2022年4月27日 星期三



2022年4月25日 星期一

How to pray for God


Today is Happy Easter. 

Big Cloud Buddha write some article related with God.

Please respect yourself whenever you get into a religious place,Temple or Church. To Speak object is what we respect for God. God all passed what we called Saint training, so that can be what we said respectful God.

If our language not honor or sincere,
or not enough humble, or used to ill of
others word, or to beg to harm or to kill others.Then, just go ahead to do. Why had to speak so loud in front of public to everyone to hear. So strange and shame.

Prayer is to pray for luck, wish heaven to bring us or our family luck.
If to beg to take action to kill others
that kind got involved with Criminal Law about illegal action, please control
ourselves abnormal language probably 
already get some punishment involved
in Community, we sometimes cannot forbid had to face be punishment, why had to beg through God blessing.

God protect World is Alive people World. It's got to through group of people identified so that will be proved by Heavenly invisible Protectors protection.
Or else to fire to kill to abuse to curse that kind of actions all cannot through human approved, and to get some penalized is certainly.

Please stand in front of each God, we may have a serious image. No abuse word no burn to fire word no kill word no curse word and other ill words
to beg. To make somebody get any punishment, please make heaven to do. Don't do heaven's work. And whenever to face punish to your own body, don't scold heaven too hard. Everything all through Heaven Rule, Human Law, Hell Management Rule
got to all through and passed, then can stand on Earth to be God and Buddha. Please respect its name be called God or Buddha, not floating false.

Big Cloud Buddha wish we can work together to follow the below rule whenever we reach religious place, No matter which kind all the same:
1.To use sincere, respectful, warm, and. happy word to speak for God
2. To use generous, tender, gentle language to praise for God.
3.To use " repeat happiness, report good news" that kind of spiritual to speak good word for God to hear. We pray God may peace to make us earn Peace back. May God protect War to "Stop Fire" earlier. May World Peace.
We may learn from our peace and body health start from our speak good word to begin.


BCBF Big Cloid Buddha Foundation. 2021 Activity

 BCBF BIG CLOUD BUDDHA FOUNDATION: 2021 Sending Covid19 dharma Boat Activity https://shakespate.blogspot.com/2022/04/2021-sending-covid19-dharma-boat.html?spref=tw








大雲佛建議 :請大家共同學習,到宗教的場所

2022年4月20日 星期三


對於Omicron 來說,肝是對抗病毒的器官,要身體健康,除了腸胃要好,肝也要照顧好。以下是個簡單的方子,是針對肝癌或開刀切下一大塊肝的人,想要療護的方法。


對於青皮檸檬,要挑硬的,綠的,結實的,這樣的 熱茶喝起來,對新生的肝有幫助。所以肝炎或新開刀肝病病人,都應該試試看。半杯熱檸檬茶,再喝完後再加熱水一次。這個方子經過開肝癌病人何笙奇及醫生邱釋笙兩人的證實。只有一點不同何小姐茶喝的什候都是冷的放30分鐘,茶有一點澀,"就是喝"何小姐說。

Secret prescription for Liver Cancer or new Operation Liver patient

To the Earth Citizen, Omicron is staying longer than we expected.
They cover the Whole Earth every place, including : Africa Animals, and flying birds,.they all ill. So they Earth Citizen get to take good care of your body health. 
The COVID-19 this disease not only attack our Lung, but our Liver now. In America Maryland on Apr 17, 2022 had 264
had Liver organ.patients 

Here's one of very effective Prescription for several Country: Including :  Columbia, Russia, Brazil. They all liver had some figures a little bit high,had some hepatitis symptom. So, I suggested them to take the normal Lemon, to cut in half, to cut lemon 4 pcs,to use mug to drip into hot water on middle mug, half cup. To add one rubber. cup. To wait 10 minutes long. So that make sure you can get the hot lemon tea to drink. You may to add another half water, after you drink it. One day at least drink 2 half cup. If you want to improve earlier, Big Cloud Buddha suggest, drink 3-5 cups a day And here' s a Secret Prescription for those "Liver Cancer operation patient"
Or " Had Liver operation patient" wish to have a new born liver after cure method already done, i.e. some operation..

