2024年9月7日 星期六

日本女子大學來函Japan Female University wrote mail to express opinion

dont just say doing a lot of thing in Japan. didnot see any Report.

Thank you for your mail reminder.
I,ll find time to response. 

Response recent question according to Big Cloud Buddha and Naruhito Emperor mail to response.
We got Emperor his permission.

Dear Naruhito Emperor,

How are you?

I,m Big Cloud Buddha.I,m your father.Akihito Master. your Father dharma name 法味. Recent according to Big Cloud Buddha built up in Japan 北海道 Hokkaidō

Rice Home Lab report. They said 


nuclear poison.water quality 0.2

nuclear poison. land quality  0.2


nuclear poison.water quality  0.1

nuclear poison. land quality   0.1


nuclear poison.water quality  0.001

nuclear poison. land quality   0.02

it meant your Father dream to eat again Hokkaidō Home Rice dream at last come true.

According to Hokkaidō Citizen their report . they said they plant Lavendar in each land to appeal every place tourist to come to visit 

Hokkaidō . Each year earn US$1,290 million. and used Lavendar to make soap. parfume bag to make their body relax and feel happy.

Related to be taught each year changed land dig 15cm to changed other places land. Within 3 years keep on doing this work. to make land quality and water quality after Japan Rice Home Lab Test the above is the record report. it is true changed the Rice Home Land and Water. It,s effective. So that plant ,Rice, for Citizen to eat,no need to worry will cause Cancer any more. It,s a longrun but useful process.

What Big Cloud Buddha did as what Akihiro法味 wish real come true. And nobody will said Japan sell Nuclear Rice to any Country that nightmare at last real belongs to the past. besides, because Big Cloud Buddha persuade Akihito Emperor doing 核食品改和食品 Nuclear Food changed to JAPAN Favorite Food succeeded. Real make Japan Country earn a lot of Friendship and also a lot of Export Food products dollars.

related 2022 FuIsland issue


2022年2月13日 星期日

Japan Fukushima 福島 Food Case日本核食變和食品


Japan Osaka Giluchen

  • Change Japan Nuclear Food

  • To Be Japan Favorite Food 日本核食變

  • 日本和食品


Japan had Fukushima 福島 nuclear disaster,in 2011.Mar.11.

It's a serous nuclear tsunami.

That combined artificial plus natural two way disasters. It meant man neglective probably can forbid, but behind cause natural big trouble, how to forbid 

Why BCBF Big Cloud

Buddha Foundation would choose this timing to get involved? 

Nowdays electricity can have a lot of option. But one of them is Nuclear. Because it costs

less budget. Besides,can last over 30 years. However,  when it cause disaster from Nuclear core

, then it spent on human body sacrifice cost. Also natural land cost. Not to mention,  environment cost. Take Russia 

Or we said Ukraine Chernobyl,

(車諾比)up to now, they still a very strange place hard to reach.

On the contrary, Japan seemed used quite a lot of plan to develope the same disaster town as a better life. But behind, cannot help to face a tear drop to dry it. 

For Nuclear Area always had a big nuclear reflection to the land , to the air,  and how to improve them after 10 years long. 

5 months ago, Big Cloud Buddha through Conversation with Old Emperor, he ask me to teach him how to reesolve Fukushima 福島 Food trouble?

For Old Emperor had a prayer:

He always wish to know how to less Nuclear reflection in plant in Fukushima 福島 ? Because before Fukushima 福島 .Rice had a period of time in good Rice Business.?

He wish to sell Fukushima 福島 Food to other places? I always ask myself, Fu Food can eat ?!福食可吃 ?!

the Fukushima 福島 people how to plant ?

For, our Foundation dedicate in protect human body health.We found Japan Nuclear Food Products still cannot help to contain a little bit higher than normal products not good for body health elements. It would cause human cannot forbid to cause cancer in the future. That's why Our Foundation suggest "change Japan. Nuclear Food to Japan Favorite Food." in recent case to discuss about.

That's why may we suggest those 10 Country

plan to order export Rice Products  in Japan , please postpone planner schedule. Or change

to other Good option Food Products. Then, it can earn both Country friendship. And also

earn different Area Marketing Knowledge.

And I also will report to people related report "How to improve to use Nuclear Area Land"

Please just await me put in written. 

