2017年12月29日 星期五



1958-04-08 Born in Taipei, Taiwan
1981            Graduated from Fu-Jen University German Department 
1982             Vice President of one my husband own export company 
1984             Customer Service Department Manager of GDC American 
                     Land Developer Company 
1987             Assistant of Mckinsey Consultant Company, Taiwan Branch 
1992             To meet H.K. Teacher Lee of Tibet Religion laypeople,
                      started to learn Buddhism 
1997              Built up one small center in my venue 
2000              To visit India Tibet Religion Dalai Lama Group Rinpoche, 
                       Nymapa Trichen Rinpoche, to study in Kenchen Rinpoche’s 
                       College, learned Tibet Religion Lamrin’s theory, sit(打坐) and Tibet 
                       language, they sent Kenpo to teach me classes.
2000               To be owner of Jana Buddhism Center 
2000               To meet Dalai Lama in Taiwan Ceremony 
2001               To join the Taiwan Religion Association to be member 
2002                To write mail to request seat bed from Chen Sui-Ban President,be 
                        certified to have the name from Dalai Lama Taipei Office of Losang 
                        Dorje Jana Lama 
2002                To be Zen Religion 46 Generation Jana Dharma Teacher from 
                        Zen Religion 33 Generation Tai Shu Master 
                        Zen Religion 45 Generation Kuang Chin Old Monk 
2003                Registered Zen Religion Ancestor Name in Zen Religion Association 
2005                To send Ing Sung Dharma Teacher to the First Fruit Heaven 
2006                To send Cathedral Pope John Paul to the First Fruit Heaven
2002-2011       To teach 21 Taiwan Dharma Teacher about my First Dharma 
2007-11-04      To fly through from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven to be Buddha 
                         to use First Dharma to change to be Fly Dharma
2008-2010        To keep in through Pray for Avalokitesvara in my own Buddhism 
                          Center to request forgiveness from Heaven to take wrong action. 
                          What I recited was ͞Avalokitesvara Sutra͟, and also Compassion
                           And also recite NAMOAMITOFO from tape of Kwong Chin Old Monk 
                           hearing 24 hours a day, kept in running about 9-10 months, over 
                           20 million times, and was picked up by Darmore to re-back to 
                           33 Heaven again. 
2009                    Dalai Lama dug out Ghost Teacher Lee from 46 Hell 
2010                    To meet Zen Religion First Ancestor Dharmore

2010                    To meet European Countries disciples, to teach them recite 
                             NAMOAMITOFO͟. And found at last, I am Founder of 
                             NAMOAMITOFO, Huei Yuan Master, who built one big 
                             Buddha called Le Shan Giant Buddha͟ next to Lin Yuan Temple in 
                             Shi Tsaung Province in China, I am the Second Generation of Founder 
2010                     Dalai Lama started to take Ghost Teacher Lee to travel around the 
                             countries he visited, that were Europe, Japan. And he allowed Ghost 
                             Teacher Lee to use ͞I am Dalai͟, that made every countries disciples 
                             very confused and asked him why, he did explain the reason, just for 
                             he kept asking, that’s why he started let him use. That made the 
                             history strongly changed. Because as my observation, that put Tibet 
                             Religion Dalai Lama name be misused and the whole Group didn’t find 
                             mistake very fast. And it changed all his decision, and changed the 
                             Tibet Religion History. Afterward, when you found Dalai Lama Group 
                              killed their Gods and disciples part, as I heard from Dalai Lama 
                              Group’s description, all from ͞I am Dalai͟, not as we usually heard 
                              Dalai Lama said "He is Dalai͟." so the decision maker not Dalai Lama, 
                              and even Dalai Lama be confused what his own decision. So, the 
                              history was big changed. All Tibet Religion was being suicided by one 
                              Ghost dug out from 46 Hell, his name was Teacher Lee, and he was 
                              got the permission to use Dalai Lama’s name as ͞I am Dalai͟, and he 
                              history was big changed. All Tibet Religion was being suicided by one 
                              Ghost dug out from 46 Hell, his name was Teacher Lee, and he was 
                              got the permission to use Dalai Lama’s name as ͞I am Dalai͟, and he 
                              was renamed by Shakymuni ͞Hell͟. That’s why everybody knew his 
                              name was called "Hell͟"and forgot his true name. Why he was called 
                              Hell͟? Because he was dug out from Central Hell, deep 46 Hell, and
                              at that moment, when Shakymuni first arrival the earth, he felt Hell 
                              was so dirty. Shakymuni scared if he kept calling his name was Ghost 
                              then it would be got more dirty to my Buddha’s body. For Teacher
                              Lee particularly liked to hide his body behind mine. That’s the reason
      Shakymuni changed his name.
 Moreover, the beginning of Tibet Religion of arranging meeting of
 their Founder Sung Zang Gan Bu, according to scient description,
 all from ͞Hell͟s suggestion. And later, as scient described that 
                              Lee particularly liked to hide his body behind mine. That’s the reason 
                              Shakymuni changed his name. 
                              Moreover, the beginning of Tibet Religion of                                  .           arranging meeting of their Founder Sung Zang Gan Bu, according to scient                                                          


