2021年2月23日 星期二

British England News

 Feb 22,2021 (Mon)

Here's Great British England News:

Because of Prince William Award illed. And passed away.  His Mother Princess Diana suggested Her 2nd son Couple lived in Canada, back to England. 


But last year, this Couple did have a News in the Newspaper, they abandoned their Royalty name and donation.And ready to independently to live in Canada. Now, they accept their Mother Princess Diana call them back. They had no idea how to work!

And after Harry back to England. Big Cloud Buddha all of sudden spoke with British Citizen"Do you like Your Prince back?"they seemed all interested in.

So,Big Cloud Buddha appeared and suggested to British Parliament Senators to say: " to set up one rule,'To England Citizen.vote how many percentage pass, then Prince Harry can refix back his Royalty seat.' "

"Harry need some supporter from Parliament to Citizen, all need."

That's why Big Cloud Buddha see this steps got to build up.And through Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved whole Parliament Senators to set up Some rule: if Citizen vote over 50% agree to accept Prince Harry to refix back to his herit Seat. Then succeed.

Therefore, Through these two Steps, 

Great British England back!!! Related Country back!!!

And their result is successful! Over 65%Citizen welcomed them back to London to refix their Original Royalty Inherited Order.

And Prime Minister Mr.Boris Johnson wrote one mail to invite Big Cloud Buddha to accept "The Throne's Ceremony" For I made "Great British England"back. And all citizen welcomed.

Related Country all happy to accept this News!And Related Country donation all come back, this Country won't be poor any more. 

They included Prime Minister and Parliament appreciate Big Cloud Buddha bring rich and abundant donation for this Country.. That's why their Country decide to invite. Big Cloud Buddha to held one "Throne Ceremony" for her in June or July.

And following the History, Big Cloud Buddha Provided this Throne back to this Royalty, that's why I win one "Throne Ceremony" .

That's a Great News! Big Cloud Buddha accept to have this "Throne Ceremony" held in British England! !

The above 

Reported by Mu Guei. En

