2018年11月21日 星期三

Do you support “Rainbow”Race?

我不贊成同志結婚 因為那違反了神創造人類傳衍後代的目旳。假設以後物種要
表達傳衍後代都須經過動物的行為去了解 試問地球存在的意義何在 雖然為了
能夠解決同性之間相互負責的想法很重要 但人類被負與的責任 無能也無人
能取代 請諒解。

I don’t support Rainbow Race. Because after I watched the Promotion
of Public Vote. They taught the education in school, the teacher would 
teacher them” man can marry man” , the girl-child incidently responded
“Then, after I grow up, I will marry girl” 

All of sudden, I felt shocked! For my traditional education was male marry 
female. For they want to have the next generation. 

I think the traditional teaching was from “God created earth, to create Man
and Woman, For they have the next generation responsibility. Just like all kinds 
of creation on the earth”

If we support “Rainbow Race” Where’s our next generation? If our future teach
Our new generation what’s our new generation come from, all need to see the 
creation of other animal activity, so that our next generation can get the knowledge,
What can we do? Is it the earth meaning?” Are we crazy? To distinguish ourselves
on the earth?” Let’s deep think this question! 

Not just take the responsibility of the same two gender? Please let’s see deeper!

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