2022年5月12日 星期四

4th Space


Second Time Report: 2022,05,15

First time Report:

2021, Feb 16. Tuesday


4-Space The Forth Space


From 2007 Apr. Big Cloud Buddha at that moment called Janabuddha, be pushed down to

First Hell. And I just wanted to

come out, and found someone can help me. So that I yelled to heaven "Guang Guan Giu Lung

Leu" and Guang Guan did show up to save me out from jail. From that moment on, whole history be re-written, because two different Generation can meet each other.We didn't notice that. Simply just do. " CROSS GENRRATION" can back to started it from 2007Janabuddha hands. And now more often to use. And my name changed to called Big Cloud Buddha.


What's First, second, third, forth dimension. What's dimension is


What's the Forth Space.

In mathematic, the first space we called it length, the second space we called it width, the third space height. And the Forth space meant its can through 3rd space. That's what we said cubic space. It's what we said time space. Can come and go from the different period of timing space. How to? That's all through Achievement to make this thing happen. Not like human think it's through strength. Or through language.

Because Big Cloud Buddha reached 33 Heaven to be Top Buddha. To be Central Buddha. Everything all seemed so naturally and easy to make it.

The truth is I had a Big Achievement in Meditation .

Can through and " Cross Generation". Can come and go in times river. No trouble.

The Forth Space Content:

4-Space The Forth Space. Big Cloud Buddha often come and go within Heaven and Hell. Life fate whole control in Life River. Big Cloud Buddha don't know what is useful, but in this issue we see the different result.

4-Space, the forth Space, it meant 

absolute different Generation, but in the same Space. We can talk with each other, communicate, even to meet each other. This is whole against past New Generation. We are the true in Time River people.

Why to say this? Because we are so different Generation people. And we found we can speak with each other

to ask what we kept so long question for this person. And at last to ask him in person. And to find the answer. This is how incredible thing. Real like happen in Japan Cartoon. "DoraAmon" in true life .And truth is Big Cloud Buddha to check so many Historical Ancestors one by one. That real so shocked and surprised.

And found self 

In Writer is : 


Roman Roland, 

Hey Minway, 

Herman Herse

Tusto Yafuski


Yalis Tode, 

Mathematics master Aki Lide,  

Against Theory Eienstein





America Inventer



President Lincoln, 

President Washington


Chin Emperor. 

Han Wen Emperor, 

Suei Wen Emperor






Peter King


Amanda Master


Herb God Shen Lon 

Yellow Emperor, 

Da Yu, 

Lau Zi, 

Mon Zi, 

Chow Guang

written Sun Zi Skill Book Sun Zi, written History Book Shi Ma Chien

Three Country Period 

Fight God Guan Guang, 

North Sung Wen Tien Shiang

South Sung Yeu Fe


Translation Kin Guang Sutra, Heart Sutra, AMITO Sutra Giomolozu

Tang Dynasty Tan Sun Tsun, 

Zen Religion Dharma Master, 

The Sixth Master Huei Nan

Pure Land Religion Huei Yuan Master


Lee Po, 

Lee Hau Zu, 

Su Tong Po, 

Tau Yeu Ming 


Lee Chin Zau,

Wha Mu Lan

Mu Guei In

Lien Huon Yu

Next Tang Wu Zer Tien , 

Ching Dynasty Zie Shi Emperess

Two China Dr. Sun Yat Shen

in Religion



Lung Neu Bodhisattva, 

Chia Lam Bodhisattva

Hell Bodhisattva, 

Wei Tou Bodhisattva 


Heaven Emperor, 


Guan Guang, 

Pau Shen Emperor, 

Chen Huang Ye, 

Eight God Lu Dhon Bin


St. Mother

Christ Religion

Bible Mother Maria


Sara Princess

Tibet Religion: 

Princess Wen Chen

The above name are everyone of us familiar with. These were through Generation every Ancestors through many challenge, and kept be with New experience And cannot hide their name became these result. This is not for Big Cloud Buddha level higher than anyone. And do it on purpose to write a lot of past famous people name to enlarge my heavy weight, Actually I found so many Good Ancestors there done so good. I cannot help to ask myself to follow. I don't know whether I should find other better reason for myself to say or not. Because I am Big Cloud Buddha. The 33 Heaven Best Meditator Top Buddha. And how to explain to make each one of people understand I really had so many Good Ancestors in History. They all in some area Good Expert. and I am a Good Expert in meditation to earn

"Generation Through" And now I found and know , without my Good achievement , those Ancestors cannot speak so loud voice to the Earth at all. Not I count on their name to make my name stronger, it's those Ancestors because of my Achievement can make Earth known their name longer.

This is so different point of view. For time already past, man gone. Why they can be back to tell us their story, just like in the same Generation. This is true open everyone eyes and ears, get into Time River - the Forth Space.

we felt became smaller, when we get in, cannot tell we are in which Generatjon? And also cannot tell who is true "The Forth Space Master"?  This made all Ancestors felt so strange feeling.

Ai, Acturally Big Cloud Buddha achievement to shorten Ancestors. ( They) And Big Cloud Buddha ( us) distance. So short, so close. We cannot image, how incredible! 

We do appreciate Big Cloud Buddha

with her Achievement so that human had the Forth Space to change, Time 

became like River, cannot tell we stay in which period. May Ancestors

Never retired. Always keep !

This article written by Big Cloud Buddha.

Copy Right Reserved

