2018年6月14日 星期四


The Q and A from Big Cloud Buddha

The poll for this research figure from Taiwan citizens:
20-30 years Total: 4,500,000
30-40 years Total: 370,000
40-50 years Total:3,500,000

I. Please tell us what do you want to tell us?
A: i. Big Cloud Buddha has the Buddha Strength: I swear to save
whole earth come to West World, no matter what kind of religion.
ii. Others just by say it only, this is what we called “ Sutra teacher”. I’m Thirty Three Heaven Buddha, you all saw me passed the Thirty Two Heaven to Thirty Three Heaven before, you can called to be my “witness”.
Iii President Tsai already passed away almost over one year, July
4th is her Anniversary of Death. Until now, China still spoke loudly to say they did it. It’s their spy got in Taiwan, after shooting her, he escaped away.
iv. President Tsai had been to Three kinds of Hell. Ordinary she
was sent to Central Hell. Because she got reached it, and led
those Tibet religion disciples all attacked on the ground. So
she was sent to Animal Hell. And the result was her Rinpoche
dealed with Chinese MaZu’s disciples, and both sides of
them all down to Animal Hell, and Rinpoche used his Tibet
request to make Scient to replace President Tsai’s body, to
make her just alive back. From then on, President Tsai
became revived in the world, the Top number Human, she
was come and go within Hell and Ground so long Ghost. For
she was dead, and always be pray alive back to the Ground,
that’s the reason made Heaven decided to resolve the trouble
all in one time, so sentenced her to Eighteen Hell. For once
upon a time, Shakymuni opened 18 Hell to let LuShenYen
Group disciples got in, 18 Hell never opened before, last time
opened record was 600 years ago. That’s the reason made Old
Heaven to decide to make President Tsai got in and never get

Out. Because MaZu’s disciples kept disturbing Old Heaven too long, like Vice President pray for” Please make Tsai Ing Wen revive again” and they count on MaZu to hold her promise in the Heaven status, and control the outside of situation to make thing always happened in their hands, that turned the earth Heaven and Hell without order and messy. Whole earth cannot tell very clearly what’s alive people, what’s dead people. That’s very serious situation to the earth. Make the earth all changed to be like Hell, cannot tell what’s earth original look, all dark and dirty like Hell status. What’s Heaven? What’s God? What’s
Religion? All messy, simply because one case was lost, It became all messy, no clean and clear place.

II. Please tell us what’s your opinion?
A. Please take this question as a whole country point of view, not
Just personal opinion. Was President dead? Was Vice President dead? Was Administration Chief dead? Was Legislative Chief dead?
If they all dead, DPP why don’t you think of whether you should change some other option to be their position, why still sit over there, didn’t take some action? Still ask for God or ask for Fortune
Teller provide your response: or request MaZu to suicide Big Cloud Buddha, and so on that kind of silly request. What are you busy for? The Taiwan country empty like this kind of status, still count on religion way to make up, to use Tibet religion requests to change to be President Tsai to pretend she was alive, still can tell you a lot of policy, still can interview, still can join the election champion option people, when did you want to tell the truth, what did you want to hide and admit it, as long as has Big Cloud Buddha can be used to be Old Heaven, then you don’t want to open the window to tell the truth? You just await Taiwan Government to be crashed down? Because Old Heaven already no other better way to think of, so that used the Heaven Soldiers to protect Taiwan air force to fight for Taiwan Government, to make China face Big Cloud Buddha have some sort of enemy eyes, and also to force Big Cloud Buddha less care about Taiwan environment. Now, only control Taiwan to ask Tsai Ing Wen out from 18 Hell idea less than 7 days, then Big Cloud Buddha can win the game, to let DPP to open the Death News for President Tsai, if you’re Taiwanese please pray for Big Cloud Buddha and also Taiwan can win, then Taiwan have the Hope for Tomorrow.