Then, try to pick up Green Skin Lemon, Very New Born Green, and Skin very firm. It will make your tea different taste. And the cure result is excellent.
Taiwan had one patient her name is Ho Shen Chi she just drank the same Green Skin Lemon tea. But drink it after 30 minutes. Until tea cold. Just drink. Each day 3-5 cups. But insist just one Lemon drink one times not to add. After 3 days later, she go back to see her opearation doctor, Dr. Chiu Si Shen, he shocked for its result. And asked her what does she do? She just told him.that's why he's very happy can certified this good news. What does her Liver check change? 
1 Her
 Liver organ skin change to.  pink color.  Her original color was dark red.

2. Her new born Liver skin just like a. baby born skin again.

3.Why just 3 days. I asked her to come back to check whether she got to cut the second times or not. I didn't expect the result so excellent.

4.Wish this can encourage a lot of same symptom patients to have confidence to try. 

2022年4月19日 星期二



This Report originally Big Cloud Buddha only applied for Japan Rissho University for Honor Report. And be 

Rissho University Buddhism College Dr. Eisatoshi Stimayang found is a good report. So he recommended to the World Top 5 University to try. He didn't expect had so excellent Echo. And also provided each Top 5 University each US$2,000,000 Honor Donation. And he got the response from those school. All so happy and proud of. And Dr. Stimayang report to Big Cloud Buddha. I just sigh and said I want to apply for 60 University. And he had done. That list were from Big Cloud Buddha worked in Mckinsey Company colleague hands, and spent US$2,000,000. for consultant fee.

The Top 5 University included: 

British : Cambridge University,

                 Oxford University

States:    Harvard University

                 UCLA University

                 Georgia University

And other 55 University Certificate Center all had a very valuable judgement. And 55 Schools also donated each US$200,000 to Big Cloud Buddha . So total donation already reach US$21,000,000. That was in 2018.And now part of donation used in BIG CLOUD BUDDHA BUILDING in Japan Rissho University. 

And in 2021 For Big Cloud Buddha applied for United Nation Religion Department Award. And I passed. within over 4,300 applicant. I won the Award Donation" US$100,000,000,000.

And I used US$400,000,000 to set up the Japan Rissho University Big Cloud Buddha Building as a Buddhism Encyclopedia Library.

And on Sep 09,2022 Japan did invite United Nation President Mr. Genorado to be with ex Prime Minister安倍晉三 to cut to open the Library. That was the First times to use Big Cloud Buddha Foudation in Japan public.

And from decoration. Up to now, its building from the Top 10 floor to down stair in wall all hang Original name" Jana Liao" 60 Copy Honor Certificate.to memorize what Dr. Eisatoshi Stimayang his excellent work for  Big Cloud Buddha. And how Amazing Work Report from Big Cloud Buddha.We should applauded them both a lot.

And wish Dr. Stimayang can have a good future next generation.

Below is Big Cloud Buddha "Honor Certificate Report":

Rissho University Buddhism Encyclopedia Library photo


2022年4月18日 星期一


Mar 06,2022 Sunday

In Washington DC came a lot of America School students and parents 
from each States.

Big Cloud Buddha did get the America Gov't plan to honor her 


from America Police Station Department and Education Department. Although it's got from Short Cut. Still belongs to her in person.Two all judge her do a great job in Protect America Citizen.

General Pompeo do provide Big Cloud Buddha A Big Honor of General Neck Award.That's the Top Honor from America General Hands.Also,this is the First time he felt he got to do this.If not, he felt so guilty.From the below article,you will know the history. https://t.co/Lu7V4Vc5oO

Latest News India Modi plan to give Big Cloud Buddha " Award of India" to represent his respect 
to Big Cloud Buddha, to do a great job on the Whole Earth. So many Country Citizen get the Care and Concern from Her Tender Care. It's hard to believe one person to make it.

2022年4月16日 星期六

RUSSIA Nuclear Bomb Newest News

Duke and London faced 2 or 3 times Nuclear Bomb attacked. Here's related story. Please also predict 

Why no Ukraine City any more?

Russia on Apr 15,2022 kept on 2nd times attacked London 3 meter large Nuclear Bomb . Duke same.

But Duke attacked 3 times killed 15 Citizen dead. Hard to saved back. Timing: (2)3: 27 p.m.(3)3:35 p.m.

