2021年10月23日 星期六

How do Big Cloud Buddha kind of assistance to COVID-19 Disease?

What's did I do recently to COVID-19

Disease to have some kind assistance to all community?

1. In June, Big Cloud Buddha spoke with alpha Virus, to ask them back to original place. They all agreed. And out from human body, and left, never come back.

2. In March, Big Cloud Buddha to worked with India Prime Minister Modi, to know that Vaccinate Shot AZ will be helpful in human body to protect their hurt body, if they facing be hurt in broken lung bubble

Big Cloud Buddha suggested they can accept to get AZ Vaccinate shot. For AZ Vaccinate shot can protect their brain not be broken , besides forbid be taken to unknown place after they died,if their lung bubble be broken.

3. In 2021 Sep 27, to build up the whole Earth people practice environment , to clean the Earth Land . so that to make 

The Earth Land be clean thoroughly . not only air fresh, spring ocean water be clean to have Oxygen back. Besides, to make the land have fertilizer to make plant and fruit grow higher than before, the UNWTO Chief Mr. John Scott and his members to hold the evidence to prove the results were all true.

4.. Sep 13 Big Cloud Buddha to spoke with Dalter hide in human body. That's be seen by our eyes, we just didn't take the second steps to send them away. On  Sep 13,2021 after Big Cloud Buddha spoke with Dalter virus, they all agreed to get out from human body to back to their original place, and won't be back to be with human any more that help people to get a healthy body quite a lot. That's the point to take another steps to Clean Earth Land Action . so important happened arranged on time to clean the Earth dirty.

For we pulled too many dirty on the ground , cannot forbid to make our land DIRTY. that's why if we take the Clean Earth Action together. , then can to have. Clean Earth. and the Evidence be supported by UNWTO Mr. John Scott. grouping a group of evidence to prove what's the effective action after execute Big Cloud Buddha Zen Request.

5. After educate Earth people, to have a correct knowlege to make Earth have a Clean environment including to have a healthy heart. Not to kill Big Cloud  Buddha, to stop listing a long Join List,

to forbid their ancestry cannot to get birth to be human. For to kill BUDDHA is a heavy guilty. Cannot forbid to be another Area creature. To have s correct conception also not waste our money in wrong option.We would rather pile up clean money to build up a good temple or charity tasks instead of to use money in doing kill BUDDHA list. That's black money to do darkness thing. Don't waste family money in doing this. 

To face AMITOFO don't have to show up our knife. We would rather show our kind and tender heart to see each other.

6. To eaducate Earth people why not to take Vaccinate shot? For human all pull 

out hell scients on the ground to make Earth creatures all HA CHIU to catch cold, including animal and insects. That's why how to make our Earth people became healthy to face the illness. Only through our taking Vitamin B complex plus C to increase our resistance to virus. Including to help our kids to have 1/2 or 1/3 of adult dose

7. To use Baby Nursery Room doctor observation examples to persuade people to cancel the " heartpoint" request.For each people to ask 3 billion 兆SCIENT request in their heartpoint. Not only use out whole earth scient on the ground . To make Buddha or God in helping human strength less. Besides. It hurt human strength very much. No heart strength to do anything 

Including their last action to fly out from their own body to get in hell, to become another generation body.-ghost body.

8. To use Earth Stone in Correct Color to heal earth people body in Correct way.

*9. To pray for whole Earth people to join offering to heaven in using Flower, Water, Heartstick to pray for heaven. Thanks for heaven kind assistance in helping Earth people body to refix well. To pray for in respect and love our future wish. - West World. And AMITOFO. And thanks for teaching from Big Cloud Buddha, pray for her long life and to earn respect and love from helping Earth people body get healthy.

Wish to closer distance of each other.

Wish earth people all accept her teaching Theory : 

to wish back to heaven sky to be a star. So that can get birth to be a human , not others earth creatures. This is best option on Earth under God creation.

Don't be lost in our own human style life searching. And learn the correct knowlege from Big Cloud Buddha and best buddhadharma to our goal and aim in our life.This is what Big Cloud Buddha mission this generation.

