2022年10月2日 星期日



Big Cloud Buddha Foundation 
President Big Cloud Buddha


True name: Liao Jana

Chinese 廖嘉那

Born in Taipei, Taiwan

Origin Birthday was 04.08.

For Father afraid to pay more payee

changed to 07.01.

Origin name : Liao Shu Yun

Father: Liao Shueh Kwan

Mother: Liao Shin Shi


graduated from Ton Men Elementary School


graduated from King Hwa Junior High School


graduated from King Mei Senior High School


stayed in Crab School

For University Exterance Test score not good. School in Taichung. Parents not allowed.


graduated from Fu Jen University German Department


married Hsu Wen Shen


J. Crown Hat Knit manufacture & Company

as Assistant 


as Vice President in self own Trading Company


Japan Tokyo Candle Company as Secretary & Shipping


America Florida GDC Land Developer Company as Department Manager


America Mckinsey Consultant Company as Senior Secretary


Learn from HK Tibet Religion Lay People

Teacher Lee


Travel to India, joined Dalai Lama Group 

Nymapa Minderolling College studied Tibet 

Lamrin Theory, Tibet Language, and Sit


To be owner of JANA Buddhism Center


To meet Dalai Lama in Taiwan Ceremony


To join Taiwan Religion Association to be member


To write brochure & also request ' Seat Bed Ceremony' in Government. At that momentit's President Chen Sui Ban. And got the response from Taipei Dalai Lama Office.

dharma Name: Losang Dorje Jana Lama. 

Usually called Losang Lama. No need to held Cetemony


To inherit 45 Generation Kwan Chin Old Monk and 33 Generation Tai Shi Master to provide me 46 Generation Zen Master Up JA Down NA dharma Teacher.


To teach Chin Shin Monk dharma Body breath method


Register Ancestor Name in Taiwan Zen Master Association


To use ' Turn Half Earth' dharma sent Ing Sung dharma Teacher to 1st Fruit Heaven


To use ' Heart Point Flying' dharma to take Cathedral Pope Paul John to 1st Fruit Heaven


To teach Taiwan 21 dharma Teacher my creation ' Incredible dharma' and Si Cheng Che & Si Shen Yen did practice each 6 months.


From 2007 April,in front of Earth people eyes to fly each Heaven. Until 2007.11.04 

from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven to the Top Heaven. And opened the whole Earth people eyes to fly 2nd times. It made Earth people all my witness.


To meet Zen Religion First Ancestor Dharma


Dalai Lama suicided Tibet Religion Founder Sung Zen Gan Bu in 4th Heaven

And Dalai later suicided all his generation 

In 1st Fruit Heaven.


To build up New West World in 4th Heaven.

Under 'Dharma' kind assistance.


Tibet Religion suicided all Ancestors in 1st Fruit Heaven. 


Tibet Religion suicided all their related Gods.


Tibet Religion suicided all their relatives & 

disciples in the Heaven


To announce to whole Earth

' don't be Tibet religion disciples, forbid down to deepest hell'


To meet Good Daddy


To meet Shakymuni in 33 Heaven.

He be push down to bottom of hell.

And to managed Tibet Religion follow 3 point:

1.Tibet Religion Founder 3 persons 

   stayed in 4 million hell.

2.Tibet Religion related Gods stayed in 

   3 billion hell

3. Tibet Religion related Ancestors & 

     Relatives stayed in 4-8 Billion 1hell.recent 

     Generation stayed in 9 billion hell 

     later moved to Side Hell.


In front of Taiwan 30,000 disciples face 

to honor provided ' 大雲佛' to Janabuddha.

For memorize my big achievement on 2007.11.04. To certify me as his wife 

'Yatsutolo', loyalty to be best attendant serve him 35 years. From then on ' Janabuddha' also called ' Big Cloud Buddha'


To build 'Earth Religion' with other 4 Religion 

Head to set up recent new used 'New Vow'


To send Nobel Prize 16 Science Owner to 1st Fruit Heaven. Including: Edison, Einstein, Madam Curie. 


To announce Dalai Lama dead news.


To announce Dalai Lama in Five Standard Hell.


To announce have 3 swear:

  1. To save Earth people to come to New West World no matter what religion, what color, what country. Only have to like Big Cloud Buddha, be my disciple, to recite ' NAMOAMITOFO'

  2. To save those hurt by Tibet request 

to have' Big heart, Big liver, Big kidney,Big lung and others disease


  1. To build up second West World on Earth, to appreciate 2013 'Happily and Merely World' Group. To make your elderly is my elderly. Your kids is my kids.