III. Please tell us why you spend a lot of time to teach us, what do you
expect us to learn?
A: It’s a wish to expect every one of you when you face the space air,
face invisible world, please don’t look down upon it, or think of this is small conception in religion point of view. I expect each one of you build up the traditional Chinese from the ancient times already learned from Ancestries,: Respect Heaven, follow Ancestries way. Respect Heaven, Believe in Gods, always have this kind of respectful and fearfulness feeling to the invisible world, this is to bring you back to 2000 years ago old habitual back to your spiritual, not long passed ago. After we all be opened eyes
and ears, we all forgot the rules, this is what we learn from history,
one of the unbreakable rule, that’s what we respect the Heaven
Dignity, respect invisible space, we should rebuild it well and
search it back, especially for the young generation. Because it’s
New for them, they even had no idea for the past. That’s the
reason we should respect Gods, especial when we heard CheLan
Bodhisattva, Wen Tien Shiang, or what we be taught to pray for
Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes Avalokitesvara, we heard their
response, we should have one of appreciation feeling and respect
Them back to response our pray, and we would always won’t miss this manners. This is religion basic teaching.

And my name is “Big Cloud Buddha” Why my name is “Big Cloud Buddha”, that’s a honorable Buddha name, and It was honored by Shakymuni,( who was establisher of Buddhism), to memorize down my achievements in 33 Heaven. “We’re all your witness to see you to fly through 32 to 33 Heaven before. That scene always deep in our mind, although we cannot see now, but the feeling deep impressed on our brain.” Spoke by Russia President Pu Tin. I did earn my respect, also your appreciation because my Three Swears of Buddha Strength. Not like ordinary moment you heard from man’s rude manners in this public space, used” insult” word to me, including opened her photo to see who’s doing, who represents the Government position, don’t take it nothing, for educating the new generation, they are deep impression what you’re doing. Whenever you’re insulted by country citizens, don’t expect policemen to protect you, for you ‘re doing the most poor Model in front of them before, now they just return to you. No wonder I always say “you’re not Buddhist”. Then don’t expect you will meet “AMITOFO” in the future.

Please don’t speak in public to yell and response “ Yes, You can” speak to Ma Zu, whenever Daoism disciples yell loudly to pray whether they can take a action to suicide Big Cloud Buddha. This kind of Issue even can enlarge to let all public to hear so cruel and so shame action, dare to use so loud voice to speak to Heaven, this is against Heaven teaching, not rule by human law language. And Ma Zu You even can response “YES”.

This is ridiculous ,those kill human, rob money, fire burning, and so many shame and rude thing can even in face of space air so many God and Decent Saint and invisible scient to use out their breathe to speak with, dare to let all the space air Protectors can hear, If they didn’t be torched go over, then they should be “die” in the street at once.

Big Cloud Buddha through the air to request Guan Kuan, to ask Ma Zu be silent to response, to pretend not understand what they’re saying. This is reasonable. Religion naturally have to educate people how to pray, so that Heaven can match what they pray to make it come true. For example: pray for peace, pray for pass exam, pray promotion and fortune, pray for new baby, pray for children, pray for family reunion, pray for country peace and good development, pray for good body health and so on, the above all generation to generation reasonable pray. Until now, in public face to pray, and Yell: we can hear
Vice President because of Security Bureau cannot for sure protect his safety, in front of all citizens, used Tibet requests (bigger voice)Yell:”Please let Tsai Ing Wen alive back”, Is this reasonable? She was dead, and burned to ash into Bone Tower, and still ask her back to work for country, the result was made everyone to break glasses, Old Heaven took his wish to make her revived over 360 times. (because Old Heaven was influenced by Ma Zu’s disciples decision, they insisted to make her alive again and again, and Gods decision controlled the Heaven , made Big Cloud Buddha decision always lost speedy behind Gods. Three Gods: MaZu, Land God, Christ, they three controlled the Fourth Heaven’s decision. Made the same wrong direction. Made Heaven cannot peace. Because controlled in wrong stage. And at last back to 33 Heaven. Now, after separate with Gods Heaven, West World up to 5 th Heaven, AMITOFO independently stand on his stage. And without Hsu Wen Shen’s get involved then Old Heaven back to peace faster. Now, all back to order. That’s the reason why human often heard “ God Heaven control Buddha Heaven” so long.)
This is what kind of Daoism religion?
Almost made human cannot distinguish alive and dead human, they want alive human where to live in so that can say it’s safe, so that can say it’s clean. In the past, old generation said dead man got into mud then peace, now already got into bone tower still not peace, even see her everyday, whether she is Monster to get birth, or Dead Body not cold yet? Really make me don’t understand. (According to scient description, Dead Body is No breath, No Blood Plus, No Heart beaten,
Kao Tai Ming did speak with his doctor this, and the doctor certified him that way, it meant he was dead, this included other two famous people: Morris Chang of TSMC , and “Legislative and singer” Lin Zuang Zou.

Please help me to get some good method, to let our country get into the correct manage way, if Security Bureau cannot correct protect President, then they should improve their training courses, This is America President Trump opinion. Taiwan Country should have the correct President, alive and energetic can express his or her leadership for the Country Direction. To show their citizens strong confidence in their Leading strength, not from 18 Hell came out, after 30 minutes then gone, to be President got to take responsibility, not to take easy to see the content to recite it loudly then through. But what we saw now, President schedule just a few minutes, mess the places, took some position photo for TV shot, then through. (to let Taiwanese cannot tell whether she’s alive or not, that’s what Big Cloud Buddha pointed mess the place)This was through DPP, besides, already hanging 11 months, and later one year passed, always ask 33 Heaven took some responsibility, always threaten to resolve between Heaven and Hell management troubles. ( alive or dead trouble) Big Cloud Buddha concentrate in wishing the earth without Ghost staying. That’s the reason three year ago, in July 15th Ghost Festival, Big Cloud Buddha encouraged whole earth “All Last Name” to join held in her Foundation’s Ceremony, consist to join three years then after that, Big Cloud Buddha would take them come to West World. However, sent out the “All Last Name” Ghost on the ground, here comes 18 Hells Ghosts, ask Big Cloud Buddha how to face earth people pray for live in a peacefulness, happiness, joyfulness life, where to find a clean space to live on, how to let human have a freedom life, happily and freely, and healthy life, this is basic requirement in Big Cloud Buddha’s point of view. But now, even Heaven and Hell Management, DPP all want to hand in, then Human, Are You necessary to against DPP? We want human’s life, please provide us human’s life, we don’t want to have the same space with 18 Hell Ghosts, please return us clean and clear air, don’t come out from Hell, don’t bring any unreasonable dirty things, don’t let us influenced by those Invisibles, no benefit for our magnetic field, often happen unreasonable dead cases, those were not peace examples. Those were not peace. The most important in our life is pray for peace, even cannot desired , not to mention, walk out to shopping. Please return us the basic human life, OK? Please don’t put your head on the mud, just like ostrich, to cheat yourselves, you already find the peace and resolving way, all right? Please give us Human President, Please?

Taiwanese please don’t cheat yourselves, and cheating others. The fact is simply like Ostrich pass day in day out, pass too long, can you pray yourselves good luck and fortune? Or else to see a doctor’s sister, won’t be unreasonable took out the knife, to suicide somebody else, this was lure coerce, this was influenced by 18 Hell elements, and also so many disasters, like volcanic eruption, cannot image how big strength, hard to believe the whole earth all covered by 18 Hell shadows, please take
some guts to resolve your country issue, don’t miss it, will you?

Human please speak for yourselves, if don’t speak something, then human air out of the trouble, because almost dirt cannot breathe, full of Hell smell, they had been come and go too long.

Please if you’re human, then speak with Taiwanese, why don’t take some strength do something, understand the correct situation ?why not resolve your Security Training Problem, let President have a safe Environment, then He or She can inherit President Position no trouble. The result now is including foreigner get involved, because human don’t want to see 18 Hell often come and go to disturb human’s life. They cannot stand it. Please let go us, will you?
Let us have a safe space, OK?
Make our new generation have clean and fresh air to breath, all right?
Don’t make us nervous, OK?
Please response earlier, don’t hanging in, OK?


From Big Cloud Buddha.

