2021年6月30日 星期三

Tsai Passed Away 4 Years Anniversary

President Tsai passed Away on July 04, 2017

THIS Year is Her 4 Years Anniversary !

Up to now, DDP still not caught that China spy

killer. How did he got in and out, DDP no record.

If not China admitted they did, besides  for such 

a long time, up to today, still had the mood to 

come to Taiwan be in her seat. 

Big Cloud Buddha faced this kind of Arm 

unbalanced Competition Two Country, who 

can say Taiwan is safe? DDP never plan to face

correctly to let anybody know, this Country 

Head gone. But, past 4 years long, the Earth Hell 

door cannot close well, just simply because one  

not back to Her Seat. Even had one troop of 

dead workers next to her had meeting, out from 

Hell. Is that the true life of human should face? 

DDP take some Action to work with All Political 

Party. to make decision to show to whole Earth, 

what's Your New Head going to be? What's Your 

New Plan for Your Country future. What's Your 

Army Soldiers Leader who it will be? It's so 

important to tell the Earth who you are.




GO ! GO ! GO ! 


2021年6月27日 星期日

Puti and 101 Building

Puti are for sure to buy 101 Building for

Offering. He said on June 27,2021. We will 

keep connect to the details.

This Building will be used as 

BCBF Big Cloud Buddha Foundation 

Office & Museum in the future.

We're for sure to buy Taipei 101 93 Floor.

Regarding the price & payment will be

kept in confidential.

0628-0630 at Taipei 101 Building happen one issue

DDP Mr. Wu incidentally within 2 days from this 

Building 91 Floor , one time jumped, the other times

be pushed from the same place , to fall down the

ground. And happenly by Big Cloud Buddha to save 

Him back safe and sound. And 2 times. How comes?

We don't know how to say what's wrong with the

situation. Only say human don't blow your air too hard

Sometimes , not do too much . if not, one times kill 

5 persons, all men. Man easy to die on air out.

That's Big Cloud Buddha judgement and experience.

Recent News on July 02,2021

The original owner bat down the price , to sell Taiwan President Chen Sui Ban. And America President Biden to buy it from Taiwan President's hands, and BCBF to use UN donation to buy it from President Biden's hands. Within ,thanks for UN President Scott Genorado insisted to back to his first conception.

So that BCBF can back to Taipei 101 Building ,

through several Presidents hands.

2021年6月26日 星期六




一人 10 元





















2021年6月25日 星期五











































一定的了解,大約持續吃 2 週就可以暫停。







7-8 分鐘,打開來即可吃。

2021年6月24日 星期四

India Gange River and Big Cloud Buddha


Big Cloud Buddha accepted 

India Prime Minister Modi

hang in her Buddha Body

India Metal for her Good 

Job for Gange River on June 13.

Now,  every Tourist can see

Big Cloud Buddha one statue

in the India New Dehli Airport.

& also in Gange River side.

If you're a Citizen in India.

You will shock with 5,000

years India famous Gange

River recently scene.

It's so good smell.

It's so good beautiful River.

The River clean is over every

World Champion. The clean 

figure now is + 60, 

You cannot imagine what 

in May still -62.

 The difference is over 122

This record is from NASA

Earth Observation Center.


Who did it?

We heard she's Big Cloud 


Within May 21- Jun 11 , 21 days 

Won't use Gange River

We just check.

Is there any Camera Team 

Can CNN  help to chase what's 

wrong with all about. 

1/.Stop India People drag dead 

body down.

2/ To hook dead body out from 


3/. To Stop them drink +  wash

+ and also extra daily usage.

4/To ship & order clean drink 

water from Other Country.

5/ To pay those "Clean throw 

over Team" ea hour US$5 for 

total: 100 person.total US$5,000 

At that moment , they get one 

team Leader Mr. Dict Hu to pay

them first, and he got the 

payment from India 

Administration Department.

Because within 7 days cleaned

Over 300 places dirty stuff 


That's why near Rivet side , can 

feel River fresh air good smell 

now, not as before dirt and 

ugly smell.


Big Cloud Buddha is 

Variyana Buddha , also

BCBF President & New 

Buddhism Founder,

used Heavenly Team to yelled & 

stopped India people to drag

dead body got into River over

699 times, 

and their plan to "throw 

over"people, take their stomach 

back home over 5000 times.