To change 'Earth Religion' name to be '£New Buddhism'. Accept 8 Disciples be 'New Vows.'

Origin 5 Vows be ' Old Vows' the decision made by Shakymuni. And accepted by Big Cloud Buddha


Shakymuni suicided himself to be ready to 

get birth. Proved what his teaching 成住壞空

'Steady, Finish, Broken, Empty'


To suicide Tibet Religion HK laypeople

Teacher Lee.He occupied and stayed on Earth ground to be ghost pig over 7 years long from 2009.


To resolve Shakymuni got birth trouble


To teach whole Earth people recite' NAMOAMITOFO' 3 weeks


To save whole Earth people one round

from 2009-2016 to dig from grave, or take from dash bowl. All came to New West World to execute 1st swear. So that New West World like a Big Family reunion. Full of family members. Or classmates. Or colleagues. Or neighbors. etc.


Plan to use 3 years ' Lunar July 15 Ceremony' to clean on the Earth ground ghost. They all Last Name Ancestry..


To plan to set up ' Foundation' basis


To last 3 months one day Earth can see ' dharma Cloud' on the Earth . to make Earth people swept away sorrow, quarrel, argue and all kinds of unhappy feeling.


Within 3 months Tibet Religion Rinpoche gradually passed away.


To save Taiwan invest money in China businessman 3,624 persons back to Taiwan.


Start to have a lot of invitation from Middle East, America, Canada, Europe.


Japan Rissho University passed my application to get 1st Honor Certificate. 

And he recommended to other 59 University succeeded total 60 'Best Buddha' ' Honor Certificate'


Italy Banker, Societe Generale Bank 

President to write mail to recommend 

Janabuddha to be a ' Best Meditator' 

And America UCLA Certificate Center 


2015, 2016,2019

China three times to use Nuclear to attack Taiwan. And all be stopped prompt and proper dharma Method by well trained 

Big Cloud Buddha Taiwan Soldiers. No matter short distance, middle distance or long distance all the same.


Old Heaven happened 'Heaven Fire' . sign

And be predicted not a good sign. And later happened Hsu Three Father & Sons practice

It hurt Earth Bodivia Country land, 40 million People dead, and Universe stars fell, although be saved by Big Cloud Buddha. This is 1st Earth Disaster.


COVID-19 Occured.


To use donation for COVID-19 in Italy, Spain, Brazil Columbia. But effect not very good. Except Columbia.


Had to find how to resolve COVID-19 way and teaching. In Columbia, Iraq, India. Russia. Japan. And South.Korea & North Korea. This oral Report had recite in WHO 

associates faces. Recording can found in United Nation. 2020 & 2021 2 times hold ' Send dharma Boat Ceremony' to send illness God away.


Had 2nd Earth Disaster in Old Heaven. For Shakymuni shot Big Cloud Buddha Heaven Body. To make all Zen Heaven disappeared in front of Earth people faces. But NASA observation and outer space looked at was ' Earth' all missing. 



To donate US$400,000,000 for Japan Rissho University Big Cloud Buddha Library


To gain United Nation Religion Department to be Big Cloud Buddha sponsor. To gain a big Donation US$100,000,000,000 within 2000 applicant competition. I felt so proud of myself.


To gain America President Biden Best Citizen Metal. For Big Cloud Buddha provided America and Mexico border to build wall concepti7on. And help to pray for President

Trump to build 'Steel Wall' succeeded protect two Country immigrants less and less. It helped two Country spring coming. Totally changed.


To work with India Prime Minister Modi to against away COVID-19 in India. From using clean water begin.Including clean Gange River and gain Country Metal after River dead body all clean day to have a Ceremony to acceptc this honorable Metal. And with this work , we both found mix Vaccinate Shot can help human to away COVID-19. This good result conception now be accepted by every Country.


To write Harvard University Report application passed the Certificate Center to gain 'Honor Master Certificate'. Subject: July: America Gunshot. Aug: Change weather in 4 Country.