Why let go Ukraine Kyiv? What's 

How comes London and Duke, Russia didn't abandon to use Nuclear Bomb to attack them,reason was depressed by 2 Middle General.This Nuclear Bomb shot not very big radius. Just 10 meter big.2 City all the same. It became the same Citizen hurt 2 times.That scared Citizen heart. Trembling

And the worst was Duke same place be attacked 3 times. 15 Citizen were found cursed and twisted their body cannot straight to death. The third times attacked wasn't be saved.Because from Heaven God hands found they hurt Big Cloud Buddha, and had 6 billion long last name list didn't let go.

**remarks: as described by local people, that area is Cathedral Church concentrate disciples 
Places. They seemed worked in the same action.f

It's amazing related with 2 thing.
And in Wen Tien Shiang Book clean and clear written related record that be attacked place and people all hurt Big Cloud Buddha over 2 years long,and last name list all over 600 million name, and requested hurt over 777 generation long.And saved back by heaven, isn't it queer?.

We don't know whether we should count it heaven warning and prepare to revenge or not.But 3 City had the above characteristics.That made 3 City Country do think it over to ask them paidj the Country Donation from private pocket.For they deserved it.If not how to flat heaven heart.
For Big Cloud Buddha hurt by those Citizens long period , also long last name list.And whenever they face hurt from other Country Nuclear Bomb to hurt them,Big Cloud Buddha still used Buddha dharma to well saved them back. 
Do people thank for Big Cloud Buddha? Or keep on ill of her? Devil.

It's that the Big Warning Sign from Heaven to Human? Don't go too far. Do too many devil thing to Big Cloud Buddha.For Big Cloud Buddha already completed her 1st Swear to made human all came to New West World to enjoy to be cloud & star. Why they fell on the ground, all for less Oxygen (O2) , so that cannot hanging in the sky.

They already stayed in New West World 3 year. But did not pay one dollars donation to Big Cloud Buddha. 

When they were in the New West World , they all passed one message to their offspring" I am in the West World".And in 2017, A lot of passed away people found their relatives in the New West World. i.e. Father mother and son or daughter. Sister or brother, lovers, grandpa or grandma, colleague, classmates. And so on. They at that moment kept saying" how comes" but it did happen. They all happily staying in the New West World. 

Big Cloud Buddha 1st Swear execution real true and all completed to the Whole Earth people. For 4th Heaven Big Cloud Buddha spent 3 years long to dig out each All Last name Ancestry from Grave on the ground or Ash Bowl. Clean their ghost body to heavenly body one by one, and later to pass to another God, " live and dead god" to bring them to New West World.Did anyone pray one times together for Big Cloud Buddha? Or did she ask to pay? According to United Nation each Country representative

saying they over 400 Country paid US$10
to Big Cloud Buddha. And According to Societe Generate Bank italy Maindred Branch record they received Over
US$ 70,000,000,000

We. BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation in this issue had 2 direction to teach Earth people:
1. Chase Earth peace to request less to use.

Nuclear Bomb in war. Stop Russia

every Head can reach Nuclear

Bomb. Don't ever let them can use it.

2. Resolve human all last name list trouble.Tibet

religion is nothing to do with our daily

life.Their religion not exist any

more.Don't have to revenge for

them.He's not your god.

Don't hurt your alive AMITOFO - Big
Cloud Buddha , forbid your next
generation cannot come to New West

Execution Result

Duke 1st time 8324 people

          2nd times 3562 people

          3rd times. 15 people (dead)

London: ist times: 3609 people

        …..2nd times: 3609 people

We don't understand why Duke and London those hurt 2 times people are the same people. When they be well saved. They're trembling. But, through discussion, they wildonate some money for Big Cloud Buddha.

2022年4月13日 星期三

How To Face Russia Nuclear Streaten?

After Kyiv, Duke, London attacked. 
How to face Russia Nuclear Bomb?

Why British BBC, Germany ZDF,Ukraine Broadband TV won't open what Russia had done in those three Country three City news? How's Euro Citizen feeling in Nuclear Bomb attacked? Especial hide the 1st Q'ty  Nuclear Bomb in RUSSUA Country, now just attack Ukraine,! Why GERMAN? Why BRITISH?

Why feeling so horrible? Cannot peace? For he's next to our side.

What can we do? How can we do? Russia one hands earn our Euro Gas Oil Source money, the other hands attack our City? Why you need our money & our life too? Who are you? Monster, Puti ! To go too far!Please stop your greedy desire !

