2023年12月9日 星期六




為北一女老師反對108課綱刪掉文言文發聲,至少一年才讀10篇文言文,一學期才讀5篇,而且今天要站在地球上向外國人介紹中國文化,能用短短幾個字就包括這麼多的文化意思,胸襟及氣度,又能夠說出有深度的話,再也沒有能背誦幾句古文更佳 。像'先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂'的句子,有什麼理由來刪掉


Translate into English: 

The Whole Earth crazy in learning Chinese

Why had to cancel Chinese ancient period articles 

Taipei 1st Senior high School against Taiwan Education Department  used in Senior High School Chinese Class

108-Study-Class- Teaching-Part plan to cancel 30 Ancient article. This action caused Taipei 1st Senior High School Chinese Class teacher yelled them back:

Actually through our Research Counting each Teaching year only teach 10 Ancient Articles. It meant each Semester only teach 5 Ancient Articles.

And today Whole Earth all crazy in learning Chinese we stand on Earth point of view to introduce foreigner about Chinese Culture , how to use several words then can including so many Culture meaning, and also Chest and Shoulder

and described depth.

It meant more or less to recite several Ancient Articles Word is Best option.

Like ‘Before other people worry, worry first. After other people be happy then. I be happy .

This kind of good sentenses how comes got to cancel. 