And because of this to gain 4 Country Metal 

and donation. Including: Canada, America,

China, Vietnam


BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation to pay the US and Taiwan Air Force Contract related F-16 A 6 pcs Total US$400,000,000


Afaghan Citizen Urgent Flour Bag from 6 Country supply

2022. 04

Spread Vitamin B Complex to whole Earth Citizen

2022.06.10 & 2022.06.13 

Two times send America Food Bank stuff to help China Ze Chiang Lock city total 4 million Citizen need food Action


Big Cloud Buddha help to resolved 10 Harbors over 600,000 Containers 

stock cannot move. And within had 571 Tissue Paper Containers locked American Citizen 9 months long , no tissue paper can use in rest room that kind of embarrassed condition.and Within 21 days busy in shipment and also trained well Container drivers , within 2 days 751 Tissues paper troubles resolved so smooth. It made 

Container Association Chief Mr.Gut Shutgut so happy to spend a big MonTE y 

to buy one full Pages in 50 States  say: 


ISSUE.. And to make every one appreciate Big Cloud Buddha.


To make TIN MEMORADUM for US Elementary school, Junior High School, Senior High School for America Citizens to 

keep Zero Gun Shot Record in Jan- Mar 2022. That memory can reduce New gunshot case. We do appreciate BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation President Big Cloud Buddha and honor representative Mr. Genorado. 


To pay each US Citizen US$5,000 to help them to resolve inflation.


To help US gunshot case:dead each US$1,000,000. wounded each US$10,000.

Totally paid US$21,000,000


To have good suggestion to change Japan selling Nuclear Food to Earth over 10 Country Instead to persuade to sell ' Japan Favorite Food' to 10 Country. This is a very successful business case. To earn both Earth Citizen Body Health and also dollars.


Each Country Hospital Nursery Room New Born Baby case to prevent human birth rate close ' Zero'. To find the correct method to save New Born Baby through 3 steps:

  1. To check baby with Finger Oxygen Percentage Machine

  2. To use Oxygen Mask for those low

Oxygen Percentage baby 

  1. To add ¼ Vitamin B Complex in feeding New Born Baby milk one day 

2 times.


To accept NASA urgent request to refix Earth Shape from ' Flat Shape' to' Round Shape' in order to keep Earth Self Run Speed back to Origin Speed. If not, Earth human faced out of Oxygen condition.


Resolved America 10 Harbors stock 

Over several 3,000 Containers. And 751 content was Issue Paper used in Restroom. That's daily life stuff. At made American cried 9 months long No paper to use. All surfer from UN Restroom No paper. And Big Cloud Buddha well trainTeam used 2 days long, driver skill excellent to help all American Supermarket to get that stuffs within 2-3 days. Within 48 hours. Container Association Chief Mr. Gut Shutgut even ad for Big Cloud Buddha to tell everyone Who she is She help 

to resolved our Trouble. And all Containers in 10 Harbors within 7 days all clean out. 


US California Wood Fire Case is an accident 

story.Just had conversation with one 60 year old lady Mrs. Judy Stood. To say about how to prevent Wood Fire. Because over 4 times distinguish Wood Fire cases. So knew that caused by ghost. And taught them how to use 

my way to do.Within 3 months, through my details teaching way. Then send Wood Fire Ghost happily.


WHO & WHO Doctor Association represent

All members to lead by Dr. Tedros to provided Honor Degree Doctor Medicine for Big Cloud Buddha, to honor me to find A Good Save Way All New Born Baby.


To refix Earth Ancestry back to Hell rule.

To encourage them to get birth. So that seperate Alive and Dead. If not cannot resolve Oxygen percentage thoroughly. 

Because Dead breath CO2, and Alive breath O2. Totally different. That's the reason refix

' Hell Door' well is necessary. And ask Ancestry away from human name list to prevent their future be hurt in unknown status. Besides, it's hard to search back the reason. The best method is resolved recent generation and cancel all of request if Ancestry had joined. Prevent their future got into unknown guilty and hard to solute 


02: 01 a.m.

All Hospital New Born Baby each arrival all cry out loud voice. For them NASA Oxygen is 5 times than before from 120/600. That's 10 years. And Earth Self Run. from 09/02/2022

From 60/600 10 times speed. That's why when New Born Baby arrival all breath a big strength in. Not 50% Oxygen any more after 10 days observation fact.


To find the Earth Oxygen(600) figure controlled by Earth human family Electric Fan, not count on 

Earth Self Run Speed. For all of sudden Earth 

Citizen too many Family shut down the Electric Fan(60) usage to cause Outer Space 

Research Report to check Oxygen figure to find the fact is as the above. Within 3 minutes , yelling Earth to open Electric Fan, the figures show back to 600. After 5 minutes later open the Electric Fan each family. 

Do Earth hold the Oxygen figure very hard now.especially, 'Hell door' back.ancestry out. So we got to keep on well this kind of status.


United Nation provided the 'Best Foundation Award' to BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation. And Scott Genorado accepted it.


air full of fragrance.