The true fact is: We already through this

discussion to have the conclusion.

" The Nuclear Area plant had better plant have fragrant flower plant. Don't plant related to Food Products. Take Fukushima 福島 plant

2 months long whole place all Lavenda

Within that 2 months long, they earn 3000 tourist visiting income. And after cut Lavenda to factory, they use it to make soap, and also flower bag to sell.

Within 2 weeks all sold out. It's an successful example.  Through this good examples, it will encourage other Country in Nuclear Electricity Area do the same experiments. To see how's your own experience.

To use those good smell, good colorful plant to. make whole environment changed those Area people, not only in seeing, also in smelling to relax their Body long term nerveous condition ,and body pressure. And to use this beautiful landscape to earn tourist money. But also can use those fragrant flowers to made soap, or fragrant drop to use in spa.

To use smell to clean Nuclear Area People to be healthy. It's a gradually. way. And to those Fragrant plant ex Lavenda can through those good smell full in the air., can reduce the dirt of reflection nuclear machine created. Besides, can also protect them land away from floating in the air reflection element less and less. So that plant fragrant planner, not only good for Air, also good for land & environment. So, it deserved to try.

It meant those Nuclear Area products.  Not for food, food through mouth will hurt our inner organ. throat, stomach, womb, penis, all easy to cause Cancer. This according to Japan Country had Nuclear Food sell to local people 10 years experience. So that forbid now it extend to other different Country. Big Cloud Buddha expect to reduce the influence in diseases In the future. So that, had this kind of suggestion. Our Foundation wish every Human all had a good body health and had good figure. That's why we write this report to show our concern to express our opinion. Wish can through our correct timing to change Japan Country to have a Good Products to earn Good foreign People money and Also good Body friendship.

Regarding Nuclear Products Lab research report our Foundation plan to increase each year (occupied 30% of your lab research budget) invest ¥3,000,000 to your Nuclear Products research lab item, use to know this times Rice reproducts.first generation and next generation lab result through lab figure

difference report

If Professors would accept Big Cloud Buddha suggestion to change to fragrant plant instead of food products plant .

If you agree our suggestion, then our Foundation would appreciate your Country understanding. And we will donate our Lab donation to Your Country as soon as possible .ThankTo you for your patient reading our report.

福島核食 2011.3.11-2022

11 years over had Good Products from
Nuclear Area. Most of them are Rice Products, Because Fukushima 福島 is what we so called "Rice Home"  Japan Citizen just eat a lot of Rice from there.

Below is reference report

According to Scient Helper accurate counting, the figure as below: 

In Japan Because of Fukushima 福島 Food cause
73 million Cancer record from Japan Citizen
For they like to eat Fu Island  "Rice."
We seperate Cancer into 4 period:
1 periodCancer- no reccord
2 period Cancer- 30 million
3% throat, 
20% stomach 
9% womb head (Baby Stomach) 
40% penis
3 period Cancer- 19 million
4 period Cancer- 31million 
This is the proval by Japan Citizen cooperation.

Execution Result:
1. Japan Government after communication accept
Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.
2. 20 Country after discussed whether they like to. change favorite food: Apple, fruit or others.good option. They all agreed. So, easily open another
3. United Nation BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation suggested to promise to support Japan Fukushima Lab each year ¥10,000,000..
Wish everything can through Lab figure get the correct information. And pile up several years
good result can open the Lab result for those
Nuclear Area Plant Country to have a Conference meeting to exchange information and experience.
And Japan earn Market each month US$600,000.
for 20 Countries.

The above.
Reported in Feb 27, 2022

Add on 07/24/2022
To send Japan Emperor one Appreciation Certificate for this honor real take them action
In execution of Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.
And found it's a good business+


Add Report on 2024.09.10
from 2023 Aug 20
send one NARUHITO EMPEROR Appreciation Certificate for Best Year of Export Record from Business. 一BIG CLOUD BUDDHA. US$ 1,234 billion,兆 Record. That,s it.

And 2023  sent by Spain King to share those 20 Country Export Record from Japan 1% each year US$1,234 billion suggestion. Big Cloud Buddha did take 1 year US$1,000 billion for his suggestion other year all spilt by 20 Country Leader taken.
That,s it.

