2022年2月26日 星期六

America COVID-19 3-12 years old Kids after shooting cases.

America COVID-19 Hanging

3-12 years old Kids

after shooting cases.(AZ)

On Feb 23, 2022 death cases

*Michingen 2,521cases
(After shooting 4 hours-12hours)
*California. 3,314. cases
(After shooting 1hour- 5 hours)
Washington 2,342.cases
(After shooting 3 hours-7 hours)
 Total:          8,177 cases

There's a lot of kids after Vaccinate Shots death cases in America . Doctors should take Big Cloud Buddha suggestion to used the below percentage:

10-16 years old: half of adult
Under 10 years old: 1/3 of adult

This is got to through 100 cases Experiment Suggestion.

On Feb 24, 2022 Report, America doctors
permitted this suggestion as "CORRECT".

Execution Result:
After providing. this supported information,
doctors found death case no more happen again.

Patient record
**America MA, Eric Chow 6 years old.
took him a Vaccinate shot, it's adult quanty.
And later, she found him very uncomfortable, and paist out. And she sent him to hospital, and found because they shot was too strong. And I decided to cancel it. So I ask doctor to give him a different shot. He release him a very relax shot. And it works.


2022年2月24日 星期四

Long List Ancestry Result? 長長的祖先名單的結果?




只要對得起祖先就辦得到. !

何不 ?



Long Life?
Good Body Health?
If you look forward to this, do well to your
Ancestry. Cross their name away !
Just Do !! So simple!

If you pray for July 15 for your Last name Ancestry, at most only can reach your Grandpa or Grandma But your Ancestry list in Witch side even over 4 Generation.What 4th Heaven Big Cloud Buddha dig Grave on the ground to spend to West World to be Cloud, or Star. They all enjoyed and later because of Earth Oxygen not enough influence fell to the ground back. How about 4th Heaven donation? No one dollars, even to suicide Big Cloud Buddha on the ground, is that reasonable or not? Please know why your Ancestry would revenge to his offspring?,Because they felt so guilty to the West World and Sky to be Cloud & Star one round already as what she teach young Generation. But did she ask anyone to pay? No . And now even face to be used tricky to harm or hurt by those on the ground Young Generation. Is that reasonable?

Execution Result
A. One pragent mother, she heard her baby weak voice to speak to her" I'm gone" but be stopped by me. And I found her back had a lot of ancestry followed in her baby side. Keep want to take him away. I spoke to her. " Faster, if you make a?phone call to y our Witch then she'll be.back. try once or two to see " And she did. Her baby just slide from this feet to back tio his body. And she let go all. And found her baby no ill at all.

Columbia President Ivan Marquette donated a Gold Brick House for Big Cloud Buddha. Originally Big Cloud Buddha plan to take him right away to West World. No need to wait until April 05 or July 15.
But she tried and found failed. She kept persuade
President to let go his error in ancestry part.the biggest part was his Father. However, he didn't want to let go. Until he fell to almost bottom of hell. He awaken up. He did immediately. Besides, cut down the relationship with his Father. In order to prevent his father persuade him to do the error thing again. It works. Now, he just wait for Big Cloud Buddha to manage this guilty away well,
so that he can come to West World.

*Add on Mar 5, 2022. According to President Ivan
Marquette experience:'
1.He passed away on Jan 29, 2022 by the third times Car Accident.
2. Through Big Cloud Buddha , she recite AMITO
Sure one times at the First Night
3. Through His inheritor Mr. Golden Stuck. and also
Mr. George Stuck holds the Funeral for him, there're
63 Team of Recite NAMOAMITOFO team in Funeral to send their love most Ivan to Grave field.
It's a Serious Funeral. AMITOFO favor it is a Good Teaching Country.
4. After 14days unknown deep in hell day, at last Ivan awaken up and let his father, to leave him alone in hell, and be pick up too the ground. For his great donation and a good company in the heaven.
5. At that moment, after Ivan back ,he asked and decided by himself to cut all of this father done in error part. That's meant all long list part. Total 65 million name. "The result is suffer. " from his father
John language.After 21 days he accepted his son decision 10 days later. He was from the bottom of hell up to the ground. So we count it is 21 days.
This good examples wish can encourage a lot of written long list people, no matter how long, how far, how strange way you requested to do, " JUST STOP" the result will be just like what you see,
Like Ivan. He just made the determination decision for his father. No matter what he yelled, he don't , just do. Until first few minutes passed, those ancestry left. And his father release, he found his father feel like?can jump out from the?hell, that was ten days ago. And later 5 days ago. He still can hear, his father yelled it"s Painful. But later on never heard anything. That's incredible. For this father in 21?days, according to Wen Tien Shiang record , this is the 21 days. It's miracle. I do believe what she said. Dont hook too many layer. If not it's heard to let it got.

