2022年2月8日 星期二

大雲佛 Religious Field Introduction


In One Area. Especial in

Religion Part. Had religious background 

    people to honor dharma name:

    Ex. Janabuddha had:


    In Tibet Religion Field

    2000 Tibet Red Group 

              Dorje Jana Rinpoch


    2002. Tibet Dalai Lama Taipei

               Office: Losang Dorje Jana


   In Zen Religion Field

   2002 Zen Religion 33 Generation.   

            Tai Shi Master

            Zen Religion 45 Generation

            Kwan Chin Old Monk

            Honor Liao,Jana to given

            Zen Religion 46 Generation

            Up JA down NA dharma 


    2013.2.8. Buddhism Founder

                    honor Janabuddha 

                    to have 33 Heaven 

                    Achievement as

                    大雲佛 to memorize

                    down her 33- Heaven-flyer

                    Achievement. Take

                    her as 34Generation.


Big Cloud Buddha is Buddhism Founder Shakymuni 34 Generation disciple. And be certified was his wife : Yetsutolo.耶蘇陀羅

This was certified in front of TAIWAN local 30,000 disciple face.

*Comparison with Taiwan some created hisown rob laypeople group leader: Lu Shen Yen.He learned and followed "Tibet religion" over 3 years long, keep finding some stage to get some precious dharma name But always failed. All in vain .As I know In Religion field, they will chase your history background., if you're somebody before. Especially in Tibet religion, unless you had some background, if not, you won't get any precious name. I was certified I was Princess Wen Cheng. So that I got the " Losang Dorje Jana " three name. And my achievement part only reach Lama. So that the full name is " Losang Dorje Jana Lama"

That's why through this kind of history experience, you may see what am I.

In.history background I must be play a very important role before. And also this Generation I do a good job. So that I can earn a beautiful name.- Big Cloud Buddha

