2019年12月27日 星期五

Recent Messy Phenomenon

In Buddhism Teaching, according to Shakymini description, there are Four Periods, i. e.
"Stay"成。 "Finish" 住。 "Broken" 壞。 "Empty" 空。

What's "Stay"?
It meant: Shakymuni Teaching successfully inherited to his disciples hands, besides, kept on prosperous by Sutra every Generation.

What's "Finish"?
It meant: Shakymuni Teaching long staying, kept well by Generations.

What's "Broken"?
It meant: Shakymuni Vow broken, cannot kept well by those taken Vows Monks, not to mentioned for those Laypeople.

What's "Empty"?
It meant: Shakymuni Teaching showed tired and weak status, although had Sutra base, still cannot find the correct Path.

Now, I'm going to introduce "Empty Geh", Shakymuni provided me this
"Subject" when I wrote an article concern about the recent status in 2018.

What's "Empty Geh"?

Through request human are easy to get their extra eyes and ears bigger. And through those unknown place came out human, they can through those "request" to get their human body. The dead people can get their human cover to live like a alive people, and nobody can tell what's their genuine status. We heard one of voice came out from their body said"I'm dead","I don't want to be President","I Don't want to be so and so, or I don't want to stay in President Hall", but we still can see her in front of us, shake hands with someone else.
The above voice were heard by 6 psychology doctors in Taipei Veteran
General Hospital  and they just wanted to prove what they heard to whole country citizens, they didn't expect because of this, they paid
their life bill.

What's the truth behind this?
According to our knowledge from Bible or History knowledge, human or earth creature are from  God's creation. From Adam and Eve started, we all had the same four cycle: to get birth, to get older, to get ill, to die. No matter what kind of animals or
creatures on earth, all the same. All had to pass this Four Periods. We called it "life circle". And on earth  to face "Live and Death" is formal issue, as to human, it's the same. It's a routine Heaven rule. All natural all follows. Usually, we pray for long life and peaceful life, it's our daily pray.

If there's a team, they had through the unusual way of request to change the life cycle, from 4 periods. All of sudden, jump from Death period back
to Alive period, just back to what he or she was alive period, through direct dead soul to be pretended and covered to be alive, what would it be, someone real spent this kind of life 2 years long, and she even occupied the high position, all day long talked about government issue, and next to her all caused by her to be dead now.

Almost occupied all governmental office 60-70 persons, all dead people in meeting, in discussed what's next policy? We cannot help to ask this question: don't you worry that their passed issue, it's count OK or not? Or
we had better do it again? Or change
those alive ones to do ? Why had to tolerate so long until cannot wait to
do something, so that can decide to take some action? Got to so depressed, so that can make decisions?

How many people agree this? this is not independent case, it's all about
cases. Because open your eyes, you knew someone passed away several days ago, and later he or she came back. What's wrong with our
environment? Is hell broken? Or be begged to open hell door? Beg hell door broken?

Those passed away people, they're dead now they be back because of our begging, they are get used to live, all forgot what's death about? The question is how to sent them away, so that we can get back our clean and peaceful life. Or else, what's life to be can say it's "normal"?

Big Cloud Buddha ask young man to think and also old age to think too:
"How to live can say it's a normal human life? Can we tell the difference with "normal"and "abnormal"?

Below is a basic knowledge, Big Cloud Buddha teach:
Human has two legs.
Ghost has no legs.
And in Sutra  teach:
Follow Buddha, Two Legs Dignity
Follow Dharma, Depart Desire Dignity
Follow Samga, Human Best Dignity.
The difference is it.

The above

Big Cloud Buddha
written in Taipei, Taiwan
Dec 28, 2019

Copy Right Reserved.

