2022年4月13日 星期三

How To Face Russia Nuclear Streaten?

After Kyiv, Duke, London attacked. 
How to face Russia Nuclear Bomb?

Why British BBC, Germany ZDF,Ukraine Broadband TV won't open what Russia had done in those three Country three City news? How's Euro Citizen feeling in Nuclear Bomb attacked? Especial hide the 1st Q'ty  Nuclear Bomb in RUSSUA Country, now just attack Ukraine,! Why GERMAN? Why BRITISH?

Why feeling so horrible? Cannot peace? For he's next to our side.

What can we do? How can we do? Russia one hands earn our Euro Gas Oil Source money, the other hands attack our City? Why you need our money & our life too? Who are you? Monster, Puti ! To go too far!Please stop your greedy desire !

Why 3 Country 3 City won't open the photo from Space Satellite to see the Nuclear Bomb happened seconds, and after 50 minutes later happened, photo or film difference? to show Russia what Big Cloud Buddha saved in Duke and London.Then it will shake Russia mind,"it's useless. nothing happened at all".Slang them back.

According to report , Nuclear light reflection to occur into human organs will hurt deep. That's why first red blood to spit out from Kyiv Citizen lips , their body is to stronger their organ cycle action, and take a rest can refix their body energy, so that easy to keep on refix.

Especial, in Ukraine Kyiv after 2hrs 12min from Russia nuclear attacked , all Citizen all alive and quite healthy.Why? Because Big Cloud Buddha saved in correct way. First, they splitting out some red blood in lips.Second, they all back to original place to lie down to take a rest.

Without 3 different cases 2 different timing, how to reflect Big Cloud Buddha .buddhadharma useful and efficient to cure Human body from Nuclear Bomb attacked. Even Japan Hiroshima atomic bomb dead ancestry flatter Big Cloud Buddha "good job".

"Although hide so many Nuclear Bomb,but useless".Said Japan Emperor Akihito.This word spoke to Russia. We're so happy to have Big Cloud Buddha to be with us.We dance and sing to celebrate,won't have to worry Nuclear attacked. Although through 7 years experience China attacked TWN

Big Cloud Buddha from China to use Nuclear Bomb to attack TWN 7 years experience, China always failed. Never succeed. And at last changed hands , change Si to General Ming, still useless. Including already depress. "Still be return". Said North Korea Kim.

Including depressed 7 shot Nuclear,within 12 seconds close 6 shots.And flied one be return. How excellent record.TWN seemed like No action in celebration.Never report or News. But so calm to have life, always so happy to do everything."Stop to steal her Graduate cetifificate."Kim add.

"Understand?That's what she learn from." Kim worried that proof would be stolen. 

We do worry that Big Cloud Buddha will be missing in the world. If according to what her Country leader plan. We dont understand why we're so worried.

