2024年2月16日 星期五

New Buddhism introduction

What is New Buddhism?
It inherit Shakymuni theory
to teach 
Whole Earth Citizens 
How to reach 
New West World easier & learn the short cut.

Where does it from?
How ? Who's Founder?

Its original name is 
Earth Religion.
How's called 
New Buddhism? 
For Shakymuni from 2013
'Earth Religion' established well. After 2 yrs. He decided to use ' New Buddhism' replace ' Earth Religion' 
And I am Founder
My name is 
Big Cloud Buddha
I am New Buddhism Founder. 

How did I get this 
Buddha Name?
For 2013.02.08
Shakymuni in front of 
3 million Taiwan disciples
To honor Janabuddha
To memorize what Janabuddha fly through from 32 Heaven to
33 Heaven in 2007.11.04
That Big Achievement
He said that's
' 33 heaven flyer'
And honor me as
In English
Big Cloud Buddha
And proved 
I was his wife

And 2023. Taiwan 
123 disciples came to 
Taipei 101 to
 sign their name to prove this issue is true honest happened in 2013.02.08.

What's Founder conception in New Buddhism?
To be a ' man' is a great issue in the world. 
For through Dalwin 
point of view 
He said ' Earth most great creation is man.
Why? For man can walk to use 2 feet. Not like 
animal 4 feet.
Brain is the biggest. Strength is the small. But wisdom is the most'
And, according to Sutra

Follow the Buddha, 
Two Feet Dignity.
Follow the Dharma,
Away Desire Dignity
Follow the Samga
Human Dignity

In Chinese

That's why how to be born as ' a man' is a big issue.
From History & Heaven knowledge 
When man is going to get birth to be ' man' 
It meant human.
Then, sky will fall one star down.
It's so amazing. 
It prove we all from heaven. So precious. So great.
So that whenever we do every step. All see it's a big
That's why to learn 

Speak Good Word
Do Good Thing
Have Good Heart 
Be A Good Man

glore life direction
We should all keep in mind to learn how to make ourselves better and better
Because we're worth 
to do like that.+

Speak Good Word 
is the 1st thing to do.

For Earth only man can speak language
before action.
For we are develop from Animal.
We are very less

For if you speak Good Word
it meant you plant a 
Good seed in your 
heart land
When times up
Then Good Seed would grow Good Root
then it will grow a Big Tree
in your heart land
You would never tired to keep on doing what 
Buddha Teaching
What Big Cloud Buddha Teaching
What New Buddhism Teaching:

Speak Good Word
Do Good Thing
Have Good Heart
Be a Good man

And. When times up, then Good Root, Big Tree will 
became a Good Fruit 

And smoothly, 
 you will come to 
New West World
To meet AMITOFO. And 
you will recite 100 times NAMOAMITOFO
to pass Heaven Gate .

To became 
a beautiful cloud & 
blue sky twinkle star

And Times up,
Star fall, 
your next Generation comes
You will get birth to be A new Born baby.

That's the whole Theory in New Buddhism 
why you had to from
speak Good Word begin
For we all chase 
next Generation to be 
new Born baby
A human back to the ground.

The above.

That's part of 
New Buddhism Founder 
Big Cloud Buddha

How to learn the short cut to New West World?

Please learn part ii
From Big Cloud Buddha