See behind this,

Big Cloud Buddha do a good job.

If not, where to find a good 

and fresh smell River:

Gange River.

America-Mexico Board Special Report

This is Report For President Biden, and also Mexico President Mr. Golden.This is true hand in President’s Hands. Please

Don’t ever try to use other people name to open.

The Report of United States and Mexico Border “Build up Steel Wall” History Record

Report Background

On April 27,2021 Big Cloud Buddha watched TV. to see in America-Mexico border a lot of mexico people & kids line up, ready to immigrant into America. And at that moment, President Biden opened to this border each day 2,000 person limitation for his New Residency. Those people almost over 2,000 people from TV scene. Adult line up and kids within, it's a messy scene.I was so wonder, When I saw this unusual picture.Kept thinking, "why so many people line up over there?immigrant to America from here easier?  Why so many kids get involved? And no blanket to kept their body warm. It' s chilly in their empty place crowded with people. and sleep place seemed very lousy and dark.

And I after watched TV , spoke with 

those kids, to ask them check with

their Grandpa, where's their mother? 

For I can hear his Mom voice to ask them check, they're busy in working 

in the factory to make money.

And later, kids all received Grandpa 

correct message, their Mom is in Mexico, not in America. So, a few 

Minutes later, kids all ran back to Mexico, their Grandpa were too old , 

forgot where's her daughter stay.That's why , when they get the correct message. Kids all disappeared and Adults get the information where to get a new job in Mexico. They like their local town better than immigrants. Because after immigrant they had to face a lot of different environment trouble and also drags or gun business ask them get involved, it's so terrible. That's why when they know had a place to let them stay, they would rather go back instead of immigrant to the States. The above description was from Border Station Policeman Chief Mr. Golder language. Thank you Sir, for your experience, so precious. That's why they back to Mexico side.

All of sudden, within 2 days, America-Mexico border policeman no work to do. Because cannot see any Mexico people in the border any more. And Station also no work to do.

Just 2 days long. Everything all changed. What's the reason? Below 

Report is best Main Reason report:


In 2018 July.

One day incidentally because of I watched TV saw the hijackers from Broad ran into

America film. I asked President Trump,

“How to resolve so many Mexico people like to come Your Country?”

Trump said “ I don’t know. Do you have any good idea?”

“ Why not have some Fend?”

“Good. But what kind of material?”


“Old fashion”

“How about ‘Steel’?””


So, President Trump got this Project conception started to ask a lot of Senators

Idea. They all agreed to have Fend, but made of Steel?

“Out of your mind, that’s too expensive”

“Are you genius? How to pay the budget?”

“ Who can approve it?”

But genius President Trump insisted to make it.


We don’t know how did it got the Senators approved, and how to close the case. We only heard he made it. Besides, beautiful to bring thing happened.


Within that period of time, one time he came to ask me, whether he should keep to ask Parliament to approve the budget, because iint’s real far away too high figure. They just wanted to separate several years to prove it. But “ Trump fired them ‘give me money’, if not no deal”. All Senators. All stood still, they didn’t know how to pass that over several times high figure. It almost cost over US$3 to build up the Fend.i

He has no supporter. He needed someone to discuss. So he found me. He asked me

:Should I keep on doing?” I meant push Parliament to approve the “ Steel Wall” budget?”


So, he told me what’s his suspicious part, Just high over celling figure budget.

And I told him what’s my point of view:

  1. Stand on American side, had Steel Wall, then less prostitute, less drags, less guns import, less money wash, a lot of good benefit.

  2. Stand on Mexico side, They can start to earn investment in their Country, for their

    Land, and labors expense cost down over 50%, it would appeal to a lot of good factory boss change sides to choose their Country. Their income will rapidly

    Increase. And less immigrants want to get involved with Mexico-America Broad

    Yard. Less guard necessary to pay on that part. Less worry about kids or illness would bring back to their Country. It bring Mexico just like a Spring coming.

  3. Investor paradise: To America investors less land and labor expenses and increase

    All kind of products can bring to another Country,, In Mexico, after so many years workers trained in the States, their skill are mature. But less labor expense to a manufactures investors, it may be welcomed place. Besides, less transportation fees had to pay after manufactures well done. It’s an excellent choice to choose

    Mexico as investment place.


