2024年2月28日 星期三

BYD Car & China Fire Disaster Latest News



Here's what we found in Auto Car Marketing News:

1. China had fire house disaster total in China main land 1,23,456 cases. And out of China happened 71,234,567 cases. This cases all from BYD car recharged electricity or Electric bike recharged had all of sudden became explore to the house and created a big fire. And every places some no water to extiguished it. So that the cases are very 

hard to say how hurt our heart in feeling.

And at last moment was found that BYD Battery Factory even happened to explored. And be shut down to close by buddhadharma to extinguished it. If not predict it would caused over 400,000 people to dead. We found some evidence to ask what's wrong with this fire disaster? 

1. All happened after Lunar New Year lately with 3-4 days. And all concentrated in 7 Big City. All caused by recharged moment to explored. But we got to ask why before products no trouble. We would request China to check whether it concentrate in when to when products? It's the products less some element in Lab should add in and be leak in? Please check your product left in your Factory sample for double check? Please double check it well.

It would protect your Factory Battery credibility better. If not, you would lose a big marketing in the world. For we heard a lot of new bought car customer scare to use recharge battery in their Car any more. After one by one cases happened in every 62 location fire cases. And dead over 700,000 persons. We would like China deep invetigate these cases behind production line details part instead of heard that Musk used 400 million Witch strength to control the recharge system and plus China a lot of China Fa Lung Kung people came out from hell to replace of over 1,700,000 people body death story. We like China more to stand up for your back , don't lose strong confidence in our support , we would rather to hear your good customer service do well in Auto System. To earn your Electricity Car Market Customers Service heart, instead to tell us Volk story to pollute everything. Let's provide China several day to clean every cases well, until then, they would tell us the True Fact. Thank you Big Cloud Buddha Scientist Analysis 

Not use Huch, to hijacking everybody. That more close to fact. We like that. Thank you every place customer confidence. We like your support. We will let you got a good service. Please give us time. 'If we can provided some compensation dollars. Each hours pay $5 to rent a car instead temporary. That's it.' From China Si Chin Ping