2017年11月25日 星期六


New Class Opening

Do you have sleep trouble?Sleep not enough? Cannot sleep? At midnight, waken up, and cannot keep on to sleep?Big Cloud Buddha will teach you Her "BIG CLOUD BUDDHA SLEEP DHARMA" it mix with Shakymuni's style feet in relax your body, and also teach you new yoga creation sleep style.
That's brand new way in teaching. Welcome you join!

Also, Big Cloud Buddha will teach you "Taiwanese Style Compasion Tantra"In Chinese, we called
It 大悲咒 (Da Be Theu) From this Tantra, from Sutra teaching, it would clean your guilty, make you
become lucky, to make your wish come true. So, remember to join!

Please make a phone call
to tell your information to your master:
your name, cellphone, e-mail,
the opening class date: Feb 28(Wed)
Add: San Chung District, San Ho Road   Sec 4, Lan 215, No.33-4, 2F.




2017年11月8日 星期三


Name:       Big Cloud BUDDHA
Birthday:  1958.4.8
Education-:  graduated from Fu-Jen University German Department
Experience: 2002 禪宗第四十六代祖師上嘉下那法師to be inherit 46 Generation Jana Zen Dharma
                    Teacher from Guan Chin Monk 廣欽老和尚and Tai Shi Master太虛大師
                    2005 sent In Shun Teacher 印順導師 to First Fruit Heaven
                    2006 sent Cathedral Pope Paul John to First Fruit Heaven
                    2007 Nov 4, flied through Thirty-two Heaven to Thirty-three Heaven, whole earth over
                    two billions of people to be witness for this record.
                    2011sent 37 Nobel Prize Scientist to First Fruit Heaven.
                    2011 sent Steve Jobs to First Fruit Heaven,
                    2011 build up New West World , used West World Three Word as goal:
                     "Sunlight is Buddha light,
                       Cloud world is West World,
                       All religion are equal"
                       So that made all religion can come to West World
                    2013 Jan 31, meet  Shakymuni in Thirty three Heaven.
                    2013 Feb 8. Shakymuni honor  Janabuddha as"Big Cloud Buddha", certified she was                                              ,                   Yatsutolo, his wife. He take Janabuddha as His Thirty Four generation disciple, this can
                     Can be certified by Taiwan three million disciples.
                    2015 Aug In front of whole earth people announced her Three swear                      

Next West World "Dharma Cloud" News

Today is Oct 31,2017 (Tuesday) in Western calendar "Halloween" day, at 2:31a.m. Taipei time. There's a big scene in the World, human all can see. We all can use our soul eyes see just next to our body full of Big Cloud Buddha described ''Dharma Cloud". It's so pretty. Just near You, Your eyes can see it very clean and clear, it's about100cm tall(height),all white all floating ,just like in the sky ,the true is just next to you.
So wonder, so pretty, so unbelievable, use our eyes can see it. Why we so happy, because "cloud ."belong to Heaven, not human can reach, and now we can see just next to us, so wonderful,we even seem get used to them happen, all so calm, so smooth to accept it. It's so happy.,not jump, not dance, or hands wave. Especially, when we hear Big Cloud Buddha voice said "we're  clean  and happy, no sorrow, no ill language,"and all of sudden we all see each other smiling face, when we pass each other.We can hear what Big Cloud Buddha say"clean ,happy, no sorrow, no unhappy, no ill language" so keep everyone open their teeth smile. At this moment, Big Cloud Buddha rise her Famous Big Photo, show up in the Heaven, let everybody can see, and the photo occupied from 4th Heaven to 33th Heaven., so Big so marvelous , but change a little bit.

