2021年12月28日 星期二












陸沈當時,房屋不倒,樹木不斷河流不頃(house wont fall, tree wont break, river wont clipe) swear by Taiwan. Land scient Protectors. That's why whole Taiwan Land just straight down and straight up. Be got shot people, car, building, everything no change. Just down.

2021.12.24 最後一秒,中國擊中台灣台中的那一刻,無論是人,車,建築,所有擊中範圍內的一切都維持不變,這是當時在地的無形護法許願:屋不倒,樹不斷,河不侵,因為又有大雲佛的不思議佛法才能辦到







共計有超過600多萬活著的台灣人及往生的100多萬人有感覺。當時大雲佛即有聽到報告,但沒寫下,只記得大概如此。前後大約12/24/12:59p.m.-12/25/00:56a.m. 有這麼長的時間,大雲佛的另一個身是看著黑黑的一大片,直到像直直的上來後才鬆了口氣。
















的兒子及孫子,讓大雲佛派去的Scient Protector


It's related 12/24/2021 12:59 p.m. China attack Taiwan Land to use "Fire Shot Cannon"火箭炮

20 pcs. It was sharply shot on the land. At that moment , the destination was Taichung . With 20 shot to the red point , whole Taiwan Land around 8/10. range all in. About people: is about over 600

million alive and over 100 million passed away people all be shot. But the building and trees and rivers all be well protected by those Scients Protectors swear. At that moment, the driving car stop, TV watcher stop. Everyone all stop what they're doing. The whole Earth all can see Taiwan Land straightly down, the upper all see is black. And hold it over almost one hours long, 33 heaven body took them all back. It's told they all got shot and dead and down to reach the 3 billion hell to the accident hell. And be up back to the original place after over 57 minutes. And Big Cloud Buddha to use 2 body cooperate together, one hold the Up

Land. People + Land God plus 5 small Land god, to work with the other body: on the ground Big Cloud Buddha body to use incredible Buddhadharma to fit land 2 pieces , to work 3 times, to combine together the land , back to original one..

And succeeded. at last. The time was within:

12/24/2021,12:50p.m.- 12/25/2021 11: 56 a.m.

The whole issue can certified by Tsai Ing Wen language to request Taiwan Weather Bureau "about

Earthquake map to see. The research report:

It showed how big range of Fire Shot Cannon in Taiwan Land.and also the land move down to how deep range : 3billion. 1billion.6000. 600. 6

5 times. The figures all the same as 33 heaven Big

Cloud Buddha mentioned. The evidence showed Big Cloud Buddha through China attack Taiwan people cases. How Big Cloud Buddha saved Taiwanese back . But why. The Newspaper, TV or any report all didnt had any News. I did send

twitter @bbcchinese about my Chinese article

台海戰爭。12/24/2021 . Taiwan DPP only discussed with Defend Department about my Honorable Donation NT$7,777,777,777. Besides

Plan to ask Taiwan people recuit donars. But didnt hear any voice up to now.

2021年12月27日 星期一



Do you scare Ocean No Fish?







Big Cloud Buddha Ask Earth Citizen to

Keep Ocean life for Next Generation, To See and eat

Please No hook, 

No pull

Until they are a group, within No


2021年12月22日 星期三



Big Cloud Buddha on Dec 20, 2021 received Harvard University 

announced me to pass gate.

For Big Cloud Buddha applied for Buddha Master Certificate.

"They judge they felt very proud of 

Big Cloud Buddha. Because she is

excellent. According to their seeing

from NASA Film to save the Earth 3 

times. "School said.


.What's 3 times Disasters on Earth?


Old Heaven happened to have "Heaven Fire" and later Earth had a big disaster from Land had a Big Hall in Bodivia fell on 40 million people get in, And later happened people dead in other Continental: America, Asia, Middle East too. And most important of all was stars fell. For stars never fell. and according to Big Cloud Buddha teaching, Heaven would be back to natural. And this disaster at last be saved by Big Cloud Buddha from Earth Land, people,and universe. For she did pull back the Earth Land and people of Bodivia out from that Big hall.and saved those people out from hell. Although, they passed away after 7 days later gradually. That "Heaven Fire" as Kuan Kuang prediction

Earth was going to have a big disaster. And it did show as what this language. And also kept on a series of Disaster.


.Had one Big Disaster in Old Heaven .For Shakymuni shot Big Cloud Buddha Heaven body , to make all Zen Heaven disappeared on Earth people face.But in NASA observation and outerspace looked at was" Earth" all missing.This is the second times Earth Big Disaster. Big Cloud Buddha saved it within a couple of days.

