2021年1月17日 星期日

Past Away People and Alive People difference Knowledge生與死之間的差異

Since our living Enviornmet had a lot of  people are different from normal one. So that Big Cloud Buddha had to teach you What’s the different between Alive and Dead: Human natural had below capability, but dead cannot: : 1.   Breath 2.   Eat 3..  Drink 4.   Sleep 5.   Shit To pray for Dead People had better used vegetarin style, forbid to make dead people forgot their status. And willing to eat.  i. Forbid Fish, Fork, Beef, Chicken,Lamb    That kinds of 3 Scarifies. 三牲五肉 2. Wine Why teach this, because Big Cloud Buddha wish to provide those "Small Dharma Boat  Ceremony" will be good held in those registered Country, had correct preparation: To make Our Last Name can stay in security and save status before they get birth,we had better follow the above rule. Then,that can protect them good and happy period in  other Area.Or else, not good for against rule Ancestry, and also not good for those Preparation People.Big Cloud Buddha wish this rule can be watchful follow. Not becuase this is from Chinese Culture and refuse to accept it. For after pass away, You are in next Generation, the Rule is the same. Not matter what kind of Country you  come from. So that Big Cloud Buddha teach you the global eyes point of view, no matter you’re East Area people, or West Area People..  The above Taught by Big Cloud Buddha Copy Right Reserved. 往生者的生活與在世的人是不同的,為了增加對於祭祀祖先一些基本的禮儀 所以大雲佛教導各位以下的常識: 生與死的分別: 1. 呼吸 2. 吃東西 3. 喝水 4. 睡覺 5. 上廁所 大號小號 人類的生活基本的正常的能力範圍是以上的能力皆能做到 而往生者則完全沒有 為什麼須教這些常識,為了那些登記「化3支法船」的國家 這是為什麼拜法船的時候,請用供品是素的 這是為了教往生者不會見到三牲五肉及酒類而忘記 自己已經往生,而貪心想吃,不僅對吃的人自己不好 對準備供品不當的人也不好,所以請留意這些 祭祀的禮儀規矩。 請不需因為這是屬於中華文化而拒絕,假設今日 大雲佛是西方人,那麼大雲佛教你們的,必然會變成 西式。因為人往生是不分東方或西方的人士,是下一世 是在其他地區。規矩是一樣 以上 由大雲佛教導 版權所有翻印必究

