2019年8月30日 星期五

Pratice with Big Cloud Buddha Record on Aug 29,2019

For Lunar July is what Chinese called
"Ghost Month", that's why whole month
full of strange atmosphere.

Originally, Big Cloud Buddha planned
to have a meeting in Italy with both
Taiwan businessman team 12 persons
and also Italy Wine Maker 24 company
altogether to have a great meeting on
Sep 03, 2019 in Italy.

How's a pity feeling that at last second ,
before we move to start on our trip, we
check our 'Lunar Calendar', we found
that Sep 1-2 is a lousy day for travelling.
Even predict it's going to have a plane
crash on that day. We scare.

That's why we change our mind to cancel
our meeting, to choose some other time.

And Big Cloud Buddha in front of Avalotesvara face, pray for
"Wish whole earth people
will pray with Big Cloud Buddha
together, recite "NAMOAMITOFO"
to pray for whole earth reduce Air
Crash on Sep 1-2"

Within 8:43-9:13p.m., half an hour, over
10 billion people recite the same tone
same tempo, over 10 minutes. It was
a touched moment, that was unforgettable.
Everyone sincerely pray for Heaven bring
Everyone Safe and Sound Day on that 2 days, Sep 1-2. Even a lot of people cancel
trip to forbid the accident fall it on their heads.

Furthermore, the Tempo  sounds start up
Country- Arabia Combination Country,
they are the First One Country to accepted
the Tempo Teaching from Big CloudBuddha
they accept the strong hint from Heaven, to request them Practice Team to "Sit".

Besides, to fold legs and hands, just like Buddha statue.
And they did. Originally, we thought it would be very busy at gesture, but we heard"Times's up" and they
do, their legs soft , resolved to fold troubles. It last 3 minutes.
And the second day, they keep on practicing for 5 minutes.

It real encourages them to accept Big Cloud Buddha teaching, they ready to write invitation to Big Cloud Buddha to invite her come to their Country to teach them more.

Big Cloud Buddha
written in Aug 2019
Taipei, Taiwan

Copy Right Reserved.

2019年8月21日 星期三

The Yu Nan Pan Ceremony - Sent to West World Record


On Aug 15, 2019 Thursday at  14:45-16:30
In Taipei, Taiwan Venue, Big Cloud Buddha Fundation Reserved Branch
JANA Buddhism Center, hold one Ceremony for over1,330,000 persons
All Last Name, combined with two groups, one was over 300 years stayed
in the First Hell, total 753,923 persons; the other group was Second Shift
on the ground All Last Name, total 580,720 persons. They all through
this Ceremony sent by Dharma Boat to come to West World. This is a successful
Ceremony, besides within Ceremony clean their guilty thoroughly clean, so that
to make sure they all reach West World clean status. They would all pass the gate,
to reach West World qualification. So, after Ceremony, they all await in stand by
status, after Dharma Boat burned in half way, they all through “Cloud” to say
 “We’re in the West World” besides keep say “We love You, Big Cloud Buddha”
several times. And Ceremony kept on burning the Dharma Boat until it finished
burned, West World already close and left.

Below is two group detail introduction:

The First Group was from those in the First Hell, stayed  over 300 years all
recited over 50 millions times NAMOAMITOFO 南無阿彌陀佛 and had a
strong confidence in both 阿彌陀佛 and 大雲佛, and showed their respect
to both of them, so that Big Cloud Buddha would according to their prayand also kept her promise to send them to West World.

Below was part of 202 persons First Group name list:

陳月星    陳笙水   紀世生   釋季沉   臼又銘等202 名名單

The Second Group was invisible Buddhist, this was the  Second Shift . The First Shift was 2018 ,Big Cloud Buddha sent 4,461 person.
2019 sent 580,720 persons . They all recited南無阿彌陀佛 over 50 million times. They still have over 4,000persons left, stayed in Second Hell, they need to encourage to keep on recite over 300,000 times. Before Jan 01,2020, to catch up Next time "dharma Spread"

Below is name list:

Below was part of name list:
淨心  90名, 淨音 40 名, 淨商 90名,
淨論  100名,淨孝 300名,  淨玉.700名

The above was total 580.720 persons ,
part of name.

The Ceremony was successful. And
the next day, Big Cloud Buddha burned those name list to Landgod after Lunar July 16, every semi-month pray.

And after Ceremony, Big Cloud Buddha started to spread those foods used for
Ceremony, to share successful Ceremony
and those lucky and happiness to reach West World, their dharma happiness and luck to spread to every one no matter acquaintance or not or nice to Buddha as usual, as a gift to appreciate them.

Some of food also planned to send to
Children Union to spread to wish
bring those lucky to those poor kids.

Big Cloud Buddha
written in Lunar July 15,2019
Taipei, Taiwan

Copy Right Reserved

2019年8月17日 星期六

何謂投胎轉世? How to get birth?




What’s get birth?
So called to get birth is to get the second generation. How to get second generation?
To get second generation is necessary in the best “Incident Understanding” to grab the
Best timing, the cleanest moment in order to show the Best result, or else, how to find
 to be human again?

The cleanest moment has to be the best gift provided by Old heaven, this is what the
Sixth Ancestor Huei-nan taught “Zen”, what we called “Incident Understanding”.
Whenever Old heaven push human down to get birth time, all like hit on man’s head,
as that moment is the newest the slightest karma timing.

Big Cloud Buddha
written in July, 2019

Copy Right Reserved.

中國「大學」「中庸」譯文 Translated Chinese “Chung Yeung” “Da Hsiyeu”

Heaven life we called it soul, leading soul we said it’s path, leading path we said it educate.
It meaned to confirm humanity top spiritual level is heaven gift, human to follow this kind of
gift natural  is path principal, to major self is to educate. And later explain “path” is man cannot
leave One moment, if man plan to major “path” first have to chase what in his mind spiritual natural. Here Chinese “Chung Yeung” “Da Hsiyeu” has some difference, the main point of “Chung Yeung”is to discuss what personality express style and measure, it think man except heart of spiritual natural
got to count on self awaken, and also got to control personality explore measure, for humanity
except moral rule still has emotional element. So, stress on “Chung Yeung”this conception. What’s
“Chung Yeung” this conception, is balance, is what emotion in moral natural and courtesy rule have
their measure action, it emphasized emotion express got to be level, be principal,  not warm not hot, not go over , not beyond control.

New Buddhism Zen 新佛教禪

Today, Aug 17, 2019, Saturday, afternoon 15:30-15:33
Whole earth over 30,000:000 person joined Big Cloud Buddha
teaching New Buddhism Zen.

What it is?
It’s  to learn how to sit from your hands put on your lag top,
after 1 or 2 times big breath, started to natural breath, and when
in your sit, you find your mind it’s not as your teaching master
yelled so loud “clean” , you try to use your eyes to see it in and
see it out. That’s very important practice. If you keep practice
this succeed, then you can start to learn what in Chinese 5 Steps
in traditional History background “Da Hsiyeu”In Chinese we called
“大學”. To learn how to stop. That’s very essential base for every learning.
That’s it

今天是二零一九年八月十七日 星期六,下午3:30-3:33

這是指導你如何在手放在 膝背上,大口呼吸一,二次。


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