    For their climate easy to get used to it, less culture background trouble, less communication trouble, all in all stand on Economic point of view, good benefit

    Hard to count. And stand on immigrant, less different Country climb from broad yard to get inside of America.


    And less guns shot from Force Army, guns business will reduce. Because they had no road to easy through. And less Broad guard expense and less get prostitute business and less mix blood child get birth in illegal way.


    “That’s why President Trump, I stand on your side, don’t worry. You got Heaven support. Your budget will through “ in the end of conversation I added that.


    And after he spoke with Big Cloud Buddha, I watched TV, I did see that Steel Wall real build up step by step. Although not so fast, at least it did get the Country Citizen and most of Parliament Senators support. I did hear it pass.


    This is the Big Cloud Buddha gather speaking with President Trump and also many recent information to write report.


    Below is President Trump memory of speech:

    No return road, only invest in Mexico way, because after building well Steel Wall,

    Only stay in there. Besides, for an investors less taxes from two Country.


    And From President Biden speaking about Mexico President Mr. Golden, he said “Less mix blood child, last year rapidly draft down to 3,000, original 5,000 over.“He said ‘ Mr. President Trump do a good job’ and added President Biden say’ Maybe this year draft to 200. And the year of next year, would be zero”.




    The above report from


    Big Cloud Buddha Foundation

    President Big Cloud Buddha

    Report date: 2021.04.16

    Report place: Taipei, Ton Men.


Execution Result

After Big Cloud Buddha hands in
to President Joy Biden & Mexico 
President Golden this report 

President Biden Provided Big Cloud Buddha

America “ Best Citizen” Metal on May 2021.plus

Donation: US$5,000 million

Copy Right Reserved翻印必究


2021年6月22日 星期二

如何選擇新佛教的師父呢How to choose New Buddhism Master?

















2021年6月21日 星期一

What's the next step?

 Big Cloud Buddha found I piled up a lot of 

works should do it earlier, but didn't do. 

Now, I faced high pressure.


1. To speak with Taipei 101 connector,

    The 91 Floor Executive Center owner

    Mr. Hsiao to speak with whose 93 Owner?

    So that we can speak with each other to 

    have a Floor Touring around?

2. To print "AMITO Sutra" in Taiwan. To find a 

    Good Printer, and place an order, and pay

     a down payment? 

3. To have a Video Meeting arrangement, so that 

    can communicate with Korea disciples, how to

    start the teaching? 

4. To have a discussion with WCIA + BCBF 

    how to keep on for future? Do they need

    Big Cloud Buddha to join in their Group

    Activity? If I insist, I had to, can I? If not, 

    why had to use my BCBF Name as a sign? 

    And never introduce what's BCBF mean? 

     And who 1s she? And how's her teaching? 

     And what's her main job in the future? 

     Everything? All count on me alone, it's 

     real so weak? Why not partner?

     Who would like to play this? If not, 

     then your Activity won't have any good 

     high wave, because now main Conception 

     had to Yell to all? 

2021年6月20日 星期日

Practice with Christ disciple


Christ disciple !

I just want to let you know that Heaven change hands. New hands named Big Cloud Buddha.

She's the Earth Coultry Leader helper. And also Earth Crisis Savior. 

If you had any interest in her, please try to

through your Google Blog to know the latest News !

2021年6月19日 星期六

COVID-19 Patient Change Report


In  India had AZ+COVAX  two kinds of 

Vaccinate Shots taken patients , after to

take 2nd  kind COVAX, their body condition 

become excellent. Almost out from hospital

just 3 days later. According to Big Cloud Buddha 

private observation, the First beginning their

body through AZ Vaccinate shot to get into their 

Lung branch bubble better and nose smooth

But hold only can last 5 days. After add another

COVAX shot, their Lung bubble bigger and heart

beaten stronger. That's why in India Area, Modi 

decide to take Cocktail shot-- AZ FIRST + COVAX 

SECOND (india- Delta Virus)

In London, after taken AZ. Vaccinate  shot. 