We found quite a lot of " Heavy Ill" lying on the hospital bed people, all from those written long list
, some even over 70 million generation to suicide Big Cloud Buddha. And asked his ancestry why had to do this way to treat his offspring?
His ancestry often heard response:
Because we be dug out from the grave to clean our body from ghost body changed to be heavenly people body. Andl later saved us to come to West World to be Cloud Body. And we even became twinkle stars. We did speak with my offspring one word to tell them " I am in the West World". And wet even did not pay one dollars to Big Cloud Buddha.
We all stayed in the Heaven 3 hears long. NASA did prove the sky all of sudden less a lot of stars. And comparison with 3 years ago, sky increase a lot of stars
Ancestry said: We all fell down to the ground simply for the Earth Oxygen not enough. Originally we had Big Cloud Buddha sent Oxygen to us. when we're in the universe to be star.. Now we fell down to the ground. Big Cloud Buddha even asked us "can you go back to the grave?" we laughed. But we cannot. Because we be tied with our offspring to hurt Big Cloud Buddha. Some even heavy hurt over several months long. And their body tied with us, that's why they all less good. Not only bad luck. Poor body health. No money. Some had a big debt just worked for paying Witch big dollars.
How to change ?.
Why had to change?
A: Your ancestry all count on Big Cloud Buddha Swear to become Heavenly people. Reach West world. All stay 3 years long but didn't pay one dollars 
for Big Cloud Buddha. They felt guilty
when they hurt Big Cloud Buddha. They will revenge their offspring back. If their Offspring didn't want to stop their action, keep wanting to tie with their ancestry to work. Therefore, they would ask their offspring to pay the bill.

How to change?
1. Count how long list you written?
2. How much monet you paid?
3. How long you're going to do the same 
4. To discuss with your family to change
     Your decision. To stop doing.Then 
     Your ancestry less hurt. Less tie with
     Your decision, then your fortune will
     become better. Body condition will 
     be better. Some even can stop big 
     disaster,to small one,  to jump out 
    "death" gate.
5. Ask your Temple or Witch, how many 
    tines you already done. And stop to do, then can take how much money back. 
6. Spilt half for those money. Half for charity tasks: Big Cloud Buddha Account  Half for yourself. 

  Just take the Action now

Big Cloud Buddha Donation Account

Swiss Bank

Duster Goods Branch

A/C No. 230-260-230-260-230

A/C Name: Big Cloud Buddha

Swift Code: ZUISTST

Please remarks: For Charity Tasks.

2022年2月23日 星期三

Africa Animal True Fact?

Do you believe we lost Big male Elephant, no more

Small Elephant?

According to Africa Doctor Report as 
what he did shot how many animals
last night ? Over 6,321 shot through
3 Animal Doctors hands

Why had to give them Shot?
For Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.
For 4 days long, all Africa Animals 
including Tiger, Giraffe, Zebra, and so on
Over 421 kinds Animals all changed their '
" Stand" gesture became " lying" gesture..
They seemed all weak and no strength.
And after Big Cloud Buddha observed 
the Earth so long, I predicted " Omicron" 
Virus covered the whole Earth. Had better
to provide Animal Group a Vaccine shot
like human. If not, there's 50% Animal quantity dead already happened in Africa.
We lost all Lion. No more. And male Elephant. It's impossible for Young Generation to see them any more.
What's next step?
We only expect how to increase Animals body enrich their nutrition, to support 
them to assist more resistance to those 
different Virus occurred on Earth.

