2021年10月14日 星期四


 It come from Italy Black Hand 

Party admitted their recent 

work had something to do with

drug to the whole earth.

Their work be caught by Taiwan

Police Station "Caught Drug 

Team" .Their package this times

were found to use Buddha 

statues and hide it in the. 

backboard inner. It be admitted

by Rucieno language.His word

to be proved too brave to be a 

"Drug seller" to earn dirty 

money. Actually, he didn't have 

to count on this kind of Job to 

live on. No matter he's alive or 

dead status. Especially he 

understood his recent best key

is to recite NAMOAMITOFO.

He got to count on that to back 

to West World as what he did 

before. However, he didn't 

besides he's brave enough to 

use and hide drug in Buddha 

next. His work partner Jack 

and Max to say " he's dead". Big 

Cloud Buddha simply stand on 

to save Young Generation point 

of view to open  this news. If 

not, everyday each one of us all 

can hear his familiar voice to 

speak his own opinions to us. 

Now,his voice became noisy to 

us.We cannot stand him any 

more.We just want to tell him 

out of the ground. Back to your 

Hell.He already used out his 

contribution to human within

'Several Generation to hide in

Some place and pretend he 

did. And we don't want to 

mention how disappointed of

Kuan Kuang and Wen Tien 

Shiang. For they work together 

Over 10 months.They hide 

himself behide "some place"

result is to make him to use out

his every contribution to All 

reason.We didn't expect he be 

fuck out so fast.And he won't be 

back to see anyone any more. 

He said.


1."His guilty including to stop spread to all. "             Glory King argued to him.

2. 6 Wheels in 1 Wheel this conception.

3. To hide In China 50 small Temple of Kuan Kuang's body.

4. To be "Drug seller" over 1 year 