3. 2021.4.13.

To faced Taiwan President Tsai attack 33 heaven body. This was Third times

Earth Big Disaster.Occupied 7/10 Earth Ocean fish dead.for all of sudden lack of oxygen. Whole Earth under the same situation.Hanging 2 days long Big Cloud Buddha. created "Up Head Fan" to blow air to ceiling. to make the air cycle in small Area. And at last it will make the Earth had wind blow.Original Earth no wind any more. Big Cloud Buddha to make Earth have wind back ,and then start to have rain .So that Earth saved back. For this action be well saved Earth back. And. Big Cloud Buddha won WCIA Prize.

How did Big Cloud Buddha proved herself?

Big Cloud Buddha is Central Buddha in the 33 Heaven. NASA observed Universe Sun.2020 Big Cloud Buddha for COVID-19 sake, to cross the original cruise, to stay close Earth status in order to protect Earth people healthy. And after 3 months later, received the warning from Universe, decided to fly 7 micro second to back to original cruise. Besides, to move all 9 Plants to back to Original Position.To forbid plenty of two Plants double in NASA observation, and almost hit each other. That's the most surprise year in 2020. That come to Earth option to make Big Cloud Buddha to prove its' SUN for sure.

URGENT TASK ! To plus Vitamin B Complex in Feeding Milk to. New Born Baby

 This is United Nation Work for Our New Generation Record Frame.

Urgent Important

The above is for whole Earth Hospital Baby Nursery Room Memorial Silver Frame. Total over 525,625 Nursery Room. be request to save New Born Baby to feed them in milk to add Vitamin B Complex for enrich their Body health to cure COVID-19 Omicron virus already attack them . According to Nursery Room Doctors description 3 days dead over 1,200,000 baby. But after correct feeding, they alive back. As my observation, they're not dead, just too weak.The reason is for the Air be polluted by COVID-19 Omicron virus easily. Because this ill occupied in the Earth people a period of time.New Born Baby,they all ill when they fall on the Earth 1st seconds. It's so dangerous for a New Born Baby. This is for the Nurse School students keep on this work to remind Hospital this TASK IMPORTANCE got to keep on work for our New Generation.

Each year BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation plan to use overUS$1,500,000 each month for Whole target join this work Nursery School over 500,000 students, to pay them to work powder each Vitamin B Complex for New Born baby to make them body stronger and lung healthier to against polluted ill Air. We work for New Generation, to Wish them have a Healthy Body to face their Young Period. Ha!

.***Our Foundation change our whole 
payee to Baby Nursery Room Nurse to remind them to work for this task. Each month for one Nurse to add US$5 in their salary.Instead of paying to students.That more closer to execution position.This work will last 1 years long, until all Nurses all be trained well. Besides, got to pass this well train
Work from generation to generation.

This US$5 including two works:
a. To add in Vitamin B Complex into 
     New Born Baby milk. 1/4 teaspoon
     1 day 2 times. If the Vitamin 
     products not powder had to powder 
b. To teach New Born Baby parents 
     when they ready to take them home.
     Teach them got to spend dollars to 
     buy Vitamin B Complex to keep on 
     the process. And also two things had 
     to remind parents: powder it, feed 
     1/4.teaspoon 1 day 2 times. And 6 
     months big to add 1/2 teaspoon. 

Execution Fact
1. 12/22/2021 all hospital had the message to drive those plan to send to 
Gabarge field Baby back, they be suspicious still weak breathe. In America over 200,000 Baby be done like this.And be taken alive back very fast, They all strong alive symptoms to their Mothers. How? Original they shocked by received Doctors to annouce their baby dead. After be fed to add Vitamin B Ccmplex, the thing changed, all baby be found all alive back to take to their Mothers place. Happy reunion. Their Body move normal, and heart beaten be taken as usual. But no scare any more.We, Doctors, know that this baby were struggle.
2.12/24/2021: According to report : And later  forgot to keep on doing this, they showed again. Their symptoms were too weak almost dead look,cannot have any move  They urgenty told me again. 
I felt so big head, and said try to do it again. It works. It's real effective. 3.That's why Whole Earth all Baby
Nursery Room Nurses all get that teach from Big Cloud Buddha to remind each other got to take this task as their daily routine work.- they real add in. To add Vitamin B Complex into baby milk. That become their daily routine work. Besides as teaching fron Big Cloud Buddha:
Morning 8:00 1st times.
Afternoon 4:00 2nd times.

