2021年8月19日 星期四

New Buddhism New Knowledge II


Soul unchanged. Rule


Just change one different coat


That's what we heard for such a

long time.


However, now we only heard 


through Big Cloud Buddha 



And told us very clean and clear definitely


The Coat is animal, or insect, or



Soul be covered inside


Then, it's what it look like.


NTU Professor Chen Shi Liang


After heard Big Cloud Buddha 


New Set Rule written feeling.

Soul Rule Never Changes

This is what we heard But we only heard, nobody certified it.Now even certified by BigCloud Buddha,

Besides, frankly speaking Soul body covered by Human look, Animal look ,Insect look.Then you're what you look like.

-Dalwin in Big Cloud Buddha pen written


Copy Right Reserved

This is previous theory about teaching, now discuss in another way.

Why we had to appreciate parents? For all creature all through parents to get our Coat

or we so called meat body. That's to make all creature all get cover. Like tiger, then get tiger skin. Like rabbit, then get rabbit fur.that's all from our parents to get that coat, or what we said "skin, or cover". That can protect inner soul body forbid to hurt. When we face death trouble, then we let go our Coat, our meat body.only soul body left. And To be Ghost, or to be new West World  heavenly body, then we back to Soul body left.Whenever

You became soul body,usuallyin invisible world.That's why It's a very need Buddha and iGod protection place. That's the reason when you had meat body especially had human body. You would like to learn how to prevent yourself to another area instead of to be human. Because to be human is best option as a in God created world. Not only can learn how to be and to have a respectful and meaningful life in next generation. Besides, it would be excellent to pray for to be in the West World in the next generation. That's the reason is our best option is to be human How can we to pass the heaven rule to be human? First is not to against Vow. What's Vow?

1.No Cheat, No Lie

2. No steal

3. No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6.

    people, only sleep with 2

    We support marriage.

4. Less drink of wine. Don't be

     drunk driver, if not, cannot

     come to West World.

5. Love your Country.

6. Clean your body.deep.                     meaning, Clean your heart.

7. Don't speak ill of others

8. No kill.

This is a basic blanket list of "New Buddhism Vow" or called"New Vow".that's 2013  the "Earth Religion" decipline developed to be "New Vow".

If you accept Earth Religion , then you would remember the process , it was from 5 Religion Head discussion in front of all Earth Citizen faces. We all pass it. Then why refuse it?

Besides, it concern about New Heaven & New Hell.Now we are for sure we all used this New Vow. 

Here's an example about New Vow for you to read:

So, if you pass the New Vow, You would for sure to come to New West World. See India in Gange River worker and at last sacrified his body. Their name not only be curved in Riverside Stone stand.be remember always but they'll send to New West World this year in July 15.

Why their story touched Heaven and India people heart? For they helped to clean dead body be dropped into Gange River. For stop local people don't do that action any more.

On the other hand, Big Cloud Buddha asked them Clean dead body chief to make sure to work how many days to finish that work from River upper-middle- down , they total cases was 70 cases. Only 6 person to work.

It's overloaded. But they all insisted to completed it. But in illness body condition how to work., however behide had a lot of good encourage strength to help them through. Almost 6 persons when they hook those dead body up from the riverside to find one suitable land to dig one hole to put that dead body in.and flat that land. They all received from Foundation. each hour paid US$5. 

They all got illed for those dead body all COVID-19 dead body. They're tolerant to take their illness body , still work over 18 hours every day.Big Cloud Buddha provided them.one deadline. And they allow to made it. But their last breath all in Riverside. And be sent to hospital to be found dead already.

Foundation added US$1,000to their hard work. But suggest

to Prime Minister Modi to build one Stone Stand to curve their name to make every one visit

Riverside people to show their

Respect to their doing and next to their stone had one Big Cloud Buddha 3-D Statue. for India people to appreciate what she done for their Country people.

Now, Gange River sunset particular pretty. If you had interest, you may to visit.

