2019年8月30日 星期五

Pratice with Big Cloud Buddha Record on Aug 29,2019

For Lunar July is what Chinese called
"Ghost Month", that's why whole month
full of strange atmosphere.

Originally, Big Cloud Buddha planned
to have a meeting in Italy with both
Taiwan businessman team 12 persons
and also Italy Wine Maker 24 company
altogether to have a great meeting on
Sep 03, 2019 in Italy.

How's a pity feeling that at last second ,
before we move to start on our trip, we
check our 'Lunar Calendar', we found
that Sep 1-2 is a lousy day for travelling.
Even predict it's going to have a plane
crash on that day. We scare.

That's why we change our mind to cancel
our meeting, to choose some other time.

And Big Cloud Buddha in front of Avalotesvara face, pray for
"Wish whole earth people
will pray with Big Cloud Buddha
together, recite "NAMOAMITOFO"
to pray for whole earth reduce Air
Crash on Sep 1-2"

Within 8:43-9:13p.m., half an hour, over
10 billion people recite the same tone
same tempo, over 10 minutes. It was
a touched moment, that was unforgettable.
Everyone sincerely pray for Heaven bring
Everyone Safe and Sound Day on that 2 days, Sep 1-2. Even a lot of people cancel
trip to forbid the accident fall it on their heads.

Furthermore, the Tempo  sounds start up
Country- Arabia Combination Country,
they are the First One Country to accepted
the Tempo Teaching from Big CloudBuddha
they accept the strong hint from Heaven, to request them Practice Team to "Sit".

Besides, to fold legs and hands, just like Buddha statue.
And they did. Originally, we thought it would be very busy at gesture, but we heard"Times's up" and they
do, their legs soft , resolved to fold troubles. It last 3 minutes.
And the second day, they keep on practicing for 5 minutes.

It real encourages them to accept Big Cloud Buddha teaching, they ready to write invitation to Big Cloud Buddha to invite her come to their Country to teach them more.

Big Cloud Buddha
written in Aug 2019
Taipei, Taiwan

Copy Right Reserved.

