2021年7月31日 星期六

Do something for your passed away relatives


Usually we will encourage each

other recite more 

NAMOAMITOFO for your future

usage- went to West World.

But if you have relative passed 

away,we know they got to clean 

their guilty first, then AMITOFO 

is easier to save them to heaven.

Then, what to do?how to help 
them?  Here's another way to

get rid of their guilty.


Lipo Lipo Di
Chiou He Chiou He Di
Dou Lo Ni Di
Ni He Lo Di
Pi Li Ni Di
Mo He Che Di
Zen Lin Chan Di
So Po He

End of practicing,
Add 100 times NAMOAMITOFO

Wish every disciple meet you 
in the West World.

Translated by Buddha Master
Big Cloud Buddha
July 31,2021
in Ton Men ,Taipei

Execution Result:

190,724 person.
Judy Ho
Uly Gu
Geroghen Gu
Lohesntu Lo
On. 08/10/2021 ( Tue)
After recite the above.
Smooth to get birth.
Time period is Lunar July 03.
They all accept 
After one generation several months to be rabbit
396 two generation
to be human again.

2021年7月29日 星期四

About "Gun Rule"execution Fact


This is the place that had true explore evidence and 60 witness to write down what's happen in America about Gun execution.

Originally 5 days passed, each 50 States police Station "No case" record was broken by this wrong direction book on every places.

To replace each States happened gun shoot to Policeman 2-3 cases. Because people complaint why Not justice Voice spoke for them. Those achievement belong to Big Cloud Buddha should be written or report to the TV or New. Why No any record?" Even be twisted and messy report by those Official report. 

Those explore building need to rebuild and also CNN reporter place be dash 1/3 part. here's the report.

This report reflection evidence"Go Color"" Go

Smell" lousy covered the correct one. We wish

We would get the truth fact from deep in your 


The Result:

1. Big Cloud Buddha abandon to stop execute Three Swear.

2. Big Cloud Buddha from 2021 start : No Lunar  July 15 Ceremony pray.

3. No Cha lan is wrong, we add one body in  Heaven. But Guang Gian had no feet just like Ghost follow chase Rucieno to every places.

4. Stop accept any human prayer.

5.No Avalokitesvara Mantra teaching.

Execution for about Gun in America

Since there's No any 

True Ceremony written  in a few days

Ago.and No invitation.

Why not use popcorn 

To celebrate what you

had. done.? That's it.


101Advance News

 We be forced to face 

101 Building only open

For 83 Floor. 

What we know 93 Floor

It's a platform.

Cannot decorate into

Office or Museum.

So,there's No Office or

Museum at all.

2021年7月21日 星期三

101 Building Complete Offering News

President Pu
ti complete Offering in 101 Building

93 Floor. 

This is a Happy announcement 



BCBF Big Cloud Buddha



& ROSA Museum

Will open in here.

2021年7月19日 星期一


Here's Big Cloud Buddha recent

Best News:

1.101 Building Puti keep on making everything through.

Now is moving house name

under Big Cloud Buddha.

What'the 101Building, 93 Floor

Usage for:

BCBF Big Cloud Buddha 

Foundation. Office &

ROSA Museum

2. America President Biden

invite Big Cloud Buddha to

join the "To Make Gun Law"

Trip. No matter my family

is hurray Team or not. 

2021年7月18日 星期日

America Each States "To Make Gun Law" Suggestion


Application for Harvard University

Suggestion "Each States To Make Gun Law"

Buddha Master

Big Cloud Buddha

I would use this Certificate to support 
I send to Each States Government 
To Make Law System,
I wish through this report can 
had Governer pay attention to this issue
more deeper and longer. And also open 
to public to have Hearing to combine
Every Citizen point of view
At last to Make Law
To protect Young Generation 
True effective

July 16,2021
Big Cloud Buddha suggestion,
To stand on motherhood 
point of view, I say:
To reduce gunshot case &
Young Generation die young
Please. Each States consider 
To make Law to restrict until
18. Years old can hold the Gun.

My reason as below:8

**1).According to police station 
Gun cases all from under 18 years old.it's a dangerous sign. For people
not over 18 years old, we cannot count they're adult. Besides, education not graduated from Senior 
High School.Parents already sent them to earn Part -time work salary
or wages to live. But their heart true
is very childish. Young and easy be 
persuaded to do group hush tricky.
Sometimes easy be moved to use gun to show their man like. However, the truth was they didn't know how to use gun. Just practice several times. It's very useless on usage. That's why 
to make them dead, it's they didn't know how to correctly 
to use gun. Therefore, their act show their heart still need educate 
need take care from adult. It's not mature sign.That's why Government used Law to protect them from dangerous is necessary.
**2).Young kids parents mind sometimes 
too easy take to buy gun this issue.
In Western Times, to protect life real 
need gun.Face to face to shoot each other even be taken as a "Hero" challenge.That's the point, times changed. We had policeman protection. Every Country all set up Policeman system to protect citizen.
No need like previous time to buy gun
to protect your own life by yourself.
That's the reason, adult please think it over why you had to buy gun. Why had to open so many Gun shop for business? Please think it over, in America, will it too easy to buy a gun? It' s that necessary to buy gun to protect your own life? We had policeman already, do we have to open so many Gun shop any more? Maybe some of them, if business not good, should think it over to

