2019年8月17日 星期六

中國「大學」「中庸」譯文 Translated Chinese “Chung Yeung” “Da Hsiyeu”

Heaven life we called it soul, leading soul we said it’s path, leading path we said it educate.
It meaned to confirm humanity top spiritual level is heaven gift, human to follow this kind of
gift natural  is path principal, to major self is to educate. And later explain “path” is man cannot
leave One moment, if man plan to major “path” first have to chase what in his mind spiritual natural. Here Chinese “Chung Yeung” “Da Hsiyeu” has some difference, the main point of “Chung Yeung”is to discuss what personality express style and measure, it think man except heart of spiritual natural
got to count on self awaken, and also got to control personality explore measure, for humanity
except moral rule still has emotional element. So, stress on “Chung Yeung”this conception. What’s
“Chung Yeung” this conception, is balance, is what emotion in moral natural and courtesy rule have
their measure action, it emphasized emotion express got to be level, be principal,  not warm not hot, not go over , not beyond control.