1. Give every kind of Animals 1/3 drops of adult human.

2. Give every kind of Animals to add Vitamin B Complex. 

Big Challenge from Nuclear Submarine


After Shakymuni hands out from The Nuclear Submarine, we did see it be cut into 2 pieces. That one its name June.

Wednesday at 4:30 p.m., we saw June was 2 pieces. And the Ship Cruels wish their ship can refix it well. So they yelled so loud.

And we saw all for sudden, On the ground Big Cloud Buddha to used

Her hands straight down to the broken ship body down part, and hold the ship body up , and let the middle two body
put together, to make two combined into one. But inner still had several Ton of Atlantic Ocean water fell out from the ship part. Its looked like a 
disaster movie fell out water. Just like Steven Spielberg movie. We didn't expect Big Cloud Buddha did use Buddha dharma to refix it back all new like. Just take 7 minutes. 

Behind the story background:
Because the Ship General Pompeo and Shakymuni had a big quarrel
about Big Cloud Buddha opinion.
And Shakymuni did explore a Big Temper. Keep yelling:.
Heavenly soldiers and General 
Coming... And later the result was
 as what we see.


2022年2月21日 星期一

For Those New Parents

This is Reminder 

For those New Parents 

To remind them 

To add 

Vitamin B Complex

In Baby Milk Powder

To increase Baby body strength 


2022年2月20日 星期日

Ukraine case true face



Ukraine 737 Citizen they agreed to have nude donation. Because of they cannot have enough food some almost didnt have food over 3 days long.They told Big. Cloud Buddha whether they can

have 50% donation back to their hands. Yes. I response immediately. For 3 weeks hold.

And Big Cloud Buddha did as promise to return 50% nude donation to  737,  request to be disciples Ukraine Citizen. Their nude donation came from to sell their house, to sell their car, to sell their belonging.And their sincere action to persuade family all take the same action.

The 737 disciples where are they from?They're from Ukraine on Jan 25, 2022,Russia to use 60 tanks to attack Ukraine that moment. Russia took 3 hours to attack Ukraine, and 737 disciples

all of sudden passed away on the hell.And sat on the ground over  3 hours long.Empty in brain

The above all according to one of 737 disciples described what this feeling. And suddenly fell on the bed, I found my son next to me full of tears to say" You're dead, why you're back?" and we look each other full of appreciation.

Those description story ate from one leading the Group to nude Donation head Professor Dr. Stove..He and his son story. His son talked with him "what can we do to appreciate four this big gift? 

And may son said "Nude donation" I said "yes". And full of tears.

And we all agreed to do. Because it's a miracle .

 I don't know how to describe how to say. His feeling was so shock. And surprised. Don't know how to say. Just crying.

How to say just few word " amazing". Because we had to know how to use your hands to pull somebody out, to say we didn't do anything. But we had to say we just don't know how to make it. But we don't know how to do with it.

How to use ?how to appreciate

her? We just made her happy to know. And we found she's plain. Nothing else.

What's going on? Later on, everyday just hunger for food. And cold weather to hide our body.And don't know where to find another place to say what's else? Because we didn't find her to take care of us at last, she said she's the first times to face nude donation

And follow up, we don't like to say others story.

Master laughed cloudly for what she treat us. Within 3 weeks past by , she felt some guilty. Nothing? 

But she did say something that's deep: we dont know how to use our action to show our feeling to hug?To like?

Besides,it's meditation in big 

 public.Not private space. How to say our feeling. It meant " heaven and on the ground both all feel very shy to say some strange word or to act something.We all understand it's a "Big" donation.

We just let This Group to pass some Special Rule.

Within Big Cloud Buddha did hear some of you complain, some said cold. But we, heaven and ground, all pass. Some of you, now even heard heaven discuss " they seemed cold? What can we do?" And left unknown.

Until on Feb 15, 2022. It's 21 days sharp. 3 weeks. 

Big Cloud Buddha caour suggestion to take 50% donation.And also sent her family joined in taking care of 737 disciples body.And sent some warm and good nutrition

to the Group.And also Foundation associate warm in

The above all from Professor 

Stove and his son description.

And on Feb 18, 2022 at13:40-14:20, Big Cloud Buddha had a "Refugee Ceremony for New Buddhism" simply for this 737 disciples to be Buddhist. 

Althrough very simple. But serious.Also order.Most important of all. Completed

Ukraine case now became in fog 

see flowers, cannot see it clean and clear. How to judge it ? Or how to expect it? Now only count on the Earth Citizen pray for peace comes earlier. Not chase 

for Tank, Gun, or Bulletin how many your Country had? I had? 

Wish heaven knows how to?

As the latest news from Puti, he said he signed the Agreement with NATO and Ukraine to have a peaceful environment. No War,

No Bulletin any more. That's it. .

台海戰爭12/24/2021 全記錄On Dec 24,2021 China attack Taiwan Full Record.



陸沈當時,房屋不倒,樹木不斷河流不頃(house wont fall, tree wont break, river wont clipe) swear by Taiwan. Land scient Protectors. That's why whole Taiwan Land just straight down and straight up. Be got shot people, car, building, everything no change. Just down.

2021.12.24 最後一秒,中國擊中台灣台中的那一刻,無論是人,車,建築,所有擊中範圍內的一切都維持不變,這是當時在地的無形護法許願:屋不倒,樹不斷,河不侵,因為又有大雲佛的不思議佛法才能辦到







共計有超過600多萬活著的台灣人及往生的100多萬人有感覺。當時大雲佛即有聽到報告,但沒寫下,只記得大概如此。前後大約12/24/12:59p.m.-12/25/00:56a.m. 有這麼長的時間,大雲佛的另一個身是看著黑黑的一大片,直到像直直的上來後才鬆了口氣。
















的兒子及孫子,讓大雲佛派去的Scient Protector


It's related 12/24/2021 12:59 p.m. China attack Taiwan Land to use "Fire Shot Cannon"火箭炮

20 pcs. It was sharply shot on the land. At that moment , the destination was Taichung . With 20 shot to the red point , whole Taiwan Land around 8/10. range all in. About people: is about over 600

million alive and over 100 million passed away people all be shot. But the building and trees and rivers all be well protected by those Scients Protectors swear. At that moment, the driving car stop, TV watcher stop. Everyone all stop what they're doing. The whole Earth all can see Taiwan Land straightly down, the upper all see is black. And hold it over almost one hours long, 33 heaven body took them all back. It's told they all got shot and dead and down to reach the 3 billion hell to the accident hell. And be up back to the original place after over 57 minutes. And Big Cloud Buddha to use 2 body cooperate together, one hold the Up

Land. People + Land God plus 5 small Land god, to work with the other body: on the ground Big Cloud Buddha body to use incredible Buddhadharma to fit land 2 pieces , to work 3 times, to combine together the land , back to original one..

And succeeded. at last. The time was within:

12/24/2021,12:50p.m.- 12/25/2021 11: 56 a.m.

The whole issue can certified by Tsai Ing Wen language to request Taiwan Weather Bureau "about

Earthquake map to see. The research report:

It showed how big range of Fire Shot Cannon in Taiwan Land.and also the land move down to how deep range : 3billion. 1billion.6000. 600. 6

5 times. The figures all the same as 33 heaven Big

Cloud Buddha mentioned. The evidence showed Big Cloud Buddha through China attack Taiwan people cases. How Big Cloud Buddha saved Taiwanese back . But why. The Newspaper, TV or any report all didnt had any News. I did send

twitter @bbcchinese about my Chinese article

台海戰爭。12/24/2021 . Taiwan DPP only discussed with Defend Department about my Honorable Donation NT$7,777,777,777. Besides

Plan to ask Taiwan people recuit donars. But didnt hear any voice up to now.

2022年2月13日 星期日

Japan Fukushima 福島 Food Case日本核食變和食品


Japan Osaka Giluchen

  • Change Japan Nuclear Food

  • To Be Japan Favorite Food 日本核食變

  • 日本和食品


Japan had Fukushima 福島 nuclear disaster,in 2011.Mar.11.

It's a serous nuclear tsunami.

That combined artificial plus natural two way disasters. It meant man neglective probably can forbid, but behind cause natural big trouble, how to forbid 

Why BCBF Big Cloud

Buddha Foundation would choose this timing to get involved? 

Nowdays electricity can have a lot of option. But one of them is Nuclear. Because it costs

less budget. Besides,can last over 30 years. However,  when it cause disaster from Nuclear core

, then it spent on human body sacrifice cost. Also natural land cost. Not to mention,  environment cost. Take Russia 

Or we said Ukraine Chernobyl,

(車諾比)up to now, they still a very strange place hard to reach.

On the contrary, Japan seemed used quite a lot of plan to develope the same disaster town as a better life. But behind, cannot help to face a tear drop to dry it. 

For Nuclear Area always had a big nuclear reflection to the land , to the air,  and how to improve them after 10 years long. 

5 months ago, Big Cloud Buddha through Conversation with Old Emperor, he ask me to teach him how to reesolve Fukushima 福島 Food trouble?

For Old Emperor had a prayer:

He always wish to know how to less Nuclear reflection in plant in Fukushima 福島 ? Because before Fukushima 福島 .Rice had a period of time in good Rice Business.?

He wish to sell Fukushima 福島 Food to other places? I always ask myself, Fu Food can eat ?!福食可吃 ?!

the Fukushima 福島 people how to plant ?

For, our Foundation dedicate in protect human body health.We found Japan Nuclear Food Products still cannot help to contain a little bit higher than normal products not good for body health elements. It would cause human cannot forbid to cause cancer in the future. That's why Our Foundation suggest "change Japan. Nuclear Food to Japan Favorite Food." in recent case to discuss about.

That's why may we suggest those 10 Country

plan to order export Rice Products  in Japan , please postpone planner schedule. Or change

to other Good option Food Products. Then, it can earn both Country friendship. And also

earn different Area Marketing Knowledge.

And I also will report to people related report "How to improve to use Nuclear Area Land"

Please just await me put in written. 

The true fact is: We already through this

discussion to have the conclusion.

" The Nuclear Area plant had better plant have fragrant flower plant. Don't plant related to Food Products. Take Fukushima 福島 plant

2 months long whole place all Lavenda

Within that 2 months long, they earn 3000 tourist visiting income. And after cut Lavenda to factory, they use it to make soap, and also flower bag to sell.

Within 2 weeks all sold out. It's an successful example.  Through this good examples, it will encourage other Country in Nuclear Electricity Area do the same experiments. To see how's your own experience.

To use those good smell, good colorful plant to. make whole environment changed those Area people, not only in seeing, also in smelling to relax their Body long term nerveous condition ,and body pressure. And to use this beautiful landscape to earn tourist money. But also can use those fragrant flowers to made soap, or fragrant drop to use in spa.

To use smell to clean Nuclear Area People to be healthy. It's a gradually. way. And to those Fragrant plant ex Lavenda can through those good smell full in the air., can reduce the dirt of reflection nuclear machine created. Besides, can also protect them land away from floating in the air reflection element less and less. So that plant fragrant planner, not only good for Air, also good for land & environment. So, it deserved to try.

It meant those Nuclear Area products.  Not for food, food through mouth will hurt our inner organ. throat, stomach, womb, penis, all easy to cause Cancer. This according to Japan Country had Nuclear Food sell to local people 10 years experience. So that forbid now it extend to other different Country. Big Cloud Buddha expect to reduce the influence in diseases In the future. So that, had this kind of suggestion. Our Foundation wish every Human all had a good body health and had good figure. That's why we write this report to show our concern to express our opinion. Wish can through our correct timing to change Japan Country to have a Good Products to earn Good foreign People money and Also good Body friendship.

Regarding Nuclear Products Lab research report our Foundation plan to increase each year (occupied 30% of your lab research budget) invest ¥3,000,000 to your Nuclear Products research lab item, use to know this times Rice reproducts.first generation and next generation lab result through lab figure

difference report

If Professors would accept Big Cloud Buddha suggestion to change to fragrant plant instead of food products plant .

If you agree our suggestion, then our Foundation would appreciate your Country understanding. And we will donate our Lab donation to Your Country as soon as possible .ThankTo you for your patient reading our report.

福島核食 2011.3.11-2022

11 years over had Good Products from
Nuclear Area. Most of them are Rice Products, Because Fukushima 福島 is what we so called "Rice Home"  Japan Citizen just eat a lot of Rice from there.

Below is reference report

According to Scient Helper accurate counting, the figure as below: 

In Japan Because of Fukushima 福島 Food cause
73 million Cancer record from Japan Citizen
For they like to eat Fu Island  "Rice."
We seperate Cancer into 4 period:
1 periodCancer- no reccord
2 period Cancer- 30 million
3% throat, 
20% stomach 
9% womb head (Baby Stomach) 
40% penis
3 period Cancer- 19 million
4 period Cancer- 31million 
This is the proval by Japan Citizen cooperation.

Execution Result:
1. Japan Government after communication accept
Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.
2. 20 Country after discussed whether they like to. change favorite food: Apple, fruit or others.good option. They all agreed. So, easily open another
3. United Nation BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation suggested to promise to support Japan Fukushima Lab each year ¥10,000,000..
Wish everything can through Lab figure get the correct information. And pile up several years
good result can open the Lab result for those
Nuclear Area Plant Country to have a Conference meeting to exchange information and experience.
And Japan earn Market each month US$600,000.
for 20 Countries.

The above.
Reported in Feb 27, 2022

Add on 07/24/2022
To send Japan Emperor one Appreciation Certificate for this honor real take them action
In execution of Big Cloud Buddha suggestion.
And found it's a good business+

2022年2月9日 星期三

Speech .on Feb 08, 2022

Here' s Big Cloud Buddha  prepare for 
Feb 8,2022.Conference Meeting Speech

Good afternoon,
I am Big Cloud Buddha.
This case is RUSSIA and Ukraine case. It' s a serous case.From the beginning why I get involved all from Ukraine Citizen pray and yell to HEAVEN: " tank reach my house, gun reach my home" So, I'm coming. At that urgent moment how to persuade 
Tank Soldiers to stop, "I think why not make other people know what's their hthinking of what's their heart issue ..that is the reason, thr Poll Research questions, we found the evidence Ukraine like Russia. 
" Do you accept Russia policy"?
70% say yes.
" Do you accept Ukraine under take by 
Russia" 70% say yes. 30% say No.
"Do you like every place print Ukraine combined with Russia" 80% say yes.
So, through Poll Research Report. 
the evidence very stromg, Ulraine like 
Russia can in  a natural way to control Ukraine.. Through observation. We found Russia and Ukraine had below several. Point are similar:
1.From History and Culture background :

