2022年12月7日 星期三

Germany Nuclear Electricity Plant cases


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

Add:  Taipei 101 Building 39 Floor 

No.7 Section 5 Shin Yi Road Taipei Taiwan

Germany Nuclear Energy 6 Contract

Add to 9 Contracts

  1. Germany +3

  2. Taiwan+1

  3. Japan+2

  4. India+3

  5. China+5

  6. Afghan+1

  7. Sweden+2

  8. Dutch +2

  9. Spain+1

6 Generation add 120% -60% in price 

5 Generation price EUR$18 Billion

Now, 6 Generation.to add 50% Became 28 billion/10 years/2.8billion


Nuclear core: used 5 years close on 2016. And later stick in frozen environment.  And had Core melt trouble until now. They still stayed in there . no melt symptom. No body know how to develop it.

Develop how big electricity:

6 Generation electricity can afford to use the below gross plant :

It can used in 2000 factory : 0900-0500 4-5 years long.

20%Small plant /100 million electricity mule volt / one day usage

10%Middle plant/ 300 million electricity mule. Volt / one day usage

70%Big plant/500 million electricity mule volt / one day usage

One day usage

Each volt : EUR$2/ 2020 currency

This is for 5 years total calculating.

So they total Amount of electric bill .

It count on each plant usage.

Will be 600 billion for each plant / small

/1200 billion

Why had to turned our head back to find ' nuclear Energy ' to create electricity?

  1. Russia Ukraine war field to explore the gas provided not steady. Besides, not very reliable on their supply. Sometimes do, sometimes don't.especially in War period. That made the Earth. Especial Europe Country faced trouble to have one steady energy resource. They, Germany so worry to have a high price electricity life start, but not other why to resolve. 

  2. Germany tried all develop clean Energy is totally successful. That's why Big Cloud Buddha found we can used it back. Now need to worry about the defect. Only frozen 'Core' resolve. 

  3. After investment the while Earth one round to search every Country to investment

  4.  But only in America invest 6 Manufactures succeed. That's the point , and found China not a very good investment Country. We knew their tricky behind. So we pick back home.

  5. That's the best time to take Big Cloud Buddha suggestion:

For he knew your electricity needs. And also know we,are they first industuisl develope

Country. That's what she worry dont want Germany to be crash and also out from Market if close manufactures too long. stay 6 -12 month long only. If stay over another period over 24 months. Then workers & management clerk , Manager all out from their original line.cannot rebuild their own corporation or manufacture back again. That's the important decision moment :

Whether , Prime Minister Honor you turned your head back to find your country mature electricity system back. Now need to follow the Euro Climiate Meeting rule within 9 years later. Whole Earth Air Would be clean to close 50% .

We just postpone the period. Set back 15-30 years. Maybe later Green electricity can catch up or other development can up . We cannot predict how world will going to be. But we face floating price day in & day out cannot resolve. Became out daily headache.

  1. Shultz be persuade to abandon

the original decision to let go 

' nuclear engergy' back.

Nuclear Core:

6 Generation

Center 60 cm× high 120cm

It can provide: 3000 billion electricity 

To provide 2 Main city usage:

2 Main City:  Munchen, Fankfurt

No trouble.

So, Our Foundation suggest to 

We had to discuss about how to persuade my country to accept your opinion in these observation is correct. Not only in your Country. But also in other Country. States. & UAE. & China. & Japan

Including gas contract 

*Germany tried all develop clean Energy is totally successful. That's why Big Cloud Buddha found we can used it back. Now need to worry about the defect. Only frozen 'Core' resolve. 

-and found Germany close that Nuclear 

electricity usage thoroughly. It meant the bottom of electricity is from nuclear. It's all clean. So I found Germany already full run one successful Nuclear Electricity plant one round. 

Then , why had to worry in other Country to use that kind of defect trouble and scare to use this kinds cheaper & high out electricity Facility.

  1. That's the best time to take Big Cloud Buddha suggestion:

For he knew your electricity needs. And also know we,are they first industuisl develope

Country. That's what she worry dont want Germany to be crash and also out from Market if close manufactures too long. stay 6 -12 month long only. If stay over another period over 24 months. Then workers & management clerk , Manager all out from their original line.cannot rebuild their own corporation or manufacture back again. That's the important decision moment :

Whether , Prime Minister Honor you turned your head back to find your country mature electricity s. Wholeystem back. Now need to follow the Euro Climiate Meeting rule within 9 years later Earth Air Would be clean to close 50% .

We just postpone the period. Set back 15-30 years. Maybe later Green electricity can catch up or other development can up . We cannot predict how world will going to be. But we face floating price day in & day out cannot resolve. Became out daily headache.

  1. Shultz be persuade to abandon

the original decision to let go 

' nuclear engergy' back.

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