2017年11月8日 星期三


Name:       Big Cloud BUDDHA
Birthday:  1958.4.8
Education-:  graduated from Fu-Jen University German Department
Experience: 2002 禪宗第四十六代祖師上嘉下那法師to be inherit 46 Generation Jana Zen Dharma
                    Teacher from Guan Chin Monk 廣欽老和尚and Tai Shi Master太虛大師
                    2005 sent In Shun Teacher 印順導師 to First Fruit Heaven
                    2006 sent Cathedral Pope Paul John to First Fruit Heaven
                    2007 Nov 4, flied through Thirty-two Heaven to Thirty-three Heaven, whole earth over
                    two billions of people to be witness for this record.
                    2011sent 37 Nobel Prize Scientist to First Fruit Heaven.
                    2011 sent Steve Jobs to First Fruit Heaven,
                    2011 build up New West World , used West World Three Word as goal:
                     "Sunlight is Buddha light,
                       Cloud world is West World,
                       All religion are equal"
                       So that made all religion can come to West World
                    2013 Jan 31, meet  Shakymuni in Thirty three Heaven.
                    2013 Feb 8. Shakymuni honor  Janabuddha as"Big Cloud Buddha", certified she was                                              ,                   Yatsutolo, his wife. He take Janabuddha as His Thirty Four generation disciple, this can
                     Can be certified by Taiwan three million disciples.
                    2015 Aug In front of whole earth people announced her Three swear                      

