2020年11月25日 星期三

Big Cloud Buddha donate 20,000 pieces Air Tank for COVID 19

Big Cloud Buddha Heard a lot of Yelling "Help" voice from America Citizen, ask for help. They all heavy and deep condition COVID 19 patients. And within New President Campign result opened, and I support President Trump seemed not good result. That's why I support him to have something to turn out the best evidence. To prove that he has a strong supporter behind him. So I decided to count how many Air Tank that America Citizens need. As I knew they do care COVID 19 not good controlled by President Trump. That's the reason why I get involved to donate Air Tank Conception. And I found that's the moment for too many people asked for "Help" if I don't care then their death figure will go up very fast. Then, their Citizen face would turn green. And I started to plan and contact with those Countries had sold Air Tank, and they bid the price to me. And I found it's a cheap price as I expected. But the airfreight money occupied over 3 times. Still at this serious period, can get this 20,000 Air Tank, we can say that's very precious to anyone else. Because they all hands in to help each other thinking to help. Besides, they all want to do something to help Big Cloud Buddha to make her wish come true. That's most important. It's so precious. And I stand on Human point of view,so I place Contract Order right away. From three Countries: France, England, Germany. In Germany, I placed 10,000 pieces, In France, I placed 5,000 pieces. In England, I placed 1,000 pieces, and later add 3,000 pieces. Acturally, at this serious period, can find over 48 States, 7,000 Hospital 380,000 patients are waiting to have this Air Tank service. Big Cloud Buddha already heard those yelling for such a long time. And await to pile up the enough Air Tank numbers to do this Chairty Tasks. Thanks for those Air Tank Corporation get involved.