1,293,026 New Born Baby.
Country as below: 

America 260,000
South Korea 26,329
Canada 25,346
Australia 6
France 26
Russia 267
Japan 367
China 630,224
Baby Nursery Room baby Status:

New Born Baby :
milk 15-20
heart beat 60

milk 10-15
heart beat 56

milk 40
heart beat 60-70

Thank you Nurse follow Buddha teach:
After 1 days 2 times feed milk
Baby condition will  real steady improve.
Thanks !

Theory background:
From 2019 COVID-19 started from China
    5 bats be eaten meant Heaven provided human a strong hint , 5 luck away. That's why this New disease virus spread to the whole Earth


2021年12月15日 星期三














2021年12月14日 星期二






不到 幾十分鐘,東岸花蓮外海,解放軍600 名上岸,這是第一次由太平洋這頭進攻台灣息。依舊很快就平息。



由台東上岸,解放軍人數600名,解放軍由基隆上岸,人數 600 名,都在大雲佛指揮天兵天將下 ,一一解除緊張情勢。

台灣 "四面 "都被進攻進來了,請問將軍們,我們的守將如何防備

有準備嗎?好嚇人啊,四面都可以上岸,請國軍 ready 好嗎?

以下是大雲佛 2019年的記錄,請國防部


Record 5-16-2019

在對岸攻擊時,Taiwan Solider 接到消息

東邊4艘 花9分鐘到達台灣台中,
西邊4艘花 12分鐘到達台灣花蓮

我軍Heavenly Soldiers 將其皆鎖在軍艦中




Taiwan suffer from China Attack

Dec 12, 2021
After midnight, Taiwan Southwest Ping Tung area had China soldiers 600 person attack up.
All of sudden, Big Cloud Buddha were to use familiar dharma to send those soldiers to fly back to their ship.
Within 10 minutes, Another troops China soldiers 600 persons from East coast Hua Lien to attack Taiwan. This is the first time from Pacific Ocean side to attack into Taiwan. But very fast then solute.

The second day
Dec 13, 2021
From Tai Tong up to the land, China soldiers 600 persons from Keeling up to Taiwan, soldiers 600 persons.all though Big Cloud Buddha to have Heavenly Soldiers to resolved well.

Taiwan Four sides all be attacked. May Big Cloud Buddha asked General, how to defend their attack? Are we ready? So scare people, Four sides all can come up, our soldiers please ready, will you?

The below is Big Cloud Buddha 2019 record, may Taiwan Depend Department take it as information, how to train Taiwan soldiers.

Record: May 16, 2019
China attack Taiwan , Big Cloud Buddha accepted Heavenly Soldiers report: there're  21 ship to attack Taiwan.

Immediately to send those well trained Heavenly soldiers to defend their attack:

East 4 ship: spent 9 minutes to reach Tai Chung.
West 4 ship: spent 12 minutes to reach Taiwan Hua Lien.
South 2 ship: spent 7 minutes each Taiwan Ping Tung.
North 2 ship: spent 5 minutes reach Taiwan Keeling.

And Taiwan had Heavenly Soldiers all locked them in the ships cannot come out to attack. After 6 hours later to abandon all.






1. 52,520國軍中彈

2. 4名空軍飛行員前天死亡






最後在大雲佛得法的使用佛法,將 3 種兵種通通救回來。包括已死亡 3天,在地獄流連 2 天的空軍弟兄,用紅外線將他們由冰袋裡拿出來的身體回軟,再等他們有溫度後,又再加 S1救援,最後已經休息了兩天,看看他們,問究竟是靈魂身打的還是真槍打的,結果發現全是寺廟幹的。一下子就通通都回魂了。沒事了。空軍弟兄是真槍以外,據說下手的是某女教授與中國走得很近。對岸中國不願意我方有太多空軍健兒飛行技巧又高當然眼紅,做這事似乎合於一般間諜的理。



台灣國防部接受BCBF大雲佛基金會的建議給予給共計 40萬名在軍營訓練各位弟兄,因為死亡原因不明確,據了解是回答非關軍事問題,結果被以槍擊結束生命。這是軍隊非人對待。非死在戰爭沙場,而是自家軍營的事件。國防部答應以各補貼 50萬元給眷屬,


希望這是最後一次有這樣的消息。何以是這麼多人,這是累積 1-2年的數字。變成無法解決這種佛與鬼之間的對峙問題。連將軍擔責都不成,沒甚道理。就是鬼要殺人,找藉口而已。

2021年12月4日 星期六

2021 BCBFBig Cloud Buddha Foundation Activity 2021BCBF大雲佛基金會活動

 2021 BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Activity

*2021.04. To own WCIA Prize and

                 support the Earth Air

                 & Environment Activity.

