2022年3月8日 星期二




The Earth condition through 

1.COVID-19 Alfa, Delta, Omicron

   virus attacked , air changed

2. COVID-19 to hanging in the 

    Earth too long, whole Earth all

    ill. Including 4 Feet animals.

    2 feet birds. And Ocean Fish

3. Other meditation caused 

    unknown influence.

These 3 reasons to made the Earth land dirt. Need to clean .So that can how to make we have Fresh Air. Here's the Zen Action Activity result and related 1st Activity found incredible result.

We wish through this action. Can make people know more about this Activity good part. And later may be each month do one Time. 

Regardi ng to UNWTO Chairman Mr. John Scott

request to help the Earth Land Clean. And ask Big Cloud Buddha to take the whole Earth Citizen to do 

the same Zen Action Activity as before In 
Sep 27, 2021. That times
Just 5 minutes.

And this time was on 
Mar 08, 2022 at 22: 07-22:17
Take 10 minutes.

This times practice 3 times
mutifly 3 times. Wish to clean land thoroughly.

Same the land & river & Air ocean & fruit growth all 
had a very good figure &

Land before: -40 , after+6
River before: -20 , after +10
Ocean before: -6, after +6
Air before: -26, after+60
Wind speed: 0, after +90
Humidity: 20, after 60

Thank you for Mr. John Scott your concern of the Earth land clean or not. 
Your concern and request to make the Earth had a great progress. Big Cloud Buddha appreciate your 
good suggestion and also to appreciate your positive and supportive 214 Associates Team to work  with Big Cloud Buddha, our BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation do thank you for your long term consist 