Big Cloud Buddha said "the Dharma Cloud"is work for Happily and Merely World  will occur next year. And encourage everyone take 5 minute sit .A lot of people they do take Big Coud  Buddha  suggestion to do it immediately. And the scene is so big and huge, make Big Cloud Buddha in the Thirty three heaven feel excited and feel huge.

And after practice, Big Cloud Buddha discussed with earth people about "how do we think about our life attitude?"  A lot of people like right now life attitude, and Big Cloud Buddha also agreed, because  through China "Jack Ma" the President of Alibaba, in his video mentioned, nowadays is new generation, human all get used to use computer or cellphone, male or female all equal, you cannot tell "you speak with" is men or women. For through technic man and woman no difference. Or just like Big Cloud Buddha did talk before  men can do, women all can do. This is new generation, no gender
difference generation. We all equal in education, that make history changed quite a lot. Because
human all have  our own giving talent, since we have the education background the same, that make women have the same thinking capability as men, and new modern life not only count on strength to live on community, count on use your brain, your knowledge, your working experience, so the difference between men and women seem less and less. No wonder, times change, to find a happy marriage partner is a heavy task than before. Human seem chase the single life better than marry life. However, stand on Big Cloud Buddha point of view, I still encourage young generation have" Full Life theory"brave to get married, and have a son or a daughter, and build up a brand new family, have your own good and kind spiritual inside, and outer become a strong and powerful will and also in execute  capability. One of the main goal is very important that is responsibility. No matter you are men or women. To be responsibility not only in moral, but in acting, that will upmost your soul and vision. Let your life face all kind of challenge full of courage and strong strive to keep on. And you would learn a lot of different taste of life. Bitter, sour, sweet,and  fragant. That's what life all about.

Just like in the  historical proverb said "gold and jade full of your family"(金玉滿堂) that's
"what the human why be human for", that's the first conception from the ancient times ancestry , they
 plan for next generation, "they got to be have new generation"傳宗接代, that from Chinese traditional ancestry education teaching for generation to generation, all the same, and I am Taiwanese, traditional conception from Chinese background, that made me have this "full human lifestyle theory" chase and  thinking. That would make you have a full scene of life know much ". why you have to be a human" thinking. "let your son or daughter see you old, see you ill, see you death. Just like you await to see him or her born, that's the generation to generation's mission.

The  truth is I love to be human, and this generation, I like to be woman.,and I swear to be back to be man to be Buddha again. That's why "I swear if I am not a human, then I be Buddha". I am brave to be human, no matter man or woman, and I invite you to join me. To be human is a combination of fortune and luck. So you would be safe and sound to be human, it's pile up your generation to
generation pray for heaven, close to heaven rule, so you can live like human, so, we should thank for
heaven accept our pray, thank for ourself knowing follow the heaven rule, and also express our
appreciation to the heaven. Make heaven knowing your appreciation. Let's close our hands to say, we
love you, heaven. We love you! We love you, Big Cloud Buddha! Of course ,we respect You!

And some young generation asked me "Do I encourage sexual activities?" Big Cloud Buddha express my own opinion: I say I do like traditional only two human' acting, in my period   of time, talk about sex should be shame, the correct description is shy. Because all in private , very self enviornment. Very hard, share each other dream,share each other future plan, your heart you found the right person to spread with,And now days young people seem get used to do this ingroup. Just like I saw in TV video, over 16-20young man and woman all neu body together to play, it's popular way in modern life. But in my point of view, why modern young people have 3 corners 4-corners love relationship, even more than this number all from less shy after that kind of group sex game, they feel familiar with, so when they feel lonely, they start to contact each other, used that as excuses. That real scare people, it's neu body they even don't know each other, only hear someone "yell"your name, so start to
call and meet, and chase of fun. It's suck and feel strange  after second people discuss with you. You
would straight back, and turn them down. Not only dangerous, besides feel greedy on your body only, not correct relationship. So please take Big Cloud Buddha opinion, stop that kind of action, accept your build up new relationship. In your language "it's suck"in ancient times meaning "sick". So"stop".

