2022年4月16日 星期六

RUSSIA Nuclear Bomb Newest News

Duke and London faced 2 or 3 times Nuclear Bomb attacked. Here's related story. Please also predict 

Why no Ukraine City any more?

Russia on Apr 15,2022 kept on 2nd times attacked London 3 meter large Nuclear Bomb . Duke same.

But Duke attacked 3 times killed 15 Citizen dead. Hard to saved back. Timing: (2)3: 27 p.m.(3)3:35 p.m.

Why let go Ukraine Kyiv? What's 

How comes London and Duke, Russia didn't abandon to use Nuclear Bomb to attack them,reason was depressed by 2 Middle General.This Nuclear Bomb shot not very big radius. Just 10 meter big.2 City all the same. It became the same Citizen hurt 2 times.That scared Citizen heart. Trembling

And the worst was Duke same place be attacked 3 times. 15 Citizen were found cursed and twisted their body cannot straight to death. The third times attacked wasn't be saved.Because from Heaven God hands found they hurt Big Cloud Buddha, and had 6 billion long last name list didn't let go.

**remarks: as described by local people, that area is Cathedral Church concentrate disciples 
Places. They seemed worked in the same action.f

It's amazing related with 2 thing.
And in Wen Tien Shiang Book clean and clear written related record that be attacked place and people all hurt Big Cloud Buddha over 2 years long,and last name list all over 600 million name, and requested hurt over 777 generation long.And saved back by heaven, isn't it queer?.

We don't know whether we should count it heaven warning and prepare to revenge or not.But 3 City had the above characteristics.That made 3 City Country do think it over to ask them paidj the Country Donation from private pocket.For they deserved it.If not how to flat heaven heart.
For Big Cloud Buddha hurt by those Citizens long period , also long last name list.And whenever they face hurt from other Country Nuclear Bomb to hurt them,Big Cloud Buddha still used Buddha dharma to well saved them back. 
Do people thank for Big Cloud Buddha? Or keep on ill of her? Devil.

It's that the Big Warning Sign from Heaven to Human? Don't go too far. Do too many devil thing to Big Cloud Buddha.For Big Cloud Buddha already completed her 1st Swear to made human all came to New West World to enjoy to be cloud & star. Why they fell on the ground, all for less Oxygen (O2) , so that cannot hanging in the sky.

They already stayed in New West World 3 year. But did not pay one dollars donation to Big Cloud Buddha. 

When they were in the New West World , they all passed one message to their offspring" I am in the West World".And in 2017, A lot of passed away people found their relatives in the New West World. i.e. Father mother and son or daughter. Sister or brother, lovers, grandpa or grandma, colleague, classmates. And so on. They at that moment kept saying" how comes" but it did happen. They all happily staying in the New West World. 

Big Cloud Buddha 1st Swear execution real true and all completed to the Whole Earth people. For 4th Heaven Big Cloud Buddha spent 3 years long to dig out each All Last name Ancestry from Grave on the ground or Ash Bowl. Clean their ghost body to heavenly body one by one, and later to pass to another God, " live and dead god" to bring them to New West World.Did anyone pray one times together for Big Cloud Buddha? Or did she ask to pay? According to United Nation each Country representative

saying they over 400 Country paid US$10
to Big Cloud Buddha. And According to Societe Generate Bank italy Maindred Branch record they received Over
US$ 70,000,000,000

We. BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation in this issue had 2 direction to teach Earth people:
1. Chase Earth peace to request less to use.

Nuclear Bomb in war. Stop Russia

every Head can reach Nuclear

Bomb. Don't ever let them can use it.

2. Resolve human all last name list trouble.Tibet

religion is nothing to do with our daily

life.Their religion not exist any

more.Don't have to revenge for

them.He's not your god.

Don't hurt your alive AMITOFO - Big
Cloud Buddha , forbid your next
generation cannot come to New West

Execution Result

Duke 1st time 8324 people

          2nd times 3562 people

          3rd times. 15 people (dead)

London: ist times: 3609 people

        …..2nd times: 3609 people

We don't understand why Duke and London those hurt 2 times people are the same people. When they be well saved. They're trembling. But, through discussion, they wildonate some money for Big Cloud Buddha.

