2019年6月27日 星期四

Who Am I 我是誰

Part I

I am 大雲佛 Big Cloud Buddha,

Old Name is 佛陀嘉那或稱佛陀嘉那佛師Janabuddha.

My true name is Jana Liao,  

Chinese Name is 廖嘉那,

In My Student period of time, I called 廖淑雲

As introduced by Shakymuni. I had one Dharma name got permission by two Ancestors:

One was Kwon Chin Old Monk, the other was Tai Shi Master,

They allowed me to inherit their Zen  Religion seat in the First

Fruit Heaven, that is 46 Generation  Zen Religion up Ja down Na Dharma Teacher. In Chinese was佛陀嘉那佛師,also called


我是大雲佛,Big Cloud Buddha,舊名 佛陀嘉那佛師,又稱佛陀嘉那,是你們熟悉的Janabuddha. 我的本名是廖嘉那。英文名為Jana Liao.是在初果天我繼承禪宗第46代祖師位置,法名為上嘉下那禪宗祖師。兩位祖師:一位為廣欽老和尚,一位為太虛大師,所以才能有機會修禪天法。

Part Two