Big Cloud Buddha know about how do your feeling in the same gender of two men. For I be used just like your number"0". It's very uncomfortable,very awful feeling. So, I know it's critical subject to discuss this, however, I still want to express my own thinking,. May you stop this kind of very uncomfortable, very strange decision. It's not good healthy  action, especial to "0"side,It really cause a lot young men decide to suicide themselves young, for they cannot enjoy, only feel awful. If you
found a good friend like each other,then you would like to share with, besides take him just like your buddy

We ask when we can see "Dharma Cloud"again, Big Cloud Buddha announce and suggest each month, end of the month ,we do it again.,Everybody happy to accept it,and scient even dance to celebrate.

All copyright resevered on Nov 8, 2017.

2017年10月13日 星期五

Shakymuni recent story

Now everything is a little bit messy, just because Shakymuni and one small
scient called "Dalai" made the world very mess in hearing, got to use your
thinking to tell which is that you chase for your future, if you have strong
confidence in BIG CLOUD BUDDHA, then at last seconds you would reach
West World. If you cannot.use your conception to tell which is correct
or wrong, then keep calm, let it away, don't put it in your mind. Always
remember the scene Shakymuni announced to the whole earth "She
is 人類(human beings) King, scient beings King, 宇宙(universes)King"
He arranged one King Seat for BIG CLOUD BUDDHA. First, Shakymuni
used his right knee on the ground, that's 12, 2017. on the Sutra meaned Buddhist knee (he. presented himself as master position), and later he
changed to be two feet knee (he presented himself as disciples knee
position) That's what we saw on Oct 12,2017.

All Copy rIght Reserved from Oct 13,2017

2017年7月25日 星期二
























版權翻譯所有, 自7/25/2017開始

2017年7月9日 星期日

About Whole Earth Newest Status - Tibet Religion

what's the biggest change in the Human Field?

As we know,these few days G20 in Germany have a great meeting, 35 countries Presidents sit together to discuss how to resolve the whole earth troubles?And this time, all of sudden , Big Cloud Buddha join the meeting, in BUDDHA BODY WAY. That meant we can discuss together about one serious Problem. "We believe You use several times, your wisdom way to help people to resolve Human Body Health Problem. To forbid them use their Meditation to hurt human bodies."
And at that moment that all scient were clean by Tibet religion how to take the next steps. And British Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson took one of his familiar Rinpoche wear Red Rob to join meeting , and he used this way to hurt the Sweden Royalty,  and Royalty next to him soliders to shoot one bulletin to Tibet religion Red Rob Rinpoche , and for save the strength sake, and Big Cloud Buddha was suggested to use Meditation way to resolve Tibet religion's
all Rinpoche trouble in the whole earth. Because after Big Cloud Buddha spoke with all Presidents, Big Cloud Buddha found they all agreed to use bulletins to treat Tibet Religion. They cannot stand their meditation way any more. They heard Tibetan all used requests to hurt those human bodies,  without Big Cloud Buddha help, they didn't know how to pass.
That's why forced each Countries Presidents to make the same decision, to treat Tibet religion's people unkind.
Big Cloud Buddha had the same idea as all Presidents, made the same decision to protect
the whole earth people, away from war field, suffering scare and run for shooting from soliders, when each counties used arms to
against Tibet religion Red Rob Rinpoche and Lama's fight. So All Presidents all agreed
Big Cloud Buddha used meditation way to resolve human body protection problem. At that moment, She fast repeat the shooting from Sweden Royalty solider, to make the whole earth Tibet Religion Red Rob all injured. And all were asked "no medical care". They all were sent to hospitals. That's total over 75 millions persons all of sudden all got hurt, some very serious were lost their life very fast. For originally conclusion, 35 countries Presidents all made the same decision, they would send those Lamas back to India, made them live together, all lost their life together. Now, they just spread in different places, different countries, over 5 continentals, over 200 countries. All Presidents
all agreed to keep their original religion centers no change, let their disciples to make the decision how to take the next steps.

That's the whole situation for the Tibet religion at this moment.

All Copy Right Reserved from July 19 , 2017.