2022年3月29日 星期二






仰頭電扇法在 2021.04.15 在短短的11分
鐘內將氧氣濃度自 -92 提升至 -5。為人類
找到新的氧氣提升空氣品質的辦法。很 人
大雲佛獲得 WCIA 發明獎

WCIA World Climate Influence Association

Main Report of Air Machine Report 

from date April 15- May 4,2021 Observation 



President Big Cloud Buddha

Regarding the Report of 

"Air Machine",recommended by Mr. Rucieno Frank Field, I would like to say something. From April 13-15, the whole Earth faced CO2. raised too high, and O2 Oxgyen Percentage lower than -95. See how dangerous situation we faced

The main reason  on 04/13/2021. we found the Deep Ocean Fish within160-170 mile dead all of sudden. Just because it did happen Taiwan President Tsai shot Big Cloud Buddha 33 Heaven Body to disappeared.

Big Cloud Buddha 33 Heaven Body, in New Buddhism Founder , we called her" Central Buddha"

And all of sudden she disappeated, Earth faced Sun fell, Moon fell, Universe fell. And Earth shape like both side sharpen pencil, and  not round size any more. And Earth faced O2 Oxygen lost from then on. And Deep Ocean Fish were very sensitive, they all live in over 160-170 mile Deep Ocean Fish because lack of Oxygen dead immediately. All of suuden, our Earth Young Generation faced "Food No Fish"  This is Big Cloud Buddha prediction. If you don't believe, you can go to Fish Boat to ask Fisherman? 

How many Fish you gain? " No Fish" their

Response all the same.

And 4/13/2021-4/15/2021 over 40 hours, Earth condition were very poor, lack of Oxygen. Until on 4/15/2021 15:39 p.m.Big Cloud Buddha found one Method to resolve less Oxygen problem. I suggested the Earth Citizen  "to turn your family 'One Electric Fan 

Up to Ceiling' to create Air. To make Air become easy to change Air Recycle in the Air Space. So that it would be easier to make 

Air full of Oxygen. Since Earth creatures all need Oxgyen to breath, that is the reason, 

we have Earth Citizen cooperated together,

to work for each other. And the result was so excellent, for we can found the Oxygen Figure from NASA Observation Center Oxygen Percentage to tell us, after11 minutes usage, at 15:50 p.m.the Figure changed from -95 down to -22. So fast and prompt. That's really so exciting. And we had also the New Buddhism CHIA LAN Bodhisattva Guan Guang (關公)in the Air prediction to us, that Earth Air pollution will be improved.. China Son Ton (山東)Steel Factory Air Pollution Smoke improve or not can as a evidence.

And after 4/25/2021 over10 days long observation, Earth started Wind to blow, Rain coming, 

The Earth natural environment accept human Electric Fan created Air Recycle, started to Wind blow from  North (Korea) (Japan) blow to South (Taiwan), and spilt to America California . So that, when wind blow, then pile up moisturize become rain, that's the reason Rain coming. In Asia. First rain is in Tokyo( on Apr 25 ) Then in Taiwan Kaoshiung, And Pin Tong.(Apr 26) And In America California Los Angel rain on (Apr 26). The prediction in Chinese Mountain & Water taught Wind Blow, Rain Coming. And it meant Fortune Follow.

and expect Good Fortune 

Would follow.  "風生水起好運來".

(fon shen huei chi ho yuan lai)


From April 15-May 4,2021

After 19 days kept on working " Air Machine" action , the Earth weather. changed, temperature became 

cool down than before 3 weeks.

Now, Every Country Weather bureau broadcast reporters are busy in collect comparison these 2 days temperature report chase back to how long ago history report. According to in Pittsburgh Mr. Geldjest reporter: these 2 days figure reports can chase back to 10 years ago, the temperature are very similar . We just want to pile up enough figure reports to support the Big Cloud Buddha Prediction on "Warm Room Environment" be cooled down. It changed the North Pole Iceberg

frozen be melt condition will be better than last year.

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Add: No 31, Lane 131, Han Chow S. Rd,

        Taipei, Taiwan.

Tel:  886-2-2394-1232

Fax: 886-2-2351-8729

Related Report in Website: Big Cloud Buddha Blogarticle:


