2018年12月16日 星期日



1958-07-01 Born in Taipei, Taiwan..
original name Shu yun Liao, changed name to Jana Liao in 2002. my true birthday Lunar Feb 20 to be Calendar date is Apr 08.
1970 Graduated from Ton Men Elementary School.
1973 Graduated from King Hwa Junior High School
1976 Graduated from King Mei Senior High School.
1981 Graduated from Fu-Jen University German Department.
31981 Work in one small hat knit trading company as clerk.
1982 Vice President of one my husband own export company
1983 Work in Japan Tokyo Candle Company. as Secretary & Shipping Assistant.
1984 Customer Service Department Manager of GDC American
Land Developer Company.
1987 Assistant of Mckinsey Consultant Company, Taiwan Branch
1992 To meet H.K. Teacher Lee of Tibetan Religion Laypeople,
started to learn Buddhism.
1997 Built up one small center in my venue.
2000 To visit India Tibet Religion Dalai Lama Group Rinpoche,
Nymapa Trichen Rinpoche, to study in Kenchen Rinpoche’s
Mindrolling College, learnd Tibet Religion Lamrin’s theory,
and Tibet language and sit.
2000 To be owner of Jana Buddhism Center.
2000 To meet Dalai Lama in Taiwan Ceremony
2000 To create ‘Rose’ dharma in each person’s right second
Finger, started to build up relationship with the whole
2001 To join the Taiwan Religion Association to be member
2002 To write brochure to request Tibet ‘Seat Bed’ Ceremony from President Chen Sui-Ban, and be certified to have the Honorable name from Dalai Lama Taipei Office of ‘Losang Dorje Jana Lama’, they said I had Honorable Lama name only, no need to have Seat Bed Ceremony.
2002 To inherit to be Zen Religion 46 Generation Jana Dharma
Teacher from Zen Religion 33 Generation Tai Shu Master
Zen Religion 45 Generation Kuang Chin Old Monk
2002 To teach Chin Shin Monk Dharma Body Breathe method
2003 Registered Zen Religion Ancestor Name in Taiwan Zen Religion Association
2005 To send Ing Sung Dharma Teacher to First Fruit Heaven.
2006 To send Cathedral Pope John Paul to First Fruit Heaven
2002-2011 To teach 21 Taiwan Dharma Teachers about my” Incredible First Dharma” And Si Cheng Che practiced 6 months, it changed to be “Enlight”. And Si Shen Yen practiced 6  months, it changed to be “Cloud”
Si Shen Yen applied for Rissho University Meditation Certificate.
2007 To create “Triangle” dharma to let each person can
practice, Big Cloud Buddha dharma spread to the whole
earth, make each person can have the same effort to
their practice. This was a big record in the heaven. Because
including very small kids practice still the same effort.
Whole earth because of this dharma spread seemed all
became my potential disciples.
2007-11-04 To fly through from 32 Heaven to 33 Heaven to be Buddha
to use ‘Incredible First Dharma’ to change to be “Fly Dharma”. To fly two times. To open the whole earth over two billion people eyes in front of them to fly again. They’re all my witness. In Thirty Three Heaven, British Queen passed Her Crown to my Head.
This Fly through Achievement made me be honored by Shakymuni to have ‘Big Cloud Buddha’ name to memorize down this memory, and accepted to be 34 Generation of Shakymuni’s disciple.
2009 Dalai Lama dug out Teacher Lee from 46 Hell, to make the whole earth all polluted by one Ghost.
2010 To meet Zen Religion First Ancestor Dharmore.
2010-12-24 Dalai Lama killed Tibet Religion Founder Sung Zang Gan Bu
And the same day, Dalai Lama suicided his own Ancestors all generation. They all died.
2011 To build up West World in the Heaven with Dharmore kind assistance.
2011 Dalai Lama Group Rinpoche and Lama killed Tibet Religion all generation their own Ancestors from First Fruit Heaven by Dalai Lama persuasion..
2011 Dalai Lama Group suicide all Tibet religion related Gods. Included Famous Four Arms Avalokitesvara.
2011 Dalai Lama Group killed Tibet Religion all generation Ancestries, including recent generation parents, sister, brother, niece.etc.
2011 Dalai Lama Group killed Tibet Religion all generation disciples, Including recent generation just died disciples. No matter Tibet Religion Ancestor, Ancestries, or disciples, they all be head cut, up side down gesture, head cannot found position. Line by line in deep Hell.
2012 To announce to the whole earth “don’t be Tibet Religion disciples, if not, cannot come to West World”
2012 To meet Gooddaddy in Thirty Three Heaven.
2013-01-31 To meet Buddhism Religion Founder, Shakymuni
To announce to Taiwan 3 million disciples, follow up were the Punishment for Tibet Religion::
Tibet Religion Founder were in 2 million Hell
Tibet Religion Gods and Ancestors were in 3-8 billion Hell
Tibet Religion Recent Rinpoche, Lama, and disciples were in 9 billion Hell, and will be moved to Side Hell
2013-02-08 To announce to have Honorable name “Big Cloud Buddha” to Taiwan 3 million disciples, to be proved was Shakymuni’s wife “Yatsutolo”, and to be 34 Generation of Shakymuni disciple
2013-08 To build up whole earth to be “Happily and Merely World”, to set up New Religion “ Earth Religion” with other 4 Religion’s Head:
Buddhism:  Big Cloud Buddha
Cathedral:  Pope Francis
Christ : Pope Francis
Daoism : San Chin Daoism Association Chen Yu Chin
Islam : Genojadu envado

