2018年6月17日 星期日

After Big Cloud Buddha Q and A

After Q and A Situtaion

May I tell you that I change my dharma name from Janabuddha to “Big Cloud Buddha”. Because it
is from Shakymuni’s hands, so that I’m pleased to accept it. Who was him? He’s Buddhism establisher. He honored me to provide me “Big Cloud Buddha” name, to memorize down that I had one record to fly from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven on Nov 4,2007. That’s why I can keep in 33 Heaven to oversee and supervise the whole earth.

My achievement is I’m the only Female Buddha, I’m “One Generation To Be Buddha” within 8 months long, nobody can break that record, it’s so short, some even took over 80 years to get that Buddha name. This is the Revolution age, Female Buddha has the achievement like male, I earn my achievement and earn my respect just like Male Buddha, even better than Male Buddha, I’m Top Buddha for I owned 33 Heaven. I am Big Cloud Buddha.

I was certified by Shakymuni to be “Yatsutolo” ,his wife, besides, he invited me to be his 34 Generation disciple. I’m his only disciple in this generation. And Because my achievement, I’m always in 33 heaven oversee and supervise the whole earth situation.

Here’s the right now status of whole earth:
Taiwan is very unsteady status.
It’s very poor, for Hell often be opened to be controlled by Taiwanese Temples, Ma Zu’s disciples. They learned Tibet requests to use it to let President Tsai’s body under scient protection to like a human alive, actually she cannot breath, she cannot have any blood plus, she cannot have any heart beat. That proved by Kao Tai Ming case, they all in the same Hell, he checked by doctor, the doctor certified his death. But he still sat in front of him, and spoke with. That status made the doctor hair all stood up. This kind of situation also happened in Morris Chang of TSMC, and Lai Ching Te of Government officer, and other total 373 cases we often heard the numbers all in the same Hell status. Please don’t let this kind of thing keep on happening on earth. Heaven cannot help, and human cannot stand everyday several hours had to stop their work to hear some strange words in front of their ears, keep come and go only messy the whole earth issue, cannot make things better. Because they all died, they didn’t care they just showed up for several hours, to speak their opinions. and left. Let human had a lot of question mark, to them, nothing better, after death still can come up. So, please, do something, to stop this kind of situation, keep on happen in front of our eyes. you can help to stop the situation.

The above is what Taiwan newest Status as Big Cloud Buddha observation.

The below was the correct conversation from one Reporter spoke with President Tsai at 12:06 on Jun 17 in EBC:
I. Do you have 60 body scient for your body to cover your
II. Do you eat or shit?
III. Are you alive?
IV. If I ask you go back to 18 Hell, what will you do?
V. We need one alive President can you arrange?
VI. We need one alive Administrion Chief , can you arrange?
VII. We need one Party Chief, can you arrange?
VIII. We need one Legislative Chief, can you arrange?
IX. Where is your Vice President? Is he alive?
Her response to reporter all silent. What can we do?
And according to Chen Geu’s report, she said Legislaives Yuan lost DPP 71 Legislatives, please make it up by fastest way.
The above.