Why 3 Country 3 City won't open the photo from Space Satellite to see the Nuclear Bomb happened seconds, and after 50 minutes later happened, photo or film difference? to show Russia what Big Cloud Buddha saved in Duke and London.Then it will shake Russia mind,"it's useless. nothing happened at all".Slang them back.

According to report , Nuclear light reflection to occur into human organs will hurt deep. That's why first red blood to spit out from Kyiv Citizen lips , their body is to stronger their organ cycle action, and take a rest can refix their body energy, so that easy to keep on refix.

Especial, in Ukraine Kyiv after 2hrs 12min from Russia nuclear attacked , all Citizen all alive and quite healthy.Why? Because Big Cloud Buddha saved in correct way. First, they splitting out some red blood in lips.Second, they all back to original place to lie down to take a rest.

Without 3 different cases 2 different timing, how to reflect Big Cloud Buddha .buddhadharma useful and efficient to cure Human body from Nuclear Bomb attacked. Even Japan Hiroshima atomic bomb dead ancestry flatter Big Cloud Buddha "good job".

"Although hide so many Nuclear Bomb,but useless".Said Japan Emperor Akihito.This word spoke to Russia. We're so happy to have Big Cloud Buddha to be with us.We dance and sing to celebrate,won't have to worry Nuclear attacked. Although through 7 years experience China attacked TWN

Big Cloud Buddha from China to use Nuclear Bomb to attack TWN 7 years experience, China always failed. Never succeed. And at last changed hands , change Si to General Ming, still useless. Including already depress. "Still be return". Said North Korea Kim.

Including depressed 7 shot Nuclear,within 12 seconds close 6 shots.And flied one be return. How excellent record.TWN seemed like No action in celebration.Never report or News. But so calm to have life, always so happy to do everything."Stop to steal her Graduate cetifificate."Kim add.

"Understand?That's what she learn from." Kim worried that proof would be stolen. 

We do worry that Big Cloud Buddha will be missing in the world. If according to what her Country leader plan. We dont understand why we're so worried.

2022年4月11日 星期一

Ukraine & Russia Newest NEWS On April 11,2022

Russia Nuclear Bomb 

attacked Kyiv, Duke, 

London true story

Ukraine President Zelensky did some scare people thing in helping Ukraine Citizen to away from Russia depressed Nuclear Bomb happened in Kyiv, Duke, London Big Cloud Buddha body, he made some against her request to fight her body , back to her. But at that moment, Zelensky. doesn't. trust Big Cloud Buddha has that capability. In saving action, this is the first time facing this kind of rude reaction, even plan to hurt saviour body.

He did use that request hurt Big Cloud Buddha body. However, she did save herself fast.

We meant all Heaven did smoothly to make Germany Duke, British London from Nuclear bomb attacked after 50 minutes , around 9:30p.m.

still all back to original. Actually is under Big Cloud Buddha very strict order control to make it done.

"Breath very tight, and skin very hurt, red, burn.And all of body all crush.cannot see one full". All City of Germany Duke, British London all had the same feeling Big Cloud Buddha just like a 救世主 to European 2 Country. To Save them back.

And Zelensky saw what she done happened and finished. Felt so regret to done what's he treat Big Cloud Buddha. And Other 2 City Citizen is happy to say we're happy to celebration away from that horoble feeling.And at last he said sorry to Big Cloud Buddha and request to help.

And with the same team kind assistance, Ukraine Kyiv Citizens just pass 2hour 12min long. And after done well. The Nuclear Bomb hurt their organs already, so everyone all saw they spitting out some red blood from each lips. And later accepted her suggestion to back to rest.

Original Ukraine Citizen felt spit out very easily and later it improved. That's it. The organs parts very painful even better. It's very fast to get rid of . so we felt so remarkable. It's an excellent. If we don't know how to appreciate we don't know what are us. That's it.

We don't understand why Russia at this moment , we meant " Stop Fire" moment to depress Nuclear Bomb to explore his temper. Or what else? To tell us he didn't willing to. Or he just keep want to do it until everyone all fell on his face. Russia don't go too far, we hate.

Execution Result:

Russia Puti attack Kyiv, Duke, London

Radius 7500 meter, 9 cetermetrr Nuclear Bomb had 2 bottom.One is on General hands, the other is on Puti hands.Big Cloud Buddha only arranged one buttom And didn't notice in Puti hands that one already depressed down.So that the whole issue only can take

the result, that's it. In the space, from satellite can see very clean and clear the attack action.especially his Nuclear style is traditional one, Almost to say was belonged to World War II,This was the reason why Gorbachev always accepted to cooperate with him. No matter whoever said always.


04/11/2022 8:42p.m.

2022年4月9日 星期六

Big Cloud Bjddha lost Graduate Certificate story大雲佛失畢業證書始末

據聞蔡英文將大雲佛Jana Liao,,大雲佛在日本立正大學得到的榮譽證書蔡英文塗改為她個人的名字。並將日本東京大學發給大雲佛Jana Liao的榮譽文學博士學位,一樣塗改為她個人的名字,謹向蔡英文表達抗議。以總統的格犯下偽造文書,並不尊重日本大學的證書中心所發給的證件表達嚴重抗議

蔡英文以總統的學歷照說是台大法律系攻讀2年,沒有取得畢業證書。另外遊學美國英國都一樣無功而返。可見她個人的學歷不高, 現在再加上以大雲佛的向日本立正大學及日本東京大學申請文學博士學位,竟然會將郵寄本人地址,而被郵局帶往總統府在別人正式榮譽文件上塗改對日本大學證書毫不尊重

根據日本證書中心的可靠消息,我的BCBF大雲佛基金會已經給付給日本證書中心一筆捐款,用以證明大雲佛Jana Liao確實有日本立正大學發給的榮譽證書及東京大學發給的榮譽文學博士學位。捐款直接由贊助人:美國的聯合國組織Jana Liao給付,以表示大雲佛確實有背景,有實力

請日本立正大學及東京大學兩個證書中心預備向台灣的蔡英文提告毀損本人Jana Liao證件.甚至塗改,犯下各國所不容許的偽造文書的刑責。這是很平常的事,但卻是不容許發生在國家領導人身上。又何況侵犯兩所大學的證書中心的罪行,實難容忍,將予以警告,不容再犯,已塗改予以消滅。




請蔡英文停止你個人塗改變造廖嘉那Jana Liao的任何證書。尤以台灣輔仁大學行政部門竟然容許這種反教育,反法律的行為發生在台灣的學術單位,竟長達6個月之久。你的學生廖嘉那默不吭聲並不表示這事可以被許可。畢業證書是何等重要文件,竟然准予塗改偽造,請問她敢做,台灣什麼人可以找得出真的證書。






聯合國組織Mr. Genorado說蔡英文要大雲佛包括所有畢業證書榮譽機會等等所有一切都不管,都包括,太超過了。美國拜登總統這才了解大雲佛所受到的一切怎麼忍耐,要如何才能忍受太超過,竟然囂張到連畢業學校都包括進去,太可惡的學校,竟然枉顧學生權益到這種程度。真是叫人難以相信是台灣,太沒道理。













 Several days ago happened to be dead people 92. million , after Big Cloud Buddha had a long Conversation to talk with them

Why and how they made that decision to suicide Buddha? And found they all be one the same Group. - Lion Club. And they all rich , at least had 2 cars. And all donate 6 hundred million dollars to 3 place. Daoism, Witch, and Tibet religion. 

But they all nothing to so with Tkbet. But they all be told to so they same practice. And why they do so, all from their friends introduction . 

They found their list be leaken.And they all written suicide over 77 generation.


Execution Result:

They all decided to donate to Government for those lost job Citizen, each US$500

Under 2 qualification:

1. Lost job over 3. Months

2. Family members had 3of over 3persona 

2022年4月3日 星期日

Big Cloud Buddha Top 5 Achievement English Version


Big Cloud Buudha Foundation
President & New Buddhism Founder 
Big Cloud Buddha
From Taiwan 
Gratuated from Fu Jen University 
German Department
64 years old

Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges Meeting several point for Big Cloud Buddha -The Top 5 Achievement:
1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha
2. The Only Female Buddha 
3. One Generation to be Buddha
4. New Buddhism Founder
5. Alive AMITOFO 

**What's Top Buddha?
On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven. This was recommended by Italy Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to US UCLA University
to get one Honor Certificate to prove .

"Jana Liao, Big Cloud Buddha" is

" Best Meditator".

**What's the Only Female Buddha?
In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the Only Female Buddha.

**What's One Generation to be Buddha? 
1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven Only spent 7-8 months. This is an excellent Record.
Previous Record had In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62 
years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 
Heaven , that's the Shakymuni Heaven at that moment. The second examples: Ching Dynasty 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)
He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. That were the only these two Records in Sutra be written.
Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent 8months (7 months 16 
days ) to reach 33 Heaven. This is an remarkable Record.