8 discipline:
i. No cheat, No lie.
ii. No steal.
iii. No mix sleep with 3,4,5,6 people, only sleep in 2,
We support marriage.
iv. Less drink of wine, don’t be drunk driver, if not, cannot come
to West World.
v. Love your country.
vi. To clean your body, deep meaning, to clean your heart.
vii. Don’t speak ill of others.
viii. No kill.
2013-11-12 Sent Nobel Prize Scientist total 16 persons up to First Fruit Heaven Including: Einstein, Edison, Madame Curie. And the same year sent one remarkable businessman Steve Job to First Fruit Heaven.
2015-06-30 To announce the death news of Dalai Lama
2015 To announce Dalai Lama was in Five Standard Hell
2015 To use Environment scient to stop Tibet Religion Rinpoche and Lama to hurt whole earth people body
2015-08 To have speech in front of whole earth people, to announce: I have 3 swear:
I. To save whole earth people to come to West
World,they can follow well 8 discipline
II. To save whole earth people body health from Big
Heart, Big lung, Big liver, Stomachache, and also other diseases
III. To build up “Happily and Merely World” to be second
West World on earth And to introduce ‘Buddha Strength’.
2015 To change “Earth Religion” name to be “ New Buddhism” under Shakymuni’s permission, besides, changed 8 disciplines to be 8 vows.
2015 Shakymuni suicided himself to be ready to get birth. Proved what he taught in his teaching “Steady, Finish, Broken, Empty”成,住,壞,空
2015 To win China attack Taiwan “Short Distance Nuclear Force” 12 pcs to use “incredible Skillful Scient” to win, be certified by Chairman SI.
2016 To kill Tibet Religion Laypeople Teacher Lee, resolved named “Hell” trouble. Who was drug out by Dalai Lama from 46 Hell in 2009 until then. Who was a pig ghost stayed in earth on the ground 7 years...
2016 To resolve get birth trouble of Shakymuni
2016-11 To teach whole earth people recite”NAMOAMITOFO”
2016 To save whole earth people one round, no matter what religion they are: their parents, or sisters or brothers, or relatives to come to West World. If they passed 8 Vows gate. They all sent one dream to their alive sons or daughters ‘they’re in the West World’. This work started from 2009 when built up “West World” in Big Cloud Buddha hands.
2016-2018 Plan to use 3 years Ceremony to save 750,000 on the ground Ghost to come to West World, after 3 years ‘Lunar July 15 Ceremony’.
2017 To set up Big Cloud Buddha Foundation, to be President position:

I.Education: To teach whole earth people, “New Buddhism”. Also Big Cloud Buddha Dharma, and also Shakymuni’s Mahayana and Hinayana Sutra, to arrange Big Cloud Buddha speech, Ceremony, ,translate Sutra,print Sutra, recruit disciples, and plan to meet and build up Religion Forum exchange opinion with different Religion Heads.
II.Charity Tasks: To grouping volunteer to work for the drags kids.To open new class for them to encourage them
To educate them to have a new life.
To help Enfant Yuan ,blind people, weak financial family, disable People, and elder people. Etc.
III.Scholarship: T o build up several kinds of scholarship to help all Kinds of grade students from Senior High School to Graduate University students all included.

Plan to build up as follow several kinds of Prizes, suggested and supported by those European Countries::
Art in Italy
Science in Sweden
Religion in British
Mechanic in Germany
V. Buddhism System: to build up one New Buddhism System New monk and nun vows. Make Buddhism has a new face.
2017-10-31 To show the whole earth people “Dharma Cloud” in front of whole earth people’s eyes. Last for 3 months. All happened in the end of month.
2017-2018 Tibet Religion’s Rinphche passed away all of sudden, in
G35 Meeting Period, one bulletin from Sweden King Solider. And at last the result was shock whole earth. Became the earth in the Heaven cannot find this kind of Religion- Tibet religion’s God, and on the earth no Tibet religion Rinpoche, or Lama teach in their Religion any more. No people on this business, they all passed away.
     2018-03-04 To win China Chairman Si to against his 50 pcs Middle
Distance Nuclear Force to fire Taiwan Island 5 cities, used ‘Incredible Heaven Soliders’ to against his attack. After 2015, Short Distance Nuclear Force to fire to Taiwan, this is the second times fired. But failed.
2018        To save China Taiwanese Businessman safe and sound back to Taiwan with their invest in China’s money. Total: 3,624 persons.
2018 Have a lot of invitation from Middle East, America, Canada, Europe. Just start to develop my teaching schedule.

Copy Right Reserved From Apr 08,2019.

