2023年8月9日 星期三

Ocean Fish need your Conern

The whole Earth occupied 7/10 ocean no FISH any more. Only Earth land had animal. No mater Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, India Ocean. All the same. On 2023.03.14 Taiwan Tasi In Wen shot 33 Zen heaven caused Ocean within 2 hours later from Ocean Cover until buttom all dead FISH. Recent BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION spent US$2,500 million to have agreement within 2 weeks no fishing then Fisherman got US$500.to makeup income.

Spent US$2,500million only hold 3 weeks long. Even took a shoot after 2 weeks later to celebrate to see the New Born Ocean face. Everyplace had. New born Coral . small fish cross coral. And Ocupus swiming, and group of colorful small fish. Including small size Whale from his head top spring water out. Every scene not seen yet. Still keep in Foundation champion hands. Not send upload to Youtube yet. 

Why cannot see the Coral, colorful fish, Ocupus, and Big Whale all cannot find.

All because one Big Sweden Ship absorb in all new born fish to became fish can.They are famous in selling FISH CAN . NOT SOLD OUT YET. We're so pity that cost our 2,500 million dollars to became 40 million Fish Can.We regret they know our plan. But seldom communicate. No wonder to have this kind a pity issue happened. Wish next times, each Earth Citizen stop their selfish thinking to eat our New Born fish All.


From weather boardcasting, we knew Earth

Ocean temperatures keep on raise up, it's not good for Ocean new Fish to live. We often through TV see the seaweed in the coast near Ocean their breath in O2 breath out CO2 like this way how to have Ocean Fish or animal? What we worry is weather change and Ocean water temperature higher and higher , how to make Fish Come back? Fish swimming in Ocean mix Oxygen into Ocean, to make Ocean had Oxygen , and land also had Oxygen. Ocean and Land both exchange to make the Earth full of OXYGEN. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE. Teach from New Buddhism Big Cloud Buddha. And repeat by Buddhism Shakymuni.

All Earth Citizen let's pray together to heaven Buddha, pray within 2 years long no fishing simply wish Ocean fish back.

Wish 2 years no eat Ocean fish to let Ocean fish grow. Wish Earth Citizen all pray together. Especial to use Fishing as business. Wish to let fish grow. From tiny fish become small fish. And become parents fish and to bear small fish and keep on repeat .keep on let Ocean rest & grow Fish . So that we had fish to eat. Or else a group of fish not ready to bear small fish. Even not parent fish yet then be eaten. Where comes from fish to eat. We got to think how to no need to worry no fish can eat.

This times failure its time too short. Not enough time to grow and face a Big Ship from Sweden . to make wish to absorb in all fish all became fish can.

Just like last times whole Atlantic dead fish absorb in Big Ship Scale. Repeat it again. That's why will lose. We pray whole Fishing business all take a rest ,fish well grow so we can have fish to eat. Take 2 years long. This is Taiwan Keeling University Ocean Department Chief Dr. Ze suggestion.

So we need to have long terms plan to raise fish. Let them not only one generation , to have parents fish to bear small kids fish. And grow to adult fish and repeat. Because of this ocean  life can develop chance . Big Cloud Buddha pray for no matter who you are keep this wish in your heart.let's pray together: wish to provided 2 years long rest to let Ocean fish can become colorful fish again.or else times not up then eat, we always cannot have fish to eat.

Now we had to worry :

Not only Ocean No Fish.

Also Ocean No Oxygen.

For No Fish then No swimming , then No wind. No wind. Then weather are hotter and hotter. Temperature cannot reduce become cooler. For there's no fish. And No Wind. Once No Wind then No rain. Because wind will bring the land water through the air up to became Cloud. When Cloud heavy it will fall rain. So that no wind then no rain.

And No rain then land will poor in corp. Corp without water cannot have rich fruit.

No fruit no food. All Earth animal including human no food. Animal meant human raise all kind of Cow. Pig. Chicken no food to feed them. For human even not enough food to eat. How to raise Meat Animal, it meant less Pig, less Cow, less Chicken. Then Animal Meat business will reduce. Until then, Human had no option in meat. Except no fish . no food. No meat. Human would face no food war. Food War meant human fight for No empty stomach war. Be careful. Each Country Leader watch your Citizen stomach well. Don't let them empty. Don't let them fight for Food. No food to eat. From

Empty Corp harvest. Protect Citizen stomach well. Don't let them fight for food.

No Food can eat. Then think of through rob.

grab, steal. We worry food too less for Earth

every place. Food price raise then Citizen cannot afford to buy. Ugly thing will happen. Oldie starven and dead cases will increase. For they cannot afford to buy food any more.

We should pay more attention except Fish.

Also Earth. Each one ofus.their


