2018年10月20日 星期六

How does my name comes from.

This is one speech content on Oct 16, 2018 in Toastmaster Sunrise Club.

Hi, everyone, I’m Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Founder, I’m Big Cloud Buddha.
My original name is Janabuddha. In 2015, I opened to the public my Thee Swear,
and I found each one of you all can recite my Three swear, so I don’t repeat it. And I just
want to say how to prove I’m a Buddha.

From 2011 to 2017  I made the whole earth people parents all came to West World, and I believed
you all got one dream, your parents came back to your dream to say”I’m in West World”
So, at that moment, your parents spoke with you all in your mother language to say”I’m in
West World”within one-second , that strength even made all West World scient feel incredible.

And second,  from 2015 to 2017, I made whole earth people body health all improved, because
I used environment scient to forbid human body be hurt by religion people, to forbid they
used request technique to hurt human body health, so that whole earth people body health
all improved, and  within two years,  after 2017 a group of religion people passed away ,after 6-7
months, whole earth people felt their body got better, doctors certified their body health improved some of them even certified by doctors, that they no need to take doctor prescription. And I do prove that my Buddha  strenngth again,!

The third times, it’s  in 2017 Dec to  2018 Jan, within three months, in the end of months,  three days ,the whole eeatth ,in front of you,you can see a scene 100cm high, “dharma Cloud”all white, all flating, in the air , at that moment that made whole earth people all feeling very happy, all smile from  their heart, their sorrow all be swept away. And  in the heaven saw the earth just like “cotton sweet”棉花糖. And in the third times,  AMITOFO  spoke to me, and my name is Big Cloud Buddha, he said “that’s it”  because he said “if I keep on doing , that make the cloud touch the land of the earth, so make the heaven down to the earth, that’s  dangerous, he stop me to do it again.So “dharma Cloud” happened to be in the earth only three months.  That prove me have Buddha strength the third times.

So I make three swear to prove that I have Buddha strength.and I be honored by Shakymuni to provide me “Big Cloud Buddha” name, he used “Big Cloud Buddha”name to memorize down my great achievement on Nov 04,2007 , from 32 heaven fly to 33 heaven. That’s my name come from.





. At that

