2024年2月23日 星期五


All because of this issue so seriously.

Including. 3 messy issue thing happened:

1. Stolen Foundation Chart be messy used in messy curved to used by others unrelated persons.
2. Messy written not belong to Foundation decision issue.
Besides. Used Formal Chart printed in
3. Messy used previous President ID card.That card already cut corner. Meant ineffective.

3 Thing happened in the same time.
It caused the Official Government Court & Tax Officer very headache. 

Thank God we stop in time. With correct chart. Besides. We caught defend Law 
Accountant work for Foundation we register in Hsin Yi District Chow Shin Shin 
He returned his illegal application to relocation address & also 2New Associate cases. Because he scare to death to face Jail. Besides, cancel 78 cases to messy Open Foundation Account in 5 Hsien& City. Through 78. His acquantence accountant.

If they dont cancel right away. They all in jails in the same case.

That's all about on 2024/02/22