change business? It's a good point to change.
**3).In website no matter what kind of age,
One has interest then can find how to combine one gun.very sharp to use in gunshot. You even feel trembling when you see their practicing their gun how sharp. Please hire some educator to.  Search your website, and protect these kind of website would be read by certain ages. Have some restrict over certain age, so that can open this kind of website.That can protect some curious kids to do it by 

themselves. That's education Website Researcher can help in this field.

This three point is my own suggestion.
Simply stand on mercy Young Generation 
Life so precious, don't let them gone too 
early. According to police Station to add together quantity: to die on Gunshot under 16 years old over 50,000 cases each year. Already happen 3 years. According to Hell Officer Record for American. Don't neglect under 16 years old can legal to buy Gun. Do earth any Country except America can legal buy Gun so easily.? No. I don't think so, .I 'll keep on doing until you America make Law to forbid 
1.16 years cannot legal buy a gun
2. To make Law to protect Gun business 
    only after 18 years old.xThe above
Report From:
Big Cloud Buddha Foundation.
President Big Cloud Buddha
BCBF is a NGO GROUP & UN Sponsor 
File as Big Cloud Buddha introduction
Please read "Top 5 Achievement".
Thank you for your patience !

Below is Writer introduction:


Big Cloud Buudha Foundation

President & New Buddhism Founder introduction

Big Cloud Buddha

From Taiwan 

Gratuated from Fu Jen University 

German Department

63 years old


Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges

Meeting several point:

The Top 5 Achievement

1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha頂地佛

2. The Only Female Buddha 唯一女佛

3. One Generation to be Buddha一世成就佛

4. Nee Buddhism Founder新佛教教主

5. Alive AMITOFO 誓願成就阿彌陀佛

What's Top Buddha?


On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 

2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 

33 Heaven. This was recommended by Mr. Rucieno Frank Field to US UCLA University

to get one Honor Certificate to prove "jana Lao, Big Cloud Buddha" is " Best Meditator"..

What's the Only Female Buddha?


In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 

3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all 

Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the 

Only Female Buddha

What's One Generation to be Buddha? 


1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First 

Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven

Only spent 7 months. This is an excellent 


In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62 years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 

Heaven , that's ths Shakymni. Heaven at that moment.

The second examples: 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)

He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. 

This were the only 2 Records in Sutra be written.Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent 7 months to reach 33 Heaven.  That is an remarkable Record 

What's New Buddhism Founder?


Heaven and Hell all be. New created.

New Heaven West World and New Central Hell Creator. We called that creator.is 

New Buddhism. Founder. That person is Big Cloud Buddha.

What's New Buddhism Founder?

To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good heart" in Community to be a good man..To teach human how's your life goal, and how to reach this upgrade your spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World. To be a Twinkle star in the sky.

That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase.

What's Alive AMITOFO?


According Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:

1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to West World

2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have A good body health.

3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , to make your elderly is my elderly,

 your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.

According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching. And I already within 2 years 

successfully done to save Earth disciples 

come to West World 3 times. That's why 

if you want to come to West World - heaven

Think of Big Cloud Buddha your wish come

true possibility can higher than others.


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation.

Tel: 886-2-2394-1232

Cell: 886-963-765-222


Puti and 101 statis 蘇俄總統與101現況


What's the Russia Puti and 101 Building offering status?

After Russia President Puti paid through

for house owner and also 2 President

- i.e.  Taiwan President Chen Sui Ban &

America President Biden commission,

he also paid Land Expert expense for 

transferred to Big Cloud Buddha.

Those expense all in his bill. He just 

wants to show his Country Citizen 

appreciation to Big Cloud Buddha.

To wish her have this 93 Floor to 


Big Cloud Buddha Foundation Office & ROSA Museum usage

 To show Russia Citizen Respect 
Love, True Offer to his Buddha master

'--Big Cloud Buddha.'








& Rosa 博物館










Big Cloud Buddha reflection:

Russia President Honor,

Thank you for your Kindness

Assistance to make 

this Country Offering

Can smoothly passed several 

gates, now only local 

Government Several steps. 

