 60% hurt

2.Do you want to combine with Russia 

    now, if they use violence?

    30% accept, 70% against

3.Do you think Dr. George Still good.   

   enough to be Politic Party Leader?Good? 

  60% good 40% average

4.Do you like NATO represent the

   third party , to help the Russia and 

   Ukraine to be bridge?

   40% OK 20% Big Cloud Buddha 


5. Do you scare if war raise again? 

    Russia tanks reach your land? 

    50% scare 20% against to 


   30% young generation stand on 

    themselves don't agree to fight.

6. Do you agree Russia Puti should 

    follow the Agreement Contract to

do his action? If not ,why he had 

    to sign the Agreement 2 times? 

    100% agree

7. Russia Puti made his plan to make 

    Ukraine land one time to use the 

    map to take all Ukraine land 

    to be Russia. instead of usual plan 4 

    years 4 times? 

     How do you think of him? Mad with 

     him? Or happy to kept him

    100%mad with him.

8.when you mad with him, what will 

    you do?

    Against him? 30%

    Negotiate with him?70%

9.Do you think Ukraine can succeed to 

   combine with Russia?

   Positive 30%

   Negative 50 %

   Unknown 20%

10. How long do you expect Ukraine 

      case with Russia attack can all 


     Within one month 20%

     Within 3 months 50%

     Within 6. Months 2%

That's it.


In Taipei. Taiwan.

Execution Result:01-20-2022 

Russia +  Ukraine.  

=  New Russia 

After negotiation with both sides of Ukraine and Russia, they all agree to accept what Russia Puti suggest in one year 12 months later, Ukraine map become Russia part of it.It meant from Jan 20, 2022- Jan 20, 2023. And after this day Ukraine is part of Russia.(1/19/2022)

Russia reduce Bulletins it's improved . At least.(1/20/2022)

Through Big Cloud Buddha observation, why I chose to use Poll Research to show Ukraine Citizen Heart and thinking. All from below several point :

1. Climate reason: Both Country all close to North.

Pole , their weather temperature all frozen. In

winter over 3 months all covered in Snow. How

to find another Country People would like to

stay here together. If they don't get used to this

cold weather. So up to North Polar Circle

place.rare people can get used to these kind of.

weather. And Ukraine and Russia they both all

close this area.  To live together, it's quite


2. Weather the same, solid land also the same,

products: oil. And Natural Gas.That made them


3. Culture same: 70% Ukraine Citizen accept

Russia language.according to last times poll

Research background,  They used language in

daily life is Russia language . then, Puti how to

abandon of them to use gun to treat them

unnice. that won't  be too horrible. so similar

Citizen to Your Russia ones. I heard that's true.

So, try to not use gun to resolve well. 

4. Meal taste same. They like food excellent.in

spicy, hot because of cold weather, That can

keep their body warm.

5. Ukraine Citizen keep speak with every place

they meet one great helper, Buddha.. To

express , Russia and Ukraine is near close to

the same Race. Why had to seperate? Why had

to used gun? Why not try to make two Country

work together? It's a good chance to have one

person - Big Cloud Buddha know us so well,

never abandon to speak for us. Thank you. We

respect you. Wish you succeed in every

place.one great helper. Big Cloud Buddha.

Wish these several points can make America President Biden received and understand the 2 County specific situation here. To realize of course to change his negotiate way become friendly to Russia Puti, to ask him : Is that possible without bulletin, gun or tank can win Ukraine on your hands? Of course, then Celebrate instead of War.

? Two Country just through historical reason seperate,  because of Soviet CCCP.  Now just the good timing to work together again! Just Accept them each other. To be Nice to their Leader. Wish him to announce to their Citizens. Let's come out to say to tank soldiers, We are your Country Citizen in 2023.Don't ever to use gun or cannon to use. Just ask your superior to ship your tank back. We will accept your Country policy. Pay Your Tax. Work as your Citizen.

Execution Process

1.Jan 08,2022

Russia Puti and Ukraine President John Steve

signed the Agreement Contract within 4 years to get Ukraine land. The third Party were: NATO

Dr. Stood. and NBC TV Telotter Mr. Goods. And Also Big Cloud Buddha.

2.Jan 09, 2022

Russia attacked Ukraine. Althrough he signed some paper. This is first time attacked to cause over 4 000.persons dead

3. Jan 11,2022.

Big Cloud Buddha help to negotiate with the important part of details. For President hided his face, and welcome spoke his own opinion. Including type in Poll Research Report name And title. He said he's Representative.And only told me this insisted transferred land within 4 years. But how to execute it. He didn't know.And I found if he wanted to make Ukraine combined with Russia. Then he needed to change his title. So that I suggested.to choose to be chairman of Politic Party?

4. Jan 19 ,2022

Ukraine President Mr. & Mrs. John Steve were push to suicide themself by Russia Puti.

5. Jan 20, 2022

One person Big Cloud Buddha pick up all of sudden, he is Dr. George Still. He is Lion Club 300 Head Chief President. And also and Protroleum. Corporation President. He's a successful businessman.

Sign 2 times Agreement Contract , and Contract signitute had: Russia Puti. Chairman Dr. George Still. And the Third Party : NATO Dr. Stood.NBC Mr. Goods. Big Cloud Buddha

6. Jan 21, 2022

Dr. Still at night be lock in Russia Puti hands.

Keep asking him , ".marry me or dead?" " 1 year?"

-Report End.