the same ancestry

2.From culture favorite option; 
All like ballet 70%

.    3.   From weather: all close to North 
           Pole snow weather, all dress 
           heavy. Clothes.
     4.  From food: all like spicy. & Hot 
          Taste food. For this kind of food 
          Can make your body warm and 
          Hot feeling. Not cold any more.
     6. From female dress solider look
          , and also through their train film
         We found they are the same 
          blood. Because they all like 
Through this evidence it prove what kind of thinking in Ukraine Citizen deep in their mind. They already half Russia People. They like Russia, just take time to tell each other.
And as Chinese said No fight No acquaintance In Chinese " 不打不相識
Through attack they're through Poll Research Report, we found it real change Tank General decision. They turn their head and  left.
And, sometimes, attack cannot stop got to have some result. That's why Russia Attack would came and go.
And after attack , through another Poll Research Report found they changed a lot bit. And still hold to see.
Here"s question:
*Do you agree Russia Puti attack Ukraine? Does it drive you crazy? 100%
*What will you do? 
Negotiation 60%
Unknown 20%
Attack back 0%
But it didn't stop Big Cloud Buddha to use Buddhadharma to save them Back. On 01/25/2022  Ukraine was attack experience, according to CNN Cameraman Mr. Stove speaking language: 3 hours attack , to  use 7 minutes to save it back. It show the change color of heaven. In Chinese
風雲變色,  it real like that. "She's big hands. Who can do like that "Shakymuni said.
It saved back 737 alive back Ukraine 
Citizen, and also 60 Crash houses.
For in this moment , Big Cloud Buddha used persuasion to let Puti moved. And he did moved. What's her language: please read report.
And he did take her one sentense: 
不打不相識 No fight No acquaintance..

That's why Russia Puti did provided her , Big Cloud Buddha one honorable "Russia Peace Gold Metal Prize."on Jan 27, 2022. In 泰晤士報 The Sundays Times.got one small story. To show the both Puti and Big Cloud Buddha photo.
And Puti insist reason weak. Because he cannot persuade all soldiers to fight for him. That's the reason he still struggle in whether to go or to stay? 
So he missing 6 days. And come back. He's weak. He doesn't want to argue any more. But still argue with Gorbachev
 Quarrel with each other. For both all want Ukraine. According to Big Cloud Buddha style, no need to fight. Just take.but according to Gorbachev style not to save anything in the ground. At then,will hurt a lot in Ukraine. However, if it real hurt. How to go.
Because of this reason, Puti did thank for Big Cloud Buddha asked one important question:
"How's Tank oil spend ?
Why not spend the same as Tank oiI money to construction" ?"How's the figure? 

"100 million US dollars.
Can construction a street of house over 10 house.this is 60 tank oil."

Mtddle General said
And later fight with Puti got to keep on argue with Middle General about whether got to attack or. Not? 
At this moment, Big Cloud Buddha said: .
"Middle General, please report about Construction status to Puti."
And reported showed that Professors already started to construction Moscow City with Govehn City. So that Main and Branch set up well.
And Big Cloud Buddha said 
"If two use Tank to wave shot Building in Ukraine crash , how many percentage you will pay, Ukraine Citizen? And Russia Citizen? They all dont know. The response is 50% each. So when everyone suspicious. Big Cloud Buddha said: Why had to do one more. Building 2 times doble pay. Will you pay or not? . "No," Russia Citizen response.
They all suggest " Stop", "we don't want double pay". Besides" nobody would like to." "That's why Puti stop.
And so did Gorbachev.
"Her language keep hanging in my heart to 
repeat the same tone: why not use the same money in construction? Why to use in spoiled and destroyed City? 
That's why I think we learn something from her: ..

Nowdays modern age , people don't like to play fun, lazy in play. , that's why birth rate keep reduce. What can human do? Only reduce death rate. So she reduce a lot while in defend of China attack. That's the reason." Said Puti

"10 team"

"Send 10 team in construction both places web site"

Big Cloud Buddha spoke with Professor

in set up Government system. Because of Professor need support. After 2 times cancel by Superior Puti. 

But still construction well at last in both places Citizens sincere prayer.

That's the reason Puti change his mind 
Won't use Tank, Gun, Bulletin to
Obtain Ukraine. Within 7-8 weeks 
Keep be with Big Cloud Buddha 
At last he be moved 
"No Tank, No Gun
No bulletin" only peace . 
This is RUSSIA. Victory. 

To have a lot of Tax Income. 
A lot of New Citizen.
Waiting to be the Third Big Country
In the World.

Thanks NATO Dr. Stood invitation.
His special eyes did prove. But be stop
by Taiwan Gov'n. If not success come 
even faster.

Finished On Feb 09, 2022 .