Then it can finished. We're 

going to register our New office 

in this address. And Will also 

start to recruit new Staffs get 


I'm so happy to accept this 

Offering. It's my dream office 

place. Thank you so good 

decision to make my dr

come true. Thank you for your 

correct In making every 

decision! So excellent!

Almost Feel like dancing.

I wish I can find a good Designer

Good in office decoration. And 

ROSA Museum , then I look 

forward to have a beautiful 

Office after 2-3 months. 




How to do can be called to have a healthy 




First, have to think why would accept 

other acquaint people to hurt other 

innocent object?

有什麼原因 ? 有什麼特別的理由 ? 是出於




Have any special reason? Due to inner

self learning to think it over? Why?this is 

also it's a kinds of mercy learning. Don't 

want to hurt innocent people, without 

any reason.


From here we may find what kind.of

conception or thinking is healthy?


What's mercy?


What is " I cannot do" ?


What's "  to make a wish"?


What's" I swear"?


All from this kind of thinking to develop.


Step by step through your own experience 

to work on.


This is my mission story


Big Cloud Buddha Written in July 19,2021

2021年7月15日 星期四

Top 5 Achievement大雲佛五大成就


Big Cloud Buudha Foundatio


President & New Buddhism Founder

董事長 & 新佛教教主



Big Cloud Buddha


From Taiwan 


Gratuated from Fu Jen University 


German Department


63 years old




Here's conclusion from Nobel Prize Judges


Meeting several point:


Big Cloud Buddha -The Top 5 Achievement


1. 33 Heaven, Top Heaven Buddha頂地佛

2. The Only Female Buddha 唯一女佛

3. One Generation to be Buddha一世成就佛

4. Nee Buddhism Founder新佛教教主

5. Alive AMITOFO 誓願成就阿彌陀佛

**What's Top Buddha?



On. Nov.4,2007 Big Cloud Buddha in front of 


2 billion people eyes to fly from 32 Heaven to 


33 Heaven. This was recommended by Italy


Mr. Rucieno Fran Field to US UCLA University


to get one Honor Certificate to prove "jana Lao, Big

Cloud Buddha" is " Best Meditator"..

申請一份 榮譽證書,證明"廖嘉那,大雲佛"是"最佳修行人"

**What's the Only Female Buddha?



In Sutra, no matter 35 Buddha, 88 Buddha, 


3,000 Buddha,10,000 Buddha , they all 


Male Buddha. Big Cloud Buudha is the 


Only Female Buddha


**What's One Generation to be Buddha? 



1n 2007 April Big Cloud Buddha from First 


Fruit Heaven to Nov 4, 2007 reach 33 Heaven


Only spent 7 months. This is an excellent Record


In Tang Dynasty 迦留笙( Chia Liu Shen) , he spent 62


years from 1st Fruit Heaven to 8th 


Heaven , that's ths Shakymni. Heaven at that moment.

那是釋迦摩尼的 8禪天,

The second examples: Ching Dysnaty 幾何生(Ge Ho Shen)


He spent 72 years to reach 8th Heaven. 

他花了72年才到達 8 禪天

This were the only 2 Records in Sutra be


written.Comparison with Big Cloud Buddha, only spent


7 months 16 days to reach 33 Heaven.  That is an remarkable Record 

七個月又16 天,這是個很輝煌的記錄

What's New Buddhism Founder?



New Heaven West World and New Central Hell Creator. We called that creator.is Big Cloud Buddha


This is according to Big Cloud Buddha 2007 Achievement proved by Old heaven.

這是根據大雲佛 2007年的修行成就經由老天爺許可的

New Buddhism. Founder. That person is Big Cloud



What's New Buddhism Founder?


To teach "speak good word, do good thing, have good


heart" in Community to be a good man..To teach human


how's your life goal, and how to reach this upgrade your


spiritual. And at last follow Big Cloud Buddha to be a


beautiful cloud And meet AMITOFO in the West World.



To be a Twinkle star in the sky.


That's what Big Cloud Buddha, New Buddhism Founder chase and teaching.


What's Alive AMITOFO?



According to Big Cloud Buddha 3 swear:


1st Swear: To save whole Earth people come to West World,no matter what kind of religion.


2nd Swear: To save whole Earth people to have a good body health.away from Big heart, Big lung Big liver, tibet religion request suffering.



3rd Swear: To build up 2nd West World on the Earth , make your elderly is my elderly, your kids is my kids. That kind of Ta Tung World.




According to Sutra, I Swear as Sutra teaching.


And I already within 2 years

successfully done to save Earth disciples 

come to West World 3 times.

而我在將近 2 年內成功的救度 3次佛弟子


That's why if you want to come to West World - heaven

Think of Big Cloud Buddha your wish come

true possibility can higher than others.