Their Lung Bubble still flat, but through 

Vaccinate their Lung Branch Bubble  stronger, 

can make them nose smooth. And if take 2 

times  AZ Vaccinateshot, it can be their LUNG 


EXIST. (here's Alpha Virus)

This is through private observation, to get

into normal people body to observe.

And there had 3 patients died in the 2nd AZ

Vaccinate shot. After Big Cloud Buddha check m 

their body, to find they all died in   6 billion 兆

Scients Lung Bubble Broken , broken their 

body bubble. Not so simple cases. 

Their death main reason is against some of

"Support Big Cloud Buddha"group.Their Heaven 

Leader is Sung Si Miao(孫思邈). I wish those 

supporter don't do it again.Just d I will in

Correct meditation.

Recent Report:


The latest news us India tried to adjust their

Vaccinate shot Order as: 

1. COVAX. 2. AZ 

They found that more suitable for India local

people. Reported by Modi. India Prime


2021年6月18日 星期五





我命來! 為什麼要帶我去見蔡英文,收她一











到她的人了。昨天假裝她的 Scients 說他放棄

了因為她原本就沒有靈魂,完全聽令一個 Scients

假扮她。整個國家完全聽令於 Scients之下,這合


榮總 6 個精神科醫生之死,完全是因為一個 Scients



請別寄望於 Scients來掌全國的日子會回來。讓



52,527位軍中弟兄,你們出運了 ! 沒人會再打












大災難已經歷經超過 3次,都在大雲佛的協助



整個地球公民,度過了 3次人類的浩劫:

i. 2019.11.14波利維亞發生地層大塌陷,將






    一篇"What's happen in 2019.11.14"



   。據 NASA觀測中心的資訊是,整個地球




   轟擊 33禪天,造成地球見到日落,月落,宇





    因為缺氧。而大雲佛在 WCIA 發表的

    氧氣製造機 Air Machine 為得獎人




    大雲佛和 WCIA兩個國際性團體






大雲佛 於台北東門

台灣 2021.06.19

翻印必究 Copy Right Reserved

2021年6月17日 星期四

Musk and Big Silver Necklace

Musk just saw my bracelace need a New change

That's why he talked with Arabia Businessman to make some of Silver Necklace for me to pick up.

But Big Cloud Buddha be forced to pick up in the air.to do it, to pick up by 33 Heaven, one Big Ball Silver Necklace.

and appreciate what Musk arrangement. At least, I did pick up some of Musk Offering. Thank you !

What's happen in 2019 .11.14

Here's one mail about Nov 14,2019

That's the 1st time Earth Crisis. That

just like Bible written" The end of the Earth".

Wish you have the same feeling as I written:


         大熊星座小熊星座Ursa Major + Ursa Minor

Jan 14,2020

Dear Dr. Bliss Schloss,

How are you?

I’d like to introduce you my important role not only from history point of view but in your Universe true happened scene, and made you shocked on seeing that view and had a deep impression. On Nov 14, 2019 You should see a point scene in the sky, just like one Heaven Fire. And at that moment, My related Generation Chinese God 關公(Guan Guang) he jump to sky, and said it was "天火“Heaven Fire” in the heaven. He predicted it’s going to have a big disaster on the earth. And all of sudden, the earth jump out three persons combined into one there’re Hsu Father and Son. Theirs showed up in the air and slide to the earth, to made the land broken, and caused Republic of Bolivia over 40 million citizens dead immediately to the crash down the land as a big hole, from their jump down to the land place. And also happened in the States happened to hurt over 50 millions citizen, and also China over 60 millions citizen hurt, and also in Middle East Combination  Country over 70 million citizens hurt. Through this practice, Hsu Father and Son became Smoke shape, and also President Trump and China Chairman Si  they all smoke body, didn’t know how to make it refix back.

And all of sudden, the 33 Heaven, used all strength to pull back Republic of Bolivia

Land back to original. It’s a big hole, so it took over 10 minutes. It can say those people died in hell and be saved back. And at that moment, whole earth all can heard their voice yelled to heaven “ Big Cloud Buddha” to save them. And also, States, China, Combination Country all. And they all be back.

