2021年8月2日 星期一

Invitation from America Gun Cases

This is America Kids Photo Big Cloud Buddha download in Computer. 

Why one Foreigner will concern 
America kids Gun Shot cases high 
or low? Isn't it none of her business
, as what we often heard from
President said?
Because within 2018-2020 , 3 years long
each year 50,000 cases death case happened in hell officer face. And.
upon close America School open day, 150,000 Cases under 16 years old kids crying so loud day and night in First Hell. hell officer had no way only request Big Cloud Buddha to help thing resolved.

That's the history background.
And I promise those kids I will Make
Law to protect like those years kid body health. So that they dry their tears.

And after do many ways to try, I found
it is hard to find a good job done fast and efficient. Besides, got to hold until 
"Make Law" Work process well. So that 
I try the "Variyana Way" to teach those 
kids basic knowledge. On they recite ABC from their childhood, then they keep this habit to do, and they'll remember what Variyana Buddha what to bring to them " No Gun"Habit. To use 
English natural Mother language way 
to make them have that habit. Besides,
keep whole life long promise in both 
Kids and Big Cloud Buddha wuthin.
That's the reason why it works. And its strong and efficient like a wind wave 
Close to America whole Country. Every kids natural thinking accept this conception. No need to use any method to worry their influence.

"You're so clever."said Mr. Shield.
No need you worry and sorry they will forgot. And had bad influences. It's a big work. But used very simple method, and fast and efficient get thing done. Just keep recite ABC their Mother Language. Then it'll put in their memory. Get thing done. Thank you, Japan Akihiro Emperor , Big Cloud Buddha disciple ,
dharma Taste 法味, he did get involved besides wanted to know the history. We didn't expect that made thing all came out. And made everybody all appreciate Big Cloud Buddha clever knowlege.
Add written in Mar 05, 2022.

To appreciate Honor Hou Der General ,
He did a good job to make every school to recite Big Cloud Buddha article related. That made them had a very deep impression. And to add in Mrs. Sixth speech to make them clean and clear what they learn from Heaven 
Variyana Buddha, Big Cloud Buddha. 
Thank you for America whole Country movement to get this Record
ZERO GUN SHOT to your life ever since. And wish "MAkE LAW" promise can move smoothly. And make everybody
understand and to take that action.Then Big Cloud Buddha can report to the First hell those 150,000kids and also hell officer. He did a good job in reflection and kind assistance helping on Hell Bodhisava. And later to help to make those kids to get birth after 10 weeks later. They had a little bit satisfied. But still don't know the result. Because No" Make Law" Action yet. That's it. 

Today, Big Cloud Buddha received AIT one invitation mail about my Good Job in "America Education Children Forbid them to Use Gun Work". It is heard that 50 States Police Station"0" Cases Gun Cases within 7 days, from July 27 started. This is a great record within 50 years.

It's a miracle happen in America. No Gun Cases.How comes? Police Department Chief Mr.Shield said.
Big Cloud Buddha appreciate All Heaven Buddha and Bodhisattva pray for America Country kids grow up smoothly and healthily From ever on. Especially, it did happen before School open, before Summer vacation over. It's so fast excuted well, it's a peaceful and happiness Land in Community environment. It happen in President Biden hands. It's a miracle !

Big Cloud Buddha do write mail to appreciate President Biden arrangement for Celebration from Citizens on Aug 20- Aug 22. 3 days. Thanks for Police Department Chief handled in every details issue. 
Big Cloud Buddha now is busy in discussing with my family members where to get the Vaccinate shot before we come to States. It seemed very strange step, a lot of  people to States to get the free shot, and my family are busy in calling every places to ask where to get one. private shot first? For my elder son worry so much about COVID-19 disease situation in every Country. His"nervous" in our family. His Name is Chen Che. His excuse is he got twin boys, they just 6 years old. It's a heavy burden to take good care of them.

It's an honor to accept President Biden arrangement Invitation Celebration.  Big Cloud Buddha thank for AIT and also America Police Department Chief good arrangements for every details issue.

And wish this Action may also bring Taiwan Country some of Special Thing. So that it will be easy to get approval from Government. I wish every steps all well thoughtful and clever done by match partners. To make whole plan smooth pass every necessary gates. And open surprise happily scene in front of every expected Earth Citizen eyes.

Execution Result:
1. At 14:50-15:20 since President Biden didn't take what's happen in every places.changes take it precious, he even said,  " she's not worth" 
2.That's why I challenge them within half an hours , open 50% without Big Cloud Buddha protection 
3.It happened 110 cases within 30 minutes. If they still don't turn their head to Big Cloud Buddha to say : I take you precious. Or you real worth. Then, I would let everything back.

Police Station Department Chief Mr. Shield certified that 110 case is true on Mar 5, 2022 .

Every America all laughed and satisfied.

Written by BCBF President & New Buddhism Founder Big Cloud Buddha on Aug 02, 2021.Don Men, Taipei, Taiwan.