**What's New Buddhism Founder?
Heaven had New West World in 2009 and in 2007 Hell dirt all became snake meat and soup be eaten by whole Earth Citizen. That

work was clean by Leu Yue Buddhisattva in her meditation in First hell. With Guan Guang , had 3 times saved her out from cage. She was locked by his Ancestor Guan Chin in First Hell in 2007 April. And after she came out from cage.She started to clean hell dirt. They all became snake to used steel cage to taken out one by one from hell ship by truck to harbor, and ship by container to big ship to reach every Country. So that, whole Earth Citizen no matter what ages all eaten snake meat and soup related to clean hell dirt. including pragrant baby. That's why 3000 Hell had New Central Hell name all clean, the  Creator. We called Big Cloud Buddha. For later on 2007.11.04 she reached 33 heaven. Top heaven to gain 大雲佛 in English. We called her Big Cloud Buddha. And original her buddha name is Janabuddha.

This is according to Big Cloud Buddha 2007 Achievement proved by Old heaven.

New Buddhism name approved by Buddhism Shakymuni. And it's Founder is Big Cloud Buddha.

**What's New Buddhism Founder?
To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good heart" in Community to be a good man.To teach how's your life goal, and how to reach and upgrade your spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World. And To be a Twinkle star in the sky.

Those ancestry who was dug out from grave on the ground , and through Big Cloud Buddha swear, to be changed from ghost body to be heavenly body. And later learn how to be New West World Cloud Body.

they all got one round to enjoy it, if they had that experience, they should promise themselves every generation to do the same.
That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase and teaching.

**!What's Alive AMITOFO?
According to Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:
1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to New West World,no matter what kind of religion.what kinds of color you are, what kind of Country you're from, what you need is " get to like Big Cloud Buddha" and AMITOFO" and willing to be both disciples. And recite 100 times NAMOAMITOFO to pass the New Heaven Gate.Willing to be New Buddhism disciples. Follow New Vow.

2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have a good body health.away from Big heart, Big lung Big liver, away tibet religion request suffering.

3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , make your elderly is my elderly, your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.

According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching. And I already within 2 years 
successfully done to save Earth disciples come to West World 3 times. 
That's why if you want to come to New West World - heaven . Think of Big Cloud Buddha your wish come true possibility can higher than others.
Each year, Big Cloud Buddha would through 1st Hell to pick up those pass New Buddhism New Vow disciples, after they do the donation US$100. Then , Big Cloud Buddha would see when is best time for them to send. Usually, one year only 2 times : one is April 05, the other is Lunar July 15.
Usually we pick up can through 1st fruit heaven cloud people to come to West World. They can pass meant their guilty is less. And also recite a lot of

NAMOAMITOFO. They naturally easy to get the heavenly body, from previous experience, change human ghost body to heavenly body, and later to be cloud body stay in the New West World. And becomes a blue sky star.


2022年4月2日 星期六






黃薪生 (男) U216478306 -29歲

邢謝何 (男) X762341911 -30歲

游四星 (男) T711936203 -93歲

殷實河 (女) U735216773 -78歲

劉又秀 (男) X975641239 -20歲



為發生於2021.04.02 花蓮火車車禍事件名單


在打過電話求實,依舊只有劉又秀的家 屬



黃薪生 (男) U216478306 -29歲


邢謝何 (男) X762341911 -3


游四星 (男) T711936203 -93歲


殷實河 (女) U735216773 -78歲


劉又秀 (男) X975641239 -20歲



案件編號Case Ref. No.:111005392

案     由Subject:請增列5名往生者名

發文日期Issue Date:111年04月12日

發文文號Document No.:G21110012055



      有關台端所指仍有5名未列入花蓮太魯閣號事故罹難者名單一節,承蒙台端關懷路政,查本案罹難者49人,係為臺灣花蓮地方檢察署及運安會提供,另本局依台端提供之電話號碼,經逐一撥打確認,均無法連繫上相關人員。綜上,本案恕無法予以配合辦理,造成不便請見諒。        為旅客做好服務,是臺鐵全體員工努力的目標及應盡的職責,謝謝您!

承辦人:鄭先生   電話:(02)23815226

交通部臺灣鐵路管理局 敬啟