And later, we saw that Shakymuni jump to the Universe to made the whole Universe all shrank to a very small size. And crash into explore fire. And the earth depressed to very long and narrow shape. All Horoscope all missing, including what we often heard Ursa Major, (大熊星座) Ursa Minor (小熊星座) all disappeared, whole sky all became black only, all stars all disappeared. The scene just like what we saw in movie “the end of earth” , and as Bible described and also yelled by the earth people often in Christ religion. We all felt so scared and didn’t know what to do at that moment.

Because it happened only spent a few seconds, so fast, so big, so board, and made the earth people all shocked and yelled and cried. Only pray to “ Big Cloud Buddha” to save. Some of them, knew it would be effective. So, they prayed.

And the next day, we did see those Shakymuni and Zen Ancestors came down from the heaven didn’t know where they came out from, and all slip down to the ground, said that they all satisfied because they already practiced one full round. And they seemed be accepted back to First Fruit Heaven. All got that record. So, they all from Animal hen became Human Style back . And they all back to ground.

But Shakymuni didn’t left, he still kept next to the scene, kept watch. And at last, he lost through next practiced what he won from First Fruit Heaven human style body. Everything all in vain.

And I was the 33 Heaven to be inherit disciple from Buddhism Shakymuni, as New Buddhism Founder. I was written name in 33 Heaven, to be “大雲佛” in English is Big Cloud Buddha. I was announced to be Shakymuni’s wife, in Buddhism as “Yatsutolo”. So that I have that mission to save whole earth back to the original status. I set the earth and Universe all won’t changed too hard, and changed time back to one day earlier. So that whole earth all pray everything would slow move and move the Universes and Earth all back.

And it did. After time move back earlier, it did move back. And I did write one

Small note into website to comfort whole earth people, below was the content:

Nobel Prize Special Prize Owner 

Big Cloud Buddha write a small note for Earth:

On Nov 16,2019

All earth Citizen your feeling and heart I can

understand, this is my responsibility and 

Burden. I should write this mail earlier to 

comfort your hard to flat body and mind.

Hope you can back, the above.Big Cloud Buddha


I hand this in to Nobel Prize to announce this mail to whole earth people the above message.

I wish you did see it on the Website to prove that earth did happen a disaster.

That’s my evidence in 2019, I wish you can found something in the Satellite, and Universe Observation Center some Scene Record. That’s my relevance recently. If you have any other question, please don’t hesitate to let me know, I’d like to answer your suspicious.

Best regards,

Big Cloud Buddha.

翻印必究 Copy Right Reserved
















。請大家等一等再打印度India COVAX 疫苗










2021年6月16日 星期三

Spaceman 5 team work

 NASA had 5 ex Spaceman, i.e.

1.Dr. Schloss Goods

2.Dr. Tim Slight

3.Dr. Georgia Mane

4.Dr. Liu Shu Shen

5.Dr. Chu Wen Shen

This 5 Spaceman had Earth mission from 2016-

2018 was for 3,4,5 Spaceman.stay in the Earth 

ship And 1.2 Spaceman mission was from 2015-

2019 for Spaceman dance in the Spaceship.

Those 5 Spaceman will have a introduction about BCBF (Big Cloud Buddha Foundation) President Big Cloud Buddha excellent job in.saving the Earth part. In their hands, each film takes 3 minutes long, with their introduction about what's kind of situation that Earth face.Then you would understand very clean and clear. Welcome you to visit NASA Visitor Center.

To see these Earth Adventure Film. You would feel how amazing what Big Cloud Buddha didfor Earth Crisis. Those 5 film as below:

a. 2019. 11. 14 , Bolivia Country Big

adventure.Small introduction:

At that time, Bolivia Country faced a big hole earthquarke in their land. And it's a hard to describe to tell what's going on earthquarke. And finally, it stopped . because of Big Cloud Buddha Help. She's excellent. 

b.2020.10.20 , Shakymuni 's challenge

  ( Earth disappear)

c.2021.04.13 President Tsai 's challenge

   ( Sun fall, Moon fall, Universe fall)

d. 2021.05.25 Earth crisis , fall on bottom of Earth

e. 2019.11.4 Dr. Schloss Bliss eye of Earth  ( ex NASA Observation Center Chief)


If you had interested in these 5 Spaceman Speech or introduction. Please follow BCBF +WCIA Two International Group Activity.

Or welcome you come to visit NASA Visitor Center, each day different film. It will let you feel excellent for Earth Crisis.