*2021.04.To own US Best Citizen Metal

                 from President Biden hands

*2021.05. To gain United Nation

                 Religion Department to have 

                 sponsor donation 


*2021.05. To support from United 

                 Nation to donate India 

                 COVID-19 case.Successfully 

                 be with India Prime Minister

                 Modi to find mix shot of

                 Vaccinate Shot result good.

*2021.07. To support from United 

                 Nation to donate Taiwan

                 to pay the AirForce Contract 

                 within US and Taiwan.

*2021.08.  To support from United 

                  Nation to donate Japan

                  Rissho University to set up

                Big Cloud Buddha Buddhism

                Encyclopedia Library.

*2021.09. United Nation President Mr.

                 Genorado to represent 

                  FOUNDATION to join Japan

                  Big Cloud Buddha Library 


                  United Nation President Mr.

                  Genorado to represent 

                   FOUNDATION to accept

                   Taiwan Defend Department 

                    Honor Big Cloud Buddha


*2021.09.    Big Cloud Buddha accept 

                    4 Country Metal for Report

                    from US President Biden

                    About NASA Spaceman 

                    Big Cloud Buddha creation

                   of Cloud to change weather

*2021.11.    Big Cloud Buddha to have 

                   speech teaching in United 

                   Nation stage each week 1 times

to new acquaints UNWTO members

from 11/14. If you hand interest,

please connect Rissho University

Big Cloud Buddha Library.

2021 BCBF 大雲佛基金會活動

*2021.04. 榮獲WCIA的發明獎座

                與其他共計 6 位國家領導人





*2021.04. 榮獲美國拜登總統的"美國最佳



*2021.05.  榮獲聯合國宗教部門通過




*2021.05.  運用聯合國贊助款及在總裁











*2021.07. 運用聯合國贊助款暫付購買

                美國空軍機種 6 架,共計


  •      無法即時付款事實

*2021.08. 運用聯合國贊助款支持日本





*2021.09.  聯合國總裁參與日本大雲佛





*2021.09.   大雲佛在美國拜登總統公開




                   長及 4位學生一起得到4國總


*2021.11.   大雲佛開始在聯合國講台主持




*2021.12.  大雲佛關懷台東縣民身體的健.  






 To use feet back to stand can forbid to fall


Feet "S"  Slide Area 足部"S"型區域
This is "S" Slide area,mean healthy
這是足弓內凹區, 表健康

This is feet back 

This is Feet Back Stand Practice. Can forbid to
break bone, please stand on wash hands baskin to hold to do., forbid you fall In the first time

Oldie people scare to fall on the ground, usual after fall, cannot live over 3 years.

How to prevent?

Stand on feet back.

This can stronger your

feet flat part has a "S"

slide in. It also can make your bone get straight and can hold your body straight up and let go ladder helper.

Usually it take 3 weeks.

From one good example:

78 years old lady, 10 weeks ago, she walked hold the wall step by Step. And after practice 7-8 times practice in wash hands baskin every day. Now She can use feet back to stand half an hours long. And now can walk independtly. 

For the First Beginner, please hold wash hands baskin to learn. To prevent to fail in feet back stand.

Why had to practice feet stand? 
For feet is human second heart. If your feet strong, then it meant your body blood cycle good and health. So exercise your feet can protect your body is correct teaching. And Taiwan in the usual soldier system refused "feet flat" male to be soldier. For they fell often on the army practice moment, the system worried they wouldn't catch up the speedy of practice.And the percentage was very high.  So that they add this qualification on.
And human get older, usually the "S" slider in your feet part would become flat. Why? For this part muscle cannot hold too tight after years get older. It would become weak. And make oldie all became easier to fall. Once fall, because of feet flat, it will happen again. It' s very dangerous for an oldie. That's the reason, already takeno face fall one times, how to prevent to fall.again and again is very important. please spread this message to every oldie village. To make oldie get healthy body.




老人一旦跌倒,壽命頂多再活 3 年。因為跌倒

練習,一天 7-8 次,當時走路需用手扶著牆,
可以一次用腳背站立 30 分鐘。

BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation
BCBF 大雲佛基金會