2022年3月5日 星期六

Response mail to President Tsai

Regarding to President Tsai, she doesn't like me?to have a. Taipei Office , and?I did write mail?to response her:

If you had interest, please practice to read:

Dear President Tsai ,

How are you?

Thank you for your mail. But it seemed very strange to receive mail from my own email.

address. Please don't steal my email address,

to messy used and try to used my name to response those fans.please.

And regarding today mail. You warning Joan Lin and me to say, you don't like me to have Taipei Office.

As this part, may I response you. Whether you like me or not, its your own business. None of my business. Besides, nowadays its talk about your capability, not like before always talk about affection.

Another thing, I had to tell you, I did save you

3 times. Your didn't pay me one dollars. Below is my note to write about the history:

.1)On 2021. 3. In President Residence, one China spy attack into there, I suicide China spy in front of President Tsai your face. If change to you, will you do the same thing to me?

2)This is mail from Tsai , I translate into English, you wrote to me:

Dear Big Cloud Buddha,

How are you?

Thank you to save this Country, to save me, I don't know how to say to you? Anyway, Is you to save me, I real appreciate you

Tsai Ing Wen








Tsai Ing Wen




Tsai Ing Wen promise to ask Si Chin Ping Should pay how much money for Big Cloud Buddha?

The result was he said" 

RMB500 million"

Exchange to NT$25,000,000

And discuss with Tsai Ing Wen to used 

50% payment from Joan Lin bouns to deduct

02/27/2022. 25,000,000

02/27/2022.       200,000.  24,800,000

This 200,000 was Joan Lin from her Corporation to earn a lot of bouns from 

after Big Cloud Buddha met Joan Lin started, to make her Corporation increase 10% business. That's why Tsai Ing Wen agreed to accept from her 400,000 bouns to take usual 

her ask for sharing from Big Cloud Buddha part 50%. Allow her deduct every month







02/27/2022. 25,000,000

02/27/2022.       200,000.  24,800,00

這個200,000是Joan Lin 的公司




3.)On Mar. 03,2022. China Si Chin Ping jump into Taiwan to hijack Tsai back to China.And ask Taiwan, what are you going to do? Big Cloud Buddha response: 

"Just to make another one in Taiwan" .

Pompeo said" how shame"

And the result, Si Chin Ping. no way only let go Tsai to come back.





May I ask President Tsai, 3 times you didn't pay any donation, one dollars yet. If you had any trouble, what do you think who can help? And who can resolve? 

The follow up is my introduction to others,

They all rselated to the whole Earth. Some in Middle East( Afghan), some in Asia ( Japan), some in America (US).

It meant Big Cloud Buddha capability can help the Whole Earth. That's why to have a Taipei Office is what the Earth await to look toward to. Here's my proval, wish can make President Tsai reconsider


I already show the Whole Earth the Taiwan-

China Trouble, only Big Cloud Buddha can resolve. Here's my true open in my blog:


Taiwan. Sea Dec 24, 2021 True Report

This is what 2021/12/24 night Taiwan be attacked by China two use Fire Shot Cannon

from TaiChung, and whole Taiwan fell down to 3 billion Hell, and 33 Heaven tooke over 600 hundred Taiwan Citizen down to 3 billion hell

And back safe and sound true story. The fact was President Tsai you even asked Weather Bureau to prove whether it was true or not. And that got the proval chart. The above's the article proval.


Taiwan suffer from China Attac


Dec 12, 2021
After midnight, Taiwan Southwest Ping Tung area had China soldiers 600 person attack up.
All of sudden, Big Cloud Buddha were to use familiar dharma to send those soldiers to fly back to their ship.
Within 10 minutes, Another troops China soldiers 600 persons from East coast Hwa Lien to attack Taiwan. This is the first time férom Pacific Ocean side to attack into Taiwan. But very fast then solute.

The second day
Dec 13, 2021
From Tai Tong up to the land, China soldiers 600 persons from Keeling up to Taiwan, all though Big Cloud Buddha to have Heavenly Soldiers to resolved well.

Taiwan four sides all be attacked. May 
Big Cloud Buddha asked General, how to defend their attack? Are we ready? So scare people, four sides all can come up, our soldiers please ready, will you?

The below is Big Cloud Buddha 2019 record, may Taiwan Depend Department take it as information, how to train Taiwan soldiers.

Record: May 16, 2019
China attack Taiwan , Big Cloud Buddha accepted Heavenly Soldiers report: there're  21 ship to attack Taiwan.

Immediately to send those well trained 
Heavenly soldiers to defend their attack:

East 4 ship: spent 9 minutes to reach Tai Chung.
West 4 ship: spent 12 minutes to reach Taiwan Hua Lien.
South 2 ship: spent 7 minutes each Taiwan Ping Tung.
North 2 ship: spent 5 minutes reach Taiwan Keeling.

And Taiwan had Heavenly Soldiers all locked them in the ships cannot come out to attack. After 6 hours later to abandon all.

They above are two examples that Big Cloud Buddha to save Taiwan from China attack
attack experience.

: Beliw is my Big Cloud Buddha Blog article related

to my Foundation work.

It's for your reference



Jan.27, 2022

In Middle East ( Afaghan)


This is humanity work.

I spent 3 hours to finish searching those Food Foundation Country Work..

And those 6 Country and shipment 

Aircraft also spent 3 days to complete

the work. The result are very pretty. 

Every hungry Afghan Citizen they all 

appreciate Big Cloud Buddha this work. Happily and joyfully laugh.



Feb 13,2022

In Asia (Japan)


This is Japan Nuclear Food resolve way. I help them to open the New market to sell other 20 Country Japan

Favorite Food instead of  to

sell Japan Nuclear  Food. 

This is a good result for one good communication example.



Feb 26, 2022

In America ( US)


This is a good prescription to forbid

kids to get the Vaccinate Shot to get 

the poor result.

The Contribution also including 

in President Biden side, for his encouragement for Citizen to work for 

Vaccinate Shot so hard. 


Feb 27, 2022

In America (US)

Feb 27, 2022 Ceremony of US ZERO GUN SHOT

 This is a appreciation for Big Cloud Buddha

 for her initial idea of concern of America.



We wish through these articles can make you feel the importance of Big
 Cloud Buddha.

This is a start up introduction of BCBF Big Cloud Buddha.Foundation. If President Tsai, you had any good idea of our Foundation . Our Foundation wish can through our communication to resolved any different opinion.

The above.

Best regards,

Big Cloud Buddha

