2018年3月23日 星期五

Alive is Alive ,Death is Death

To live is a happiness thing in the world. How to live like a human, to think, to crab, to touch , to use
Your hands to know the world, to use your brain to scheme what you feel the world, to use your 
heart to touch the temperature of the world, then you know you are alive.

To death, it's another world, that people scare, or correct say it, human scare. Why, it's after body cold
world. That is a unreliable world, nobody know it is true or not. Only, through fortune teller, or  novel
to describe, what in their mind the Death World.

What's the difference between alive and death?

Alive then you can do whatever you like to do, all kind of wish you pray all may come true, if you're alive ,

Death, then after you're soul out from your body, then according to the history teaching:not go to the 
Heaven, then down to hell. This is soul never disappear theory,in Chinese We said:靈魂不變定律
That's why don't ever think. you can jump from one point to another point, and you would missing.
No, it is impossible. You cannot escape your soul always had connection with both point, you 
won't missing. You just transfer to another kind of creation still live in another space.

Why I'm so sure, because I'm Big Cloud Buddha, I control the Heaven and Hell. That's the reason 
I can prove and swear Whole earth people, you would be saved to West world. Human all look forward to come to Heaven, and hate down to Hell. Then, follow well vows is very important.

The follow up, I'll teach you Eight Vows:
I.No cheat, no lie
II. No steal
III. No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6 people, only sleep with 2, we support marriage.
IV. Less drink of wine, don't be drunk driver, if not cannot come to heaven
V. Love your country
VI. Clean your body, deep meaning, clean your heart 
VI. Don't speak ill of others
VIII.No killing
Follow Vows, just like follow rule so natural.  Similar like Chinese use chopstick, Westerner use folk and knife, that simple, because you're on it. You live on it, you just according to original parents or heaven trained you, to put in your memory to follow, it's enough.

All religion all have different rules have to follow. Just do it! Don't break it! That just like "Heaven have Heaven rule, Land have Land rule. Human within, got to follow" Chinese History Confucius taught"Heaven Land, King, Parents, Teacher"天地君親師all have to respect. They  curved In wood and use stick to pray for it. It meant they respected and followed.

Old history taught us, to be death was unknown,生死兩茫茫, nobody know about what's death.
We only can tell, after death, do good thing can come to heaven, and do poor thing will down to hell.

Now, recently, what's in our heard and seen were scare things happen:

Original human all created by God, man want to be human got to through 10 months in mother's stomach, so that man can get 10 bodies to be human. However, now, creature mixed this rule:
Somebody even can plan to use scient to pretend human. That mean death people can count on scient to use hide in it's body some place and pretend to alive again. Whenever you attended that one funeral before, you did see his or her body was burned to be dash , kept in bone bow. When you see someone again, stand up in front of you, what will you feel? Stand your body hair all straight, that kind of terrified. Not to mention, I even heard some religion plan to use scient to pretend " death people" to have 10body scients to cover human10 body , to make their death fact be covered, and become "revive"

We knew in the Bible did written " Christ Revive again after he passed away seven days"What His story did teach us to live were so wonderful, and He was a miracle. But what we heard now, it was created another kind of creation in the world, that's over the human history!Will human be replaced by this kind of creation or not, we don't know, but if we keep quiet, let this thing happen, then the earth would be destroyed by those new creation, because nobody can tell the difference with the body were alive or death. THE TRUTH IS "ALIVE is ALIVE, DEATH IS DEATH" Nobody can deny it, 
Especially, in Chinese what we said "judge after Coffin"蓋棺論定 This is very important historical record if man did have some contribution in his period. That's why this man's death was to prove his period was over. Their related people should learn let go. That's very important.

Please help to stop new creation - scient pretend human to live in the world, Don't let ugly human thinking
to use in the earth to let mankind cannot tell who is alive, who is death.
That's really terrible for the world.

Thank you American ex President Obama also write the similar subject to discuss "Alive is alive, death